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A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.

Richard Keats as  Nicholas Sinclair
Lisa Ann Russell as  Natasha Sinclair
Kathleen Randazzo as  1973 Mother
Kareem H. Captan as  Joey
Marklen Kennedy as  Apex Robot



Well to be cathartic about the experience which is A.P.E.X is a mixture of both confusion, potato chips with garlic dip and a boy with too much time on his hands as a 10 year old.The film A.P.E.X can only be described as coming from an era of Anrold Schwarzenneger fetish films in which macho, machismo, army types are slapped together hap hazardly to a point where they only appear as a talking ken doll with really razor sharp hair. Confused, i know i was A.P.E.X is one of those films thats lacking in what could possible make a film credible and that is... Actors, Sets, Money, Time, Effort and finally a plot. Now i can bitch about the obvious but i wont i will in fact do the unthinkable i will credit it as a bloody crap film for a mad laugh.Now not to generalise but to enjoy this film you need to remember one thing, its a film. Do not expect to have your face melted here, just remember when watching A.P.E.X. it has a sense of humour only common in a few films where the creator go's " Tom, we just lost funding, we can shoot scenes 14 to 22." "Right, OK do you have anymore morticians wax and that plastic head?" "Yeah sure i do" "The cow intestines on the way?" "I was gonna call them off, why?" "We are gonna make an exploding robot or possibly a face and hope not to get a c rating." The following sentence was omitted but to let you know. It involved firing the grip and using his wages to buy something class 'A' and (you can stick it on cakes if you feel fruity) sniff something out of somewhere that belonged to the casting directors daughter etc.Remember... Nexus 2.431, Fortress, Warlock The Armageddon, Aracnophobia, Hellrazer 3 and beyond to Hellraiser 9 i think is around now, The Gyver, Space Kid (the exact copy of Gyver for children), Pit and Pendulum (1990 version with Lance Henrikson), New Nightmare, Pumpkinhead, Wishmaster, Relic, Anaconda, Cyborg, Highlander 2, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Children of the Korn 2 (the famous 'Granny' through a shop window cannot and should not be missed!)Friday the 13th Jason goes to hell, Phantasom 3, John Carpenters Vampires... I could go on and on but most of these are from in between 1989 to 94. All are foul, daft, crap and abysmal pieces to add to film history, but, and lets get this right, they are fan favourites and are held as the best of the worst. They are also the most watched because they have a nostalgia and a feeling you get that this is homegrown, fun spirited work. So if you cant remember any of these SERIOUSLY, don't watch A.P.E.X because it falls on SIMILAR category but, is actually better in some places.Now to start if you know these films and know them as being bad but you love them like puppies wearing sign saying " i need a hug" then please read on, if not, there is not a soul within your cracking husk of a torso, merely a rock on string swinging loosely in a draft. A.P.E.X is actually fairly decent because it sets out to tell what it damn well says it will. A robot travels through time, decides to kill innocents in the 1970's, the man who made the robot goes back to stop it, creates a super virus and an altered future by the paradox created by the robot and the man being discovered (the family is safe by the way). Yeah Yeah all bread and butter sci fi a bit like Terminator so far but, the fun comes out of the bad sets, the big breasts, the hammy acting, the black guy dies, robots are about as bright as pond scum, you know, all the crap all the time, type stuff out of memory i remember one set is just a crummy futuristic office with a big fan and a light shinning through it, with lots of people coughing and red lighting everywhere. Also the virus is great its green/black oatmeal stuff that looks like a bad tattoo, well, thats what its supposed to be like, futuristic leprosy (Classic!). When things go this bad you have to at least appreciate the nadgers to continue and make it actually work which it does, its fun film and it ends happily, why not get drunk and give it a go.If you like the sound of a semi alright film give it a shot, if this makes you want to put forks in the maker of this film then quite simply don't. Simple as pie.

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STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All CostsIn the year 2073,Nicholas Sinclair (Richard Keats) is a scientist working at a time travelling research facility.He has a wife,the beautiful Natasha (Lisa Ann Russell) and works under the command of Dr Elgin (David Jean Thomas).One day,they send a probe 100 years in to the past and completely change the course of history.While attempting to sort out the peoblem,Sinclair finds himself convulted to a present where he finds himself a member of an elite squadron of soldiers,including pent-up muscle man Shepherd (Mitchell Cox),volatile macho man Taylor (Marcus Aurelis) and reserved background man Rasheed (Adam Lawson),not to mention Natasha,who in the present he could remember was his sweet,humble wife but who here is a 'hardened combat soldier',battling an army of robots who can't shoot straight.Sinclair must survive in this hostile environment long enough to find a way back to the present he remembers and stop the accident from ever happening.The plot is as blatant a rip off of T2 as you could hope to find without the producers being sued for copyright theft,right down to the grey robots causing lots of death and destruction.Said robots are actually really cool,though rather clunky in both their appearance and movement,cruelly exposing the production values of a film that must have had a pretty high budget for a film of it's made-for-video magnitude.They're not the only problems the film must contend with,however.It must also reckon with a dodgy,confused storyline that never seems to move from one sequence to the next with much in the way of coherence and one or two characters who are just that little bit too contrived in the mould in which they were sculpted to be taken that seriously.There is,however,some good,involving acting on display,not to mention some enjoyable action and one inventive sequence involving a music CD being inserted in to one of the robots when it really shouldn't.You didn't get a scene like that in T2,did you?Speaking of which,both films are enjoyable enough on their own seperate levels.It's just,I dunno.T2 is Alton Towers,this is the mop fair.Y' know what I'm sayin'?***

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bob the moo

Nicolas Sinclair is one of the team operating the time travelling APEX (Advanced Prototype EXploration unit) in the year 2073. When one of the APEX probes is accidentally sent back to an area containing a family in 1973, a sterilisation probe is launched to destroy any chance of a time paradox. However Sinclair himself goes back to 1973 to stop the unit – but in doing so he creates a paradox and unleashes a virus. When he returns to 2073 he finds the paradox has created a new timeline where the humans are in a war with APEX units sent from hi timeline to destroy the paradox.Have you seen Terminator – you bet your ass that Phillip J. Roth has! He certainly drew a lot of inspiration from it when he wrote this. Having said that, the story is actually alright – the whole time travel, killer robots thing has been done before, but that doesn't make it less interesting. It doesn't go anywhere unexpected but it is not as bad as you suspect it might be.What does let the story down a little is the rest of the production. Produced by Talaat Captan (strangely no Oscar nominations yet!) it seems his biggest input was to get his son cast in one of the roles. The whole thing has a TVM feel – despite the swearing and violence. The special effects are cheap and very reminiscent of a straight to video sci-fi, the locations are good if basic – only the occasional interior shot looks like cardboard. But really you can see the budget constraints up there on screen.The tight budget goes through to the cast – they aren't great and aren't helped by some poor dialogue. Keats, Cox, Russell etc are all TVM actors but they do actually do alright considering. The APEX units themselves are mixed – they look cheap at first, but then you forget that they look cheap. But then after a while you realise that they're rubbish – they can't shoot straight at all while the humans just need one powerful hit to get them (or even a music CD!). This takes away from the tension of the film – at least with Arnie you knew without a doubt that he was one mean mother who wasn't going to miss!Overall this has some entertaining moments but is really a TVM with attitude – catch it now on the bottom shelf of your video store….

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I saw this movie a long time ago, so I don't remember much of it. I remember some silly looking robots with large CDs popping out their abdominal area and killing people. And I remember it being very boring. I got tired of it before it even developed a plot. I don't remember though, if there was any. It was a movie that couldn't stand fro itself, but shamelessly copied ideas from famous movies.No reason to see this one. Nada. 3/10

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