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Antonio Saboia

Birthday: 1985-01-01 Place of Birth: Paris, France


Private Desert
as    Daniel
40-year-old Daniel has been suspended from active police work and is under internal investigation for violence. When Sara, his internet love affair, stops answering his texts he decides to drive north in search of her, starting on what is apparently a fool's errand. He shows Sara's picture around, but nobody seems to recognize the woman. Until eventually one guy pops up, saying he can put the two in touch under very specific conditions.
Predestinado: Arigó e o Espírito do Dr. Fritz
as    Juiz Felipe
José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais. During the 1950s, a time when Spiritism was not as well known and respected in the country, Arigó became a symbol of hope through his surgeries and spiritual cures. Based on a true story, Arigó, with the help of the spirit of Dr. Fritz, performed numerous spiritual surgeries on people from Brazil and the world.
The Orbits of Water (Liquid Version)
as    Forasteiro
The Orbits of Water (Water Version) is a fable about a family waiting for a return of a son and a brother. A revenge story with contours of tragedy and fantasy. This film version is a special cut for film festivals only.
The Last Days of Gilda
as    Wallace
Gilda (Karine Teles) is a free woman, in the most literal sense of the word. She has excellent culinary skills, raises pigs and chickens in the backyard of her home for slaughter and produces recipes capable of enchanting her friends, family and lovers. Her independence bothers the neighborhood, especially Cacilda (Julia Stockler), wife of Ismael (Higor Campagnaro) who is running for public office through a party linked to a religious group.
Lula, the Son of Brazil
as    Vavá
The true story of a working class boy who moves to the nation's financial capital at a young age and becomes one the most influential politicians in Brazilian history.
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