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Certain electromagnetic frequencies can cause mental disruption in human beings... and now someone has decided to put that to the test on the people of a small town. Used as guinea pigs, the citizens find their lives turned upside down in a terrifying nightmare that will haunt your mind long after the chilling climax.



A creepy van hangs around an isolated community pointing a radar dish out at them to send them mad. I liked the premise but for the first 60 minutes nothing more exciting happens than an elderly gentleman having his television aerial adjusted. In the meantime people trudge back and forth from a factory lit like something from a Dickens novel.I was disappointed because at first this movie looks like it's going to be pretty good but you're waiting and waiting for something to happen but it doesn't until the last ten minutes. The end does however feature a hilariously bad effect involving a forklift and what looks like a blow-up doll that may raise a chuckle. I was also amused by the newspaper headline which read "some people found dead in local factory". That's another scoop for the daily unspecific.This could have been a great movie but the preoccupation with dimly lit factories, bankrupt coffee shops and shift patterns didn't do it for me.

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I got a kick out of the dark factory scenes. I worked in factories when I was young and they were all lit up, but they felt as dark as the one here. My favorite role, the old guy with TV problems; freakiest role, the mom who can't be reached; most endearing role, the daughter of the old guy; most sympathetic role, the guy who has to bum rides to his job. I thought the other actors were good too. Anyone who's been a grunt will recognize the perennially angry cigarette-smoking foreman. The deleted portions included on the DVD were lively and some of them added to the story and made me wish they'd been included in the movie. A couple things didn't make sense to me, but neither did the fact that I nearly got creamed by a tow truck that drove onto the sidewalk while I was walking home from work tonight. Moody, weird, tells a story ... I liked it.

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A cast of very real ordinary people do much to overcome an underdeveloped and poorly written script. Even though the cast tries hard to make lemonade out of lemons the story ultimately sours. Several of the characters show tremendous potential and there were relationships that could have been developed to success, why the writer and director went the way they did is hard to understand. A few better plot choices possibly could have allowed us to see into a realistic view of rural America. A really interesting scene between a boy and his mother had me on the edge of my seat, but it was never really resolved. The scene built powerfully and then ended with a startling grab in a dark field. The story did that several times, start moving with some intensity and then crash into a cheap thrill. The climax wonders aimlessly through poorly arranged gore vignettes. By showing to much to fast and the lack of budget for decent visual effects what little credibility the cast had built up was wasted. I was reminded of "The Blair Witch Project" in which the director relied on talented actors to build suspense and mystery. It remains one of the scarcest and successful independent horror films ever made and not a dime was spent on fake blood and rubber masks. I still wonder if the actors could have done much better if the director and writer had gotten out of the way here. In the end the movie make no effort to resolve at all. The plot resolves no more in the end than it is explained by a corny narration in the first moments of the movie. If you are really looking for a good independent horror film let me suggest "Salvage" instead. Performances by Chris Ferry and Lauren Currie Lewis will knock your socks off.

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I give it a half n half because despite the great acting and atmospherics, I kinda felt put off. I mean, that rural town and it's people were NICE. There were no bad people who you felt should "Get whacked". No Philandering husband. No venal prostitutes. No crooked sheriff. Just hardworking, ordinary likable folks. So the ending just left me angry and unhappy and puzzled. If you like monsters or monstrous people and events like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you may like this. But if you don't like hopeless secret governmental conspiracy plots, the movie may leave you with a bad taste.

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