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Dianne travels alone to Mexico in search of her missing sister. Her investigation presents unsettling encounters leading her on a mind-bender as she attempts to unravel the truth.

Poppy Montgomery as  Dianne
Adam Kaufman as  James
Jose Yenque as  Campos
Danny Pino as  Victor
Patricia Reyes Spíndola as  Mrs. Gonzalez
Alana Stewart as  Dianne's Mother



When Between began, I thought I had it all figured out. A girl goes to Tijuana to find her missing sister. She has some psychic connection to her and her dreams lead her to the truth about the disappearance. Boy, was I wrong. This movie is nothing like I expected.I thought that Poppy Montgomery was great in the role. I really like her as an actress and she's the main reason I watched the movie. I was pleasantly surprised to see Adam Kaufman playing her husband as I'm also a fan of his. They are completely believable as a loving couple who support each other in their time of need. The mystery that unravels as the film goes on always keeps you guessing. Every time you think you have this movie pegged, you're wrong. It's hard to describe without giving too much away. I don't want to spoil it for anybody.The locations they shoot at are beautiful. You really get a sense of what it's like for this girl to wander through a strange city, interacting with people who speak another language, getting even more confused with every step she takes. All the people she runs into are really interesting characters. They all seem to be hiding something.I really think this movie is one of a kind. I can only think of a few others that could even fall into the same category, but nothing even come close to the tone of this movie. There are very few endings to movies that I absolutely love, even though they're kind of hard to accept. This is one of them. You don't quite see it coming, but after everything, it's the only way it could have ended. I was not surprised to hear this movie premiered at Sundance. I wish I'd heard of it before and rented it instead of watching it on Lifetime. I'm sure the original cut is even better than the TV version.If it's not clear by now, I loved this movie. I felt like they cast the best people for the roles and the overall mood of the film was pitch-perfect. Most movies that try to recreate a dream almost always fails. This one succeeds in every way. It easily could have turned into one giant cliché, but it never did. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a suspenseful mystery, a psychological thriller, or a love story that won't disappoint.

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When I discovered that a 2005 film was appearing on TV, it was a sure sign that this film was going to be a complete BOMB and it sure was from beginning to the very end. Nadine Roberts is a very attractive married gal who is very much in love with her husband and is a lawyer from Chicago, Illinois. Nadine's husband tells her about a nice home he is going to look at and describes the house in detail and explained there was even room for a child they just might want to bring into this world. You can see that Nadine is troubled about something and tells her husband she wants to go to Mexico and find her sister she has not seen in a long time. The reason for this decision was the fact that Nadine was having bad dreams concerning her sister and that she needed her help. The entire picture goes around in circles and many flash backs with many people involved down in Mexico. This is definitely a Lost Picture with a Lost Soul as the main character.

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Robert Nelms and Director David Ocanas have penned what was referred to at Sundance as a "metaphysical thriller." It almost works. The movie begins with a mysterious sequence of a woman seen only by her bare feet walking along a sidewalk in a Mexican city. Shortly thereafter, we are introduced to Nadine James, an attorney who soon learns that her sister is missing in Tijuana.Although they were not close, Nadine is haunted by dreams of her sister, and immediately heads for Tijuana to try to find her. But it quickly becomes clear that what we are experiencing is not the linear and tangible reality we are all accustomed to. Dream-like sequences come and go. Events are repeated, but not exactly. Nadine runs into Kafkaesque characters in an Alice in Wonderland setting. On one level, she is playing the role of a detective, trying to unravel a mystery. But on another, she is clearly battling her own demons and trying to decipher the meaning of her own psychological flailings.You get the feeling that Ocanas is attempting to follow the success of M. Night Shyamalan. But there are too many flaws in the script; too many contrivances. The tension drags on without building to a climax. Some of the clues are too obvious, and some absolutely elusive. Having said all that, I believe that thrillers need to play by a simple rule: At the end of the film, do I realize that I could have figured it out if I had been sufficiently smart and observant? And to be fair, Between passed this litmus test.As an aside, at Sundance I sat next to the producer of the movie at its world premiere. He was coming out of his seat in excitement. (That's a great part of the fun at Sundance. There is so much anticipation and enthusiasm accompanying each movie.) Turns out I was right in the midst of the cast and crew. For many of them, including Ocanas, it was their first feature-length film. To their credit, this was an ambitious maiden voyage.

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It is truly amazing that, a film as horrific as BETWEEN even gets accepted into a prestige festival such as Sundance. I am not mad at the director for making such a poorly produced feature (even though he owes me $10 and 2 hours of my life), I am confounded how this movie made it past the Sundance judges. There is NO doubt that it is who you know at Sundance.Before the movie began at the Echols Center at Park City, I knew I was in trouble: the director steps up to the podium then tells the audience this: "Folks, you are going to see a movie with a lot of twists and turns. Please, stay with it, as I promise you, the BIG twist ending is something you will love!" I mean, how dumb was that? Not only was he telling us the movie has a big twist, he was also trying to justify the weakness of the film's story-telling, that we must "hang in there". Bad start.The film itself is a monotonous thriller about a girl whose sister is missing in Tijuana. THe girl goes to Mexico in hopes to find her sister.The movie's title is a dead giveaway of "the twist" after watching 20 minutes of this film. Also, a deposition scene gives the movie away BIG TIME. You HOPE you are being led down a different path, ie, the recent SAW or even SIXTH SENSE for that matter, but no, you are not. You are spoon fed the entire movie within 30 minutes. And, for all of you stupid people out there, there are even force fed FLASHBACKS just in case you didn't get what was happening.THe group I was with were constantly looking at their watches. Even a bunch of people got up and walked out.DO NOT waste your life or $$ with this film.On the other hand, the short film MOTEL that preceded BETWEEN was one of the best shorts I have ever seen. Now the guy who directed this DESERVES to work in this town. I would hope that the director of BETWEEN would give him $9.99 from the $10 I gave to him.

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