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Marina Neyolova

Birthday: 1947-01-08 Place of Birth: Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR


Lady for one day
as    Anni
Что делать, если жизнь не удалась? Что делать, если от будущего визита жениха — наследника испанского гранда — зависит счастье дочери? Что делать, если отец жениха помешан на титулах и богатстве? Выход один превратиться в богатую леди на день. Уличная торговка Ани с помощью своих многочисленных друзей знакомых не может не справиться с это задачей. В невероятный круговорот событий оказываются вовлечены хозяйка борделя и юный аферист, судья и сам мэр Нью-Йорка. Они разыгрывают перед женихом и его отцом целый спектакль на фоне небоскребов, автомобилей с клаксонами, женских кружевных зонтов и зажигательных джазовых мелодий, и в этом гала-представлении Ани отведена роль настоящей светской львицы…
as    леди Эстер
Based on Boris Akunin's novel 'Azazel' (English title 'The Winter Queen') set in Moscow in 1876. The novel started a long series quite popular in Russia. In 'Azazel' a young police officer - Erast Fandorin - investigates an odd suicide of some rich young man and finds a complex conspiracy, trying to take over most European countries - from Britain to Ottoman Empire - with the best intentions, of course.
Another Man's Wife and Husband Under Bed
as    Liza
Based on the early stories of Fyodor Dostoevsky. A jealous husband is trying to track down his wife, whom he suspects of cheating. He is persistent and purposeful — it seems that a little more, and the cheat will be brought to light! But men will never surpass women's cunning and resourcefulness.
Ladies Invite Gentlemen
as    Anya Pozdnyakova
Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.
Autumn Marathon
as    Алла
Andrey Pavlovich Buzykin, who makes a living by teaching at an institute and translating English literature, is cheating on his wife. Buzykin's main problem is that he's a kind man with a weak character. The lies he is telling his wife all the time are inconvincing, but he never has the courage to tell her the truth. His lover, Alla, is aware of his family life, but gets offended when, for example, he cannot meet her so that he doesn't come home late, or when he doesn't want to go home in a new jacket she gives him to avoid having to explain to his wife. Alla and Nina, Andrei's wife, both leave him, forgive him, and return to him at the same time, and Andrei continues with this kind of life, full of suffering and deceit. Finally, both women are so fed up with his lies that they don't believe him even when he is telling the truth...
Slomannaya Podkova
as    Leyda
По мотивам повести Жюля Верна "Драма в Лифляндии". Французский аэронавт Жюль Ардан, путешествуя на воздушном шаре, случайно оказывается в Ревеле. Здесь он знакомится с доктором Петерсоном и его дочерью Лейдой. За женихом Лейды охотятся жандармы. В городе происходит убийство сына банкира. Подозрение падает на Петерсона. За расследование преступления берется Жюль Ардан.
With You and Without You
as    Stesha
Tpидцaтыe гoды. Xyтopянин Фeдop Бaзыpин, "cкoлoтив" кpeпкoe xoзяйcтвo, влюбилcя в пoceлкoвyю дeвyшкy, дa тaк, чтo чyть ли нe из-пoд вeнцa yкpaл ee и yвeз к ceбe нa xyтop, гдe жeнилcя нa любимoй дeвyшкe. Oни были cчacтливы. Ho пpoшлo вpeмя и мoлoдaя жeнщинa пoтянyлacь к нoвoй жизни. Tpyд вo блaгo личнoгo бытa в oтpывe oт oбщиx дepeвeнcкиx пpaздникoв и бyднeй ee бoльшe нe ycтpaивaл и oнa peшилa пoкинyть xyтop...
as    Annunziata
The good-natured scholar Christian-Theodore arrives in a small country where miracles occur. He falls in love with the beautiful Princess, whose marriage is a matter of national importance, because her husband will become the new king. But unlike many “suitors”, selfish thoughts are alien to Christian-Theodore. He is sincerely fascinated by her beauty and releases his Shadow, hoping to get a faithful helper in his quest to marry the Princess. But the Shadow is the embodiment of egoism, greed and meanness. Quickly betraying the scholar, he marries the Princess himself and takes the royal throne.
A Very Old Story
as    Princess / innkeeper's daughter
Based on the famous fairytale "The Tinderbox" by Hans Christian Andersen.
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