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Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

A lonely hotel by a lonely road. Sarah is lost, looking for somewhere to sleep. She's come to the wrong place. A lonely hotel by a lonely road. Sarah is lost, Jenny is looking for her. She's come to the right place. The Bridgeburn Hotel

David Lenneman as  John
Alida Morberg as  Jenny



I cannot stand this film. A complete ripoff of psycho, the killer is a mix of previous characters, all used way to many times and the acting is terrible! Asking swedes to speak English may seem fine considering many swedes speak English quite well, including the actors in this film, but it puts all their focus on their English and makes their acting skills come second hand. It takes a very good Swedish actor to do both well. Why I gave this a 2 instead of a 1 is for the location, which I quite like, the effects (the knife through the head from behind, through the mouth and the hook to the jaw and then ripping it off), the filming which was nice and the idea of taking pictures of the victims in their rooms before they die I enjoyed.

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After watching this I would have to say that the reason the producers settled on the title insane is because YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY INSANE TO WATCH IT. To be fair i did enjoy the little joke about the Swedish chef because it gave me a fond memory of the Muppet's. But maybe that was a direct reference to the writers....a bunch of Muppet's. Seriously if this has been rated by swedes as one of the best horror movies they've ever made.....they should keep them to themselves........INSANE. I looked closer at the credits to see a little about the production team thinking that maybe it was somebody just out of film school and maybe they deserved a little pat on the back for their first go....but sadly no Tomas Sandquist (one of the directors) is the only person working on his first project...everyone else is experienced...stick to Sweden guys..and p.s. Tomas pick some better people to work with next time

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I wouldn't say DON'T watch this movie, because if you want to watch the worst movie ever released then, this is the movie, you have to watch. If you want to see lousy actors, lousy dialogs, then, this is the movie you should see. I think this movie is very "prétentieux", why trying to do a new psycho, with bad actors, stupid screen writing, and, also very bad graphic qualities( it really looks like a soap opera.) At lest I hope, this movie didn't cost much than 1000 Swedish kroner!!! even less I think anyone can do better than this with the camera from a phone and a little bit of imagination. This is the first time for me here, i never wrote a review before, but just watching that "thing" made me so upset because, it was well rated. I didn't read the critics before,but i watched it because it was well rated. So again, if you want to make a movie, then watch this one to see everything you should avoid doing.The chasing parts are stupid, people act like never anybody would do in this situation, they don't scream, they try to escape but stop for no reason... it would take me days to write what is so bad in this movie, so i better stop now.BUT THIS MOVIE DESERVE MINUS STARS, one star is already too much.Thank you , and please excuse my bad English, this is not my language.

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Jon Doe

I had high expectations after reading some reviews stating this is better then "Let the right one in" and other Great Swedish horror flicks. I also saw the usual "Worst movie ever" type reviews(the ones no one takes seriously) so I figured they were just trolls. At the time I didn't know the 9-10 votes were shills/trolls also, but I figured out all you have to do is click profiles and 9 times out of 10 the trolling voters have no other reviews(other then the flame) under their belts. And this is true for all IBMD movies after doing some research.Now that we have picked apart the IBMD system so some of you newer members(like myself) can tell real reviews from fake lets get onto the movie: First of all, those who read my reviews know that I usually tend to look at the better qualities of a movie and not get bogged down on flaming it or trying to sound like an "Armchair expert" spouting spoilers left and right which only makes one sound pretentious(and especially stupid when the movie just goes over these pseudo-intellectuals heads) I am going to start off saying the movie isn't all that bad, but it isn't that great either. It kind of rides the middle. The Hotel that the movie was shot in was pretty creepy and a great place for a horror movie, but the 80's decor makes it all kind of distracting and you wonder why they didn't put a little more into the background to make the place a little more menacing. Also, I don't know if its bad acting or bad accents(I suspect a bit of both), but its noticeably bothersome at times. Again, usually I couldn't care less about stuff like bad acting as long as the movie works, I mean it is definitely a B-movie, but there is just too many little things in this movie that make it bad in a bad way.Being the Horror expert I am, I have to say that the movie doesn't 'totally' fail for genre fans like myself. My chief complain as mentioned is I think the script just needed a few more characters(like maybe a cook, and a janitor) to add some mystery to the movie to keep us guessing about the killer. That would've locked the viewer in his seat especially because this movie doesn't use a lot of gore and tries to scare us using a more cerebral methodology. Don't get me wrong there are a couple gory shots that work, but its just not enough to save this movie. I'm hoping the bad reviews this film gets doesn't deflect the director/writer from making more movies because the script definitely had potential to be so much more, For being an honest, independent effort I give it 5 out of 10. Not great and better then the rest like one side is saying, but also not "The worst movie ever" like the other side is saying. Just an "ok" movie that could've been better had they put more thought and care into it. That is as honest and unbiased as it gets like all my reviews.

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