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Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde is Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale of horror, the duality of mankind and the darker side of late Victorian society. Dr Henry Jekyll (John Hannah), a great scientist, handsome, and renowned throughout the scientific community, is developing a formula that will revolutionise human nature by isolating criminal elements. He experiments on himself and intoxicated by the drug he undergoes a monstrous transformation. He is released from conventions of the social order and his own moral code into euphoric, remorseless wickedness - the villainous Mr Hyde. What follows is the gripping and terrifying stuggle of two opposing personalities battling for the soul of one man...

John Hannah as  Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde
David Warner as  Sir Danvers Carew
Gerard Horan as  John Utterson
Kellie Shirley as  Mabel Mercer
Jack Blumenau as  Ned Chandler
Brian Pettifer as  Poole
Ellie Haddington as  Florrie Bradley
Mel Martin as  Rachel Carew
Tilly Vosburgh as  Mabel's mother
Ifan Meredith as  Dr. Arthur Lanyon


Robert J. Maxwell

It's a well-known story, the kind that made most sense during England's Victorian period. An innocent and respectable man somehow lets his savage unconscious loose and pays for it in the end. Dorian Gray served the same purpose for Oscar Wilde in "The Portrait of Dorian Gray." It took Freud to explain it to the public.This version of Jeykll and Hyde departs considerably from the novella as I remember it from years ago. All of the filmed versions do to some extent but this one is at the farthest remove.As Jeykll/Hyde, John Hannah gives it everything he's got but is somewhat undone by a confusing script that wanders around and covers not just gauche behavior -- stomping little girls on the street and erratic almost to the point of being presidential -- but several murders, purposeful in that Jeykll or Hyde is intentionally committing them, not just in a fit of pique, but to preserve the secrecy surrounding his, er, peculiar problem.There's no make up involved in the transition from one persona to another. Sometimes, as when angrily confronting the politically ambitious Sir Danvers Carew, one is reminded of the anecdote about the snooty critic taken to see one of the early films of the story and being told that the actor was playing the principal part. "I see. Which one is he now?" Then again, there are times when Hyde actually appears on screen opposite Jeykll and the two argue, with Hannah's Hyde sneering and ranting while Hannah's Jeykll cowers in the corner.If you can forget about the stark original and bull your way through the obfuscating obstacles, it's still a pretty good story. At least there are whores involved instead of Spencer Tray's show girls.

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This movie is very scary. 5.7 is just underrating. This is movie that will make your hairs stand on end. If this movie does not scary you then no movie will. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It is based on one of the best book ever. And it is one of the best movie ever. Doctor Jekyll try to get ride of his evil self. But this evil self his taking him over. This is a great horror story. Brian Pettifer is a great actor. John Hannah is great actor. He is very scary in this movie. Maurice Phillips is a great director. See this movie. This movie is a must see. Gerard Horan is a great actor. This movie is a great. See it.

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I checked out this version of J&H on TV mainly because I'm a fan of John Hannah, but he was very disappointing in this role. It was his affability that made him a treat to watch in films such as 'Sliding Doors' and 'Four Weddings and a Funeral', and it is that very trait that undermines his portrayal of Mr Hyde. He is completely unconvincing as a menacing, dangerous figure, and the decision not to present Mr Hyde as physically different from Dr Jekyll exacerbates this problem, although it is an interesting choice artistically and could have paid rich dividends in the hands of an actor capable of projecting a truly intimidating presence. Also, his acts of barbarity, which are obviously meant to be shocking, don't have the desired effect; this is partly because of our familiarity with the story, but more so because of the lack of any real tension or suspense of any kind. Not only does Mr Hyde not seem as menacing as he is meant to be, but Dr Jekyll never convinces us that he was a paragon of virtue in the first place, due to inadequate exposure in the screenplay as well as the underwhelming acting and direction. The performances from the supporting actors likewise feel rather wet and unconvincing.It seems to me that the theme of this film was that there truly was no difference between Jekyll and Hyde, and that it was Dr Jekyll who deliberately chose evil. This point is made repeatedly in several repetitive scenes where Dr Jekyll keeps talking about "removing impurities" and that in the end he will "contain evil", and the servant Mabel time and again discusses the fact that we are able to choose between good and evil. This might have been an interesting subject had is been dealt with more subtly. The battle between the good and evil sides of a person also became more ridiculous as it became more explicit, and the resolution seemed to be designed more for its non-existent shock value than for any faithfulness to either the tale as it was originally told or to the tale as it had been told thus far in this film.Even if, or maybe especially if you are a fan of John Hannah, stay clear of this film if you want to avoid being disappointed on all levels.

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Mark R. Leeper

Even more so than FRANKENSTEIN and DRACULA, screen versions of Stevenson's THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE are based on other screen versions of the same story. There is no evidence anyone has gone back to see what was in the original story (or even what its title was). This version assumes that Jekyll does not change physically, but only mentally. John Hannah is particularly uninteresting in the role of the schizoid doctor. Major characters are invented and thrown into the plot. With all this liberty to invent Martyn Hesford should have been able to improve on the story, but does not. The period feel is weak as if insufficient research and checking was done. (Jekyll refers to "Sir Danvers," not "Sir Henry.")

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