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This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 3 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, which ran from June 15, 1995 to September 5, 1996.

Episode 26 : Pingu and the Lost Ball
September. 05,1996
Pingu is building a tower with wooden blocks when Pinga comes along and picks up her ball, which is nearby. Pingu’s tower falls down and Pinga laughs. In revenge, Pingu takes Pinga’s ball and won’t let her have it back. Pinga wants it, and chases him round the igloo. Pingu then puts the ball up on to a high shelf out of Pinga’s reach and goes out to play. He meets up with three of his friends, who are skating. After playing he goes home, and is annoyed to find that the ball is not where he’d left it. He asks Pinga if she knows where it is, but she says she doesn’t. He then asks Mother, who is ironing, but she also says she doesn’t know where it is. He looks around the igloo, but doesn’t find it, so he goes to look outside. A stranger walks by, pulling a sledge laden with boxes. The sledge bumps on a small block of ice, the lid on one of the boxes bounces up and Pingu sees what he thinks is the ball in the box. He confronts the stranger, who invites him to look in all the boxes. It was actually a Piggy Bank. The ball isn’t there, and Pingu apologizes to the stranger and trudges home. The family sit down to tea, but Pingu is still worrying about where the ball has gone and doesn’t want his. He goes into the bedroom and finds the ball under the blanket on Pinga’s bed, where she had hidden it! Pinga goes to the bedroom and sees what's going on and laughs, but she becomes dismayed when she finds out what he's going to do with it. Pinga chases Pingu around the house to get the ball back, while Pingu gets happy that he found the ball, to Mother and Father's amusement!
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Episode 25 : Pingu Steals
August. 29,1996
Mother sends Pingu to the bakers to get some bread. He is just leaving when he sees the jam biscuits. He notices that the baker’s wife is distracted talking to another penguin and takes one of the biscuits. On the way home he starts eating it, but conceals it when a stranger walks past. He is still eating it when he gets home so he hides it behind his back. Mother eventually asks him what he is hiding and after Pingu tries to hide it, she demands to know what he has, so Pingu is forced to own up and Mother takes him back to the bakers to apologize, much to his dismay! Once there, Pingu is too unhappy to apologize and turns away. The baker comes outside and hears about what has happened and decides that as a punishment, Pingu should help him clean the chimney of the bakery, to which Pingu accepts. Pingu is sent onto the roof of the bakery to free the chimney brush, which has got stuck because the rope is tangled. Pingu untangles it, but unfortunately is still holding on to the rope when the baker tugs on the other end, and Pingu gets pulled down the chimney. As a thank-you the baker gives Pingu a cake in a bag, and he rushes home to show Mother. Mother is pleased and she and Pingu go into the bathroom to wash up. Pinga lookes curiously in the bathroom where they are washing up. But when Pingu and Mother come out, much to Pingu's dismay, they find Pinga eating Pingu's cake! Mother decides not to help him or let him make her apologize and bring it back, Pingu shouts at her in an attempt to get it back but Pinga still continues eating it. Pingu is not happy and tells her off.
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Episode 22 : Pingu and the Ghost
August. 08,1996
Mother is ironing, but is distracted when a pot on the stove comes to the boil. Pingu sneaks out of the bedroom, takes a newly ironed sheet and returns to the bedroom without being seen. He draws a ghostly shape on the sheet and puts it over his head. He then jumps out of the bedroom right in front of Pinga, giving her quite a scare. Pinga dashs, crying, squealing, and squeaking. over to Mother to be comforted. Pingu laughs at her. Mother is not so amused, particularly when she spots what Pingu has done to her clean and newly ironed sheet, and Pingu is sent to bed. Later, Pingu is awake and alone in the dark bedroom, as Pinga is snuggled up in bed with Mother and Father, when the wind gets up. As well as the wind whistling round the igloo, Pingu can hear lots of odd noises coming from outside. The bedroom window suddenly bangs open and Pingu sees a strange shape moving around nearby! Is it a ghost? By now he is very frightened and hides under the blankets. Then a light shines under the door, he hears strange footsteps and there is also a mysterious shadow. Pingu cries out and is heard by Father, who has been having a late snack. Father goes into the bedroom and turns on the light, and then sees that the window is open and shuts it. Pingu tells him about everything he’s seen and heard. Father tries to reassure him, and tells him that the strange moving shape was just the towel blowing in the wind from the open window. Pingu is not convinced and is still frightened, so he’s allowed to join Mother and Father, with Pinga, in his parent’s bed.
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Episode 16 : Pingu and the Toy
June. 27,1996
Pingu meets Pingo, who is playing with his new clockwork car. Pingo winds up the car and sets it going. The car runs into a block and Pingu goes to rescue it, but Pingo won’t let him touch it. Pingo winds the car up and again sets it going, chuckling away as it goes round and round. Pingu, who wants to have a go himself, sticks out his foot as the car comes past him so that the car hits it and crashes. Pingu then goes off, leaving a somewhat annoyed Pingo. Pingo sets his car going again, but the car only goes a short distance and then breaks apart. Meanwhile, Pingu has hurried home and found his piggy bank, but all that’s in it is a button. He sadly goes out and walks away. He goes past Grandfather, who asks him why he’s so sad. Pingu explains, and Grandfather takes him to the stall that’s selling the cars and buys him one. Just after they’ve gone Mother goes past the stall and is also sold a car. Pingu goes off happily, and his way takes him past Pingo, who is looking sadly at his broken car. Pingu has a good laugh at Pingo’s bad luck, and then sets his own car going. When it stops Pingo wants a go but Pingu won’t let him. Pingu then starts his car again, but it stops almost immediately. Pingu gives it a good kick to get it going. It slides away and breaks, much like Pingo’s did, which greatly amuses Pingo and annoys Pingu. Pingu goes home, tossing the broken car away. When he arrives, Mother says she’s got a surprise for him, and brings out the toy car she’s bought. Pingu makes an shocked face, comes and takes it, and angrily tosses it into the trash bin, where it breaks apart in the same way as the others! He then goes and plays with his wooden bricks.
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Episode 15 : Pingu and the Mix Up
June. 20,1996
Pingu is looking after a neighbour’s egg, which is on a padded sledge outside the neighbour’s igloo, while she and Mother go out. It doesn’t take long before he starts to get restless. Then Pingo arrives, and Pingu abandons looking after the egg in favour of a game of ball with Pingo. A little while later, when Pingu goes past the sledge to recover an over-hit ball, he notices with dismay that the egg has gone. He and Pingo can’t find the egg nearby and go off in search of it, with Pingu pulling the sledge. They spot it going into another neighbour’s igloo while this neighbour, who has tufts on her head, is distracted hanging out the washing. The other neighbour also has an egg, which is on a cot in the igloo. The run-away egg jumps onto the cot, knocking the other neighbours egg off onto the floor. Pingu and Pingo sneak into the igloo and recover the egg that’s on the floor, thinking it’s the one they’ve been chasing, and Pingu returns with the egg to the original neighbours igloo. This neighbour has returned home by the time that Pingu gets back, and she rewards him for looking after her egg with a lollipop. The egg that Pingu has returned then cracks open, and a baby penguin is born. The original neighbour is initially happy, but then sees that it’s not her baby as it has a yellow beak and a tuft on its head. She's angry with Pingu, and takes the lollipop away. Pingu then realises what has happened, explains, and he and the neighbour go to the other neighbours house, where the other egg has now hatched. The babies are united with their correct mothers, everyone is happy and Pingu gets the lollipop back.
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Episode 13 : Pingu and the Paper Aeroplane
September. 07,1995
Pingu and Pingi are on their way to school on Pingu’s sledge, when they hit a bump and fall off. Pingo comes past on his scooter, has a good laugh at their predicament and continues on his way. Later at school someone in the class throws a screwed up piece of paper into the air. It hits Pingu on the head and bounces off as Pingi notices. Pingu realizes who threw the paper when Pingo chortles, and throws a screwed up piece of paper from his own exercise book back at Pingo. Pingo picks up the piece of paper thrown by Pingu, straightens it out, makes a paper plane and throws it into the air. It hits the teacher on the back of the head. The teacher asks the class who it was, and Pingo says that it was Pingu. Pingu can’t explain away why the paper the plane is made from is from his exercise book, and gets sent to stand in the corner. Pingu then spots Pingo’s scooter and plans revenge. He sneaks over and unscrews the nut that secures the front wheel on the scooter. He throws the wheel-nut away and sneaks back into the corner. When school finishes, Pingu is just leaving when he sees Pingo offering Pingi a go on his scooter. She only gets a short distance before the front wheel comes off the scooter and she falls off. Pingu goes over to Pingi, while Pingo wonders what has happened to his scooter and how he’s going to get home. Pingu is just about to leave with Pingi and although he feels amused at first, he feels some remorse, so the front of the scooter is propped on to the back of the sledge and, with Pingu and Pingi on the sledge and Pingo on the scooter, they ride off together.
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Episode 9 : Pingu Argues with his Mother
August. 13,1995
Pingu is outside the igloo splitting wood for the fire. Pingo comes by, carrying a ball, and asks Pingu if he’d like to come and play. Pingu goes in to ask Mother, who is ironing, if this would be okay. He is angrily denied and Pingu starts to argue. Eventually, Pingu goes back outside and tells Pingo the answer. Pingo goes off, and Pingu angrily goes back to chopping wood. After a while, Pingu goes to ask Mother, who has finished ironing, again, when he is still denied, he starts to argue some more. Pingu angrily leaves, sticking his tongue outside the igloo to his Mother, and starts moving the wood he’s cut into the igloo, stacking it by the fire. Pingu goes back out for another load of wood and brings it inside. But he decides that he’d rather go and play, and sneaks off. He meets up with Pingo, who is trying to sink balls into a makeshift basketball hoop, supposedly a barrel, and Pingu joins in. Mother comes and fetches Pingu back, and stands over him while he loads more wood and takes it to the igloo. Mother follows, shutting the door behind her. Pingu angrily strews the wood all over the floor, hurting his foot in the process. Mother is not sympathetic, so Pingu angrily kicks the table, breaking a fruit bowl and hurting his other foot even more. Mother becomes very furious: (she had enough for slapping Pingu in the face) and tries to punish him, but he gets terrified, bursts into tears, and runs into his bedroom in a terrified way and slams the door, leaving Mother stricken with remorse and feeling ashamed of herself, so she sits in a chair to calm down. Later, Mother, Father and Pinga sit down to dinner, but Pingu isn't there. When Father asks where he is, Mother glumly explains to him what has happened. Father, annoyed, goes to find Pingu, but there’s no sign of him in the bedroom and the window is open. They all go outside to look for Pingu, but can’t find him. They sit down to their meal again, Mother and Father still can’t eat as they are worried. Then Pinga has an idea and goes to look in the wardrobe, where they find Pingu fast asleep in there! Pingu soon wakes up and Mother hugs him and they both make up.
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Episode 8 : Pingu and the Birds' Mother
August. 03,1995
Pingu pushes a box containing some fish out of the igloo, and lays the fish out in a line on the bench. He walks off, but then sees a seagull fly overhead carrying a fish. It appears to have come from the direction of the igloo. He goes back to the igloo and sees that one of the fish he put out has gone missing! As he’s standing there, the seagull swoops down and grabs a fish. Pingu then hides under the fish box, and when the seagull comes back to take another fish he grabs it. There is a tug-of-war for the fish between Pingu and the seagull. This ends with the seagull getting away with the nice parts of the fish and leaving Pingu holding the skeleton, complete with head and tail. Pingu is rather annoyed, and goes to find out where the seagull is taking the fish. He sees it fly to an ice tower, and sneaks up to the bottom of the tower. When the seagull flies away, Pingu climbs up the tower to see what is going on. He finds a nest containing three baby gulls. The mother seagull comes back with another fish. Pingu realises that he left the fish at home undefended and rushes back, but arrives just too late to stop the seagull taking yet another fish. He is annoyed, but then hears the seagull cawing as it searches for fish to feed the baby gulls, and he decides to help. He puts the last remaining fish into the fish box, puts the fish box onto his sledge and goes off. When he goes past his neighbour’s house he spots two fish hanging on the line and takes them. The neighbour comes out and wonders what has happened to the fish, and goes to talk to another penguin nearby who is outside his igloo, cutting wood. Pingu spots that this neighbour has a fish hanging in a bowl, and takes it. He goes past another igloo and takes the three fish he sees hanging there as well. He then goes back to the seagull’s nest and, when it flies away, tosses the fish he has collected up to the nest. Pingu is very pleased at what he has done for the seagull and goes home. On the way he passes the three neighbours who are talking together, wondering what has happened to their fish! The seagull circles above Pingu, cawing, and he waves to it.
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Episode 7 : Pingu's Prank
July. 27,1995
Pingu’s neighbour comes out of the igloo, puts out a piece of washing to dry and goes back inside. Pingu happens to walk past, and as he does so the washing falls off the line. This worries him, so he picks it up and rings the doorbell to tell the neighbour what has happened. The neighbour takes the washing, hangs it up again and rewards Pingu for his kindness by giving him some biscuits. Pingu then meets Pingo, who sees Pingu finishing a biscuit and asks if he can have one. Pingu gives him the bag, but it is empty! Pingu explains how he got the biscuits, and shows Pingo where. To Pingu’s horror, Pingo pulls the washing off the line and rings the bell on the igloo. When the neighbour opens the door, Pingo tells the same tale, expecting the same reward. The neighbour realizes what is going on, and shuts the door in Pingo’s face. Pingo and Pingu then play a couple of tricks on the neighbour, both involving ringing the doorbell and then running away, and the neighbour gets very annoyed. Another penguin then comes to deliver a parcel, rings the doorbell and, when the door is opened, is soaked by a bucket of water thrown by the neighbour! The neighbour apologizes, but the other penguin is very angry, then slams the parcel into the hands of the neighbour and stalks off angrily. The parcel then starts to leak (an indication that there was a liquid of sorts in the parcel), then the neighbour throws it to the ground, kicks the bucket away and goes back indoors, slamming the door. Then the washing drops to the ground again, so Pingu hangs it back up and both he and Pingo walk quietly away!
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Episode 6 : Pingu the Painter
July. 20,1995
Pingu has a pad of paper, and goes over to the shed to look around. In an old wooden container he finds a box of paints, brushes, etc. which is just what he’s looking for. He loads them onto his sledge, finds an easel and artist’s cap in an old barrel, loads the easel on to the sledge, puts the cap on his head and sets off out. After a while he comes across an interesting ice formation but, after examining it carefully from an artists perspective, decides it’s not quite right and continues on his way. He finds a block of ice that will do, sets up his easel, measures up and starts painting. He has completed a painting when Robby appears from behind the ice, pulls up a convenient block and strikes a pose! Pingu paints Robby, and has just about finished when Robby starts messing about and not holding the pose. Robby then strikes a new pose and Pingu starts afresh, but it is not long before Robby starts messing about again, which gets Pingu rather annoyed. Robby poses yet again. Pingu paints a "sad" Robby, but as he admires his third Robby painting a blob of red paint lands on the paper, which makes the face on the picture move, and change from "sad" to "surprised", to Pingu's astonishment; Robby has abandoned posing and has found the tubes of paint! Pingu then has a paint-fight with Robby, which ends with both of them laughing and a lot of paint on the ice. Pingu then packs up and they leave together. What they don’t realise is that the mess of paint left behind on the ice is a work of art in itself!
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Episode 5 : Pingu Pretends to be Ill
July. 13,1995
Pingu wakes, gets up sleepily, goes to the toilet, and is about to go back to bed when he notices that Pinga is already up, and realises he should be too. He decides that he’ll go back to bed anyway, and snuggles down again. Mother calls to him to get up, but all he does is go completely under the blanket. Pinga leaves for the nursery with Father, and Mother calls again to Pingu to get up, as it’s getting late. When nothing seems to be happening she goes to see what Pingu is doing. When Mother asks Pingu why he hasn’t got up he says he’s not feeling very well. Mother feels his forehead, and goes to get the thermometer. Pingu chortles to himself. Mother brings back the thermometer and a hot drink, puts the thermometer into Pingu’s mouth, and goes away again. Pingu takes the thermometer out, puts it into the hot drink to get the temperature up and then puts it back into his mouth. Mother comes back, sees that Pingu apparently has a temperature and calls the doctor. The doctor rushes over, Mother shows him the thermometer and he examines Pingu. The doctor ponders for a moment, and then calls Mother out of the room to consult. Mother is worried, but the Doctor reassures her that there’s nothing much wrong! Pingu goes over to the door and looks through the keyhole to find out what is going on, and sees the doctor pull a large syringe out of his bag. Pingu is rather worried by what this might mean, and when Mother and the Doctor return to the bedroom Pingu is nowhere to be seen as he has hidden under the bed. Mother and the Doctor go to the bathroom to see if Pingu is there, and Pingu takes the opportunity to sneak out of the bedroom. Mother spots him, and the doctor explains that the syringe was just a way of getting him to admit that he's fine, so they both let Pingu go. He grabs his satchel and rushes off to school, getting there just as the bell rings for the first lesson.
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Episode 4 : Pingu's Big Trip
July. 06,1995
Pingu is on his way home with his sledge when he sees a poster showing a tropical paradise. He is excited, and when he gets home goes into the shed. A lot of sawing and banging is heard. This catches the attention of Pinga, who is playing nearby, and she goes to listen at the door. Pingu tells her to go away. Pingu goes back into the shed to finish off the changes he is making to his sledge – he has put on a deck, and a mast for a sail. He finishes off by putting a small barrel on the sledge. He then raids the igloo for food, taking a fish and a loaf of bread, which he puts into the barrel. He leaves the shed and Pinga goes in, and is surprised to see what Pingu has been doing. She attempts to get into the barrel, but with both her and Pingu’s food supplies it’s too full. To make room she takes out the food and hides it in a nearby box, and gets into the barrel. Pingu then returns with a cloth that he puts on top of the barrel and sets off, pushing the sledge. After a while he’s a bit tired and peckish, so he stops for a rest and a snack. He takes the cloth off the barrel, and is surprised when the barrel jumps about. Pingu is then annoyed when Pinga pops up out of the barrel, and even more annoyed when he discovers that the food he put in the barrel is not there! Pinga then produces a couple of lollipops from her satchel that they eat. They continue on the long journey and stop when they reach another poster. Pinga cries because she is hungry and wants to go home, so Pingu consoles her and they set off home, arriving as it’s getting dark and the stars begin to come out. They go into the igloo and rapturously greet Mother, who has just finished baking a chocolate cake and seems blissfully unaware of their adventure, and they all sit down to eat.
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Episode 3 : Pingu's Grandfather Comes to Visit
June. 29,1995
Father is cooking dinner, and Pingu and Pinga are laying the table – except that Pingu is juggling the beakers and Pinga is enjoying watching the act! Father then comes out of the kitchen, and tells them to hurry up and finish off laying the table. After Pingu finishes up he reads a book, while Pinga prepares the chairs. There is a knock on the door - Grandfather has arrived. After greeting the children Grandfather gives them each a lollipop to suck. Father comes and greets Grandfather, and then takes the lollipops away from the children and puts them away, much to their disgust. Grandfather and the children then sit down at the table, and while they are waiting for the food Grandfather amuses them with a trick, making a flower disappear and then finding it again behind Pinga’s head. Father then appears with the fish part of the main course; Pingu grabs the biggest fish (his fish) much to Pinga’s dismay. Father brings the vegetables, lectures Pinga that she should not have the biggest fish and gives her the little fish. They all finish off their fish, and they are forced to eat their greens, which they don't like. Grandfather tries to feed Pinga hers, but she refuses and shoves the bowl to Grandfather, who reluctantly finishes them off. Pingu then also shoves his bowl of greens to Grandfather, who eats those as well! Father then brings out a large chocolate cake for pudding and dishes out portions all round. The children tuck in but Grandfather is too full to eat his. Pingu and Pinga then each take a second slice, and so does Father. However, Grandfather doesn't want to eat his. Father wants to know why, and he finds out that Grandfather has ate all of Pingu and Pinga's greens. Father tells off the children for spoilng Grandfather's appetite by refusing to eat their greens and making him eat all of them. By then Pingu has finished his second slice of cake so he snaps at Father, and he takes Grandfather’s unwanted slice and tucks it, finishing up the cake. While Father eats his angrily, Pingu and Pinga snuggle with Grandfather.
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Episode 2 : Pingu's Museum Visit
June. 22,1995
Robby goes to Pingu’s home to ask him to come out and play, which Pingu thinks is a good idea. They go off with the sledge and slide down a slope. At the bottom they narrowly miss Father, who is on his motorised sledge. Father then tows them to the art museum, which is where he is going to deliver a large package. While Father and the curator of the museum unload the package, Pingu and Robby go over to a sculpture that is in the form of a ring on top of a block. Pingu does a circus trick and Robby becomes a blue ball. After briefly wondering what it is meant to be, they then have some fun jumping through the ring. They then wander across to a tumbledown igloo, which has a somewhat skewed picture hanging on the wall. Pingu straightens it up. At this point the curator arrives and tells them off for messing about with the exhibits, and they go. The picture then slips back into the crooked position and, after a couple of attempts by the curator to straighten it, to his annoyance it falls off the wall. A final attempt by the curator to get the picture straight, by hanging it from a nail he hammers into the wall, ends up with the wall collapsing on top of him, to the amusement of Robby and Pingu. Pingu and Robby then spot a sculpture made of little blocks balanced on a larger block. Robby taps the sculpture, and it falls apart! They decide to rebuild it and it ends up looking like a rabbit, but is rather wobbly. Robby finds a stick, which Pingu uses to prop the sculpture up. Father then calls out that he is going, Pingu and Robby rush to get on the sledge, and they leave. The curator then spots the “rabbit” sculpture, removes the stick and the sculpture falls apart again. Once more the curator ends up less than happy! Features Pingu, Robby, Father and the Curator of the Museum.
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Episode 1 : Pingu the Cross Country Skier
June. 17,1995
Pingu comes out of his igloo and sees Pingo, on his skis, nearby. Pingu gets his own skis, goes to meet Pingo, and they agree to have a cross-country skiing race. As they are very evenly matched, it soon gets competitive, and Pingu tries to slow up Pingo by putting his ski-stick between Pingo’s legs. Pingo does the splits and stops, but soon gets going again and quickly catches up with Pingu. They come up to another rather older cross-country skier who is travelling more slowly and, as they go past him one to each side, Pingu surprises the other skier by shouting into his ear. The older skier is understandably none too pleased, shouting angrily and waving his stick at Pingu and Pingo as they race off ahead. Both Pingu and Pingo think this is rather funny! A little while later Pingu and Pingo start arguing again, and Pingu repeats his trick with the ski-stick. This time Pingo falls over and is somewhat annoyed, while Pingu stops and has a good laugh. Pingo makes a snowball and throws it at Pingu, knocking Pingu backwards off his skis. As Pingu gets up, the older skier comes past, stops, waves his ski-stick and tells off Pingu and Pingo. Pingu mockingly mimics the older skier, and then he and Pingo start off on their race again. Again they go past the older skier, but this time downhill where they’re all travelling faster. After various evasive manoeuvres by all three, Pingu ends up crashing into the older skier, falling over and breaking a ski. The older skier tells Pingu it was all Pingu’s fault, and starts to ski away. Pingu starts to cry, and the older skier takes pity on him and turns back. He then kindly helps Pingu get home by giving Pingu a ride on the back of his skis to the starting point of the race, where Pingo is waiting to flag them in!
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Season 6
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 6 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, final broadcast from January 3, 2005 to March 3, 2006.
Season 6 2005
Season 5
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 5 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, which was broadcast from August 1, 2003 to February 6, 2004.
Season 5 2003
Season 4
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 4 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, which was broadcast in January 5, 1998 to April 9, 2000.
Season 4 1998
Season 3
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 3 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, which ran from June 15, 1995 to September 5, 1996.
Season 3 1995
Season 2
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 2 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu, which ran from August 20, 1991 to April 19, 1994.
Season 2 1991
Season 1
This is an list of episodes with synopses for Series 1 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu.
Season 1 1986

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