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A documentary on the rise of professional soccer player Jay DeMerit from being overlooked in the U.S. to struggling in England to World Cup player recognition.

Jay DeMerit as  Self
Aidy Boothroyd as  Self
Landon Donovan as  Self
Wayne Rooney as  Self
Tim Howard as  Self



Rise and Shine is a low budget documentary and it shows at times. However, don't let this detract you from the story. Its truly not only an inspiring story, but its one of the greatest underdog stories you'll ever hear. Jay's story is told with humor and humility. He's sure of himself, but not full of himself. He also has some funny stories about how sad his situation was along the way, but instead of feeling pity, you just laugh along with him. The best part of the documentary is when the playoff match between Watford and Leeds is highlighted. This shows the potential the filmmakers have if they choose to pursue a career in this field. I won't go into the match details, but the way they dissect what happens is brilliant film making. It will truly stir you. For all the great things this movie has, it is not perfect. I have a few issues with it. One is the corny country music they used when showing scenes of the town of Green Bay. The town is more middle America than rural America. Some of the interviews you can hear wind blowing through the mic. And the end credits look like a home made video. Minor complaints, really. We have to give credit to the two guys who made this movie. Nick Lewis and Ranko Tutulugdzija put their hearts into this movie. They were also funded by 2000 soccer fans on a grass roots level.Overall, it is worth renting/viewing if you can find it. Americans may have a hard time grasping the magnitude of Jay's journey, but what a journey it is. As a soccer fan, sports fan, and 'underdog' fan, you should enjoy the story. For soccer fans, its highly recommended.Disclosure - I'm a soccer fan and helped fund the movie through the producer's grass roots fund raising efforts.

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I could probably re-iterate what the other reviews have already said about how impacting and empowering Jay's story is, and it really is, however; I will instead explain more why I'm even taking the time to write a review. It is true, Jay truly has a remarkable story, and it is one that people, soccer and non soccer fans alike can really enjoy, but why I find it so impacting is because Jay brings back to life the American spirit of working hard and fighting for a dream, and never because he felt entitled to have it. During a time where we live in an America that feels entitled to what it has and have a generation that doesn't really grasp the fundamentals of what America was built upon, here you can re-live a story about a man who steps out of the box and his own comfort zone and works hard for what he wants at the high chance it may not happen, when all doors at one point seemed closed. He didn't sit and feel sorry for himself, didn't wait for something to happen because he felt he should earned it simply because he tried once, and didn't wait for a door to re-open when they all closed; he instead fought harder, continued to pursue what he wanted, and kicked a door back open. Now a days we have a youth that think they deserve a raise simply because they show up to work every day and never call out (like they're suppose to). That's what I love about this film and what I think people can benefit from; being Jay's attitude, positivity, and humbleness. So sure, you can probably read about it and get the gist of his story as well, but what you don't get from reading and WILL get from watching this film is connecting with Jay and re-living his path to achieving his dream and success. It's like you were apart of it at the time it happened, and you really do feel motivated and inspired, a feeling we definitely could use right now during times like these.

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Matthew Moran

Rise and Shine: The Jay Demerit Story is a chronicle of the impossible journey of Jay Demerit. The movie takes you from Jay's humble beginnings in Green Bay Wisconsin to the top ranks of English football, the world cup, and professional soccer. Most people would have given up in the face of the adversities Jay encountered. However, Mr. Demerit's perseverance, hard work, and relentless pursuit of his dreams drove him from a substitute position in the English pub league to the English Premiere League. Throughout the movie, it becomes apparent that Jay had a lot of people that believed in him and supported him. Among his greatest supporters are Ranko Tutulugdzija and Nick Lewis who wrote and directed the movie and financed the film with their life savings, donations from the website, and by going into debt. Zach Salsman was the cinematographer. Ranko, Nick, and Zach all deserve kudos for pulling together such a well structured, approachable, and entertaining movie. Jay's drive, passion, and humble personality likely influenced everyone to support him. These hero qualities make Jay a natural leader. If kids want to emulate a professional athlete, it should be Jay Demerit.This movie will be enjoyed by sporting enthusiast, families, and anyone that needs some inspiration in their lives. Many people in the United States are suffering from our recent economic decline, whether it is from lack of work, under pay, or stress from being over worked. Oddly, this movie is about the United States. We are facing rough times and issues that seem impossible to resolve. We were knocked down in 2008, but we need to get ourselves back up and realize our potential with support from our friends, families, and neighbors; just like Jay Demerit did with his life. This movie is exactly what we need to re-energize our spirits and face the adversities of day to day life. I recommend watching this movie a few times and bringing friends or family that are having a rough time or are facing challenges in their lives. I hope teenagers watch this movie and learns from Jay's personal qualities and tenacity.

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My family had been looking forward to this film for a long time... It was worth the wait! Jay is truly an inspiration & an American icon! The film follows Jay Demerit on his journey to soccer greatness: playing, at first, for free in Sunday Pub Leagues, working his way up, eventually playing at the highest level in England & in the World Cup. Jay shows that through hard work & determination, all things are possible. He also "keeps it real" and describes how difficult things were at times. Jay is a great roll model for today's youth, showing that hard work & perseverance are worth the effort!Although this is a soccer story, it is also SO much more! This film will appeal to those who love documentaries, root for the underdog, love an inspirational story or anyone who believes that we should all follow our wildest dreams!!! Thank you Ranko, Nick, Jay & everyone else who made this documentary "the little film that could"! :)

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