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A woman is forced into a deadly game in which she has to kill five people or all her friends and family will be butchered.

Joe Egan as  Big Joe
Dave Courtney as  Dave Courtney


Jeremy Richardson

The flimsy premise of the film is that you must kill five people or have your family and loved ones murdered. Ten minutes into this film you'll be perfectly willing to murder the entire cast.Crappy cockney misogynists and sad silicone titted "glamour models" arse about for an hour and a half in an amateur home movie that should/could really have been shot on a camera phone. Not even the dubious pleasure of seeing horrid wrinkly pornographer Ben Dover stabbed to death is enough to make this dire piece of dross worth watching.If you downloaded this movie illegally you've wasted your time. If you paid to watch it or, worse still, bought the DVD, you should really shoot yourself.It's THAT bad.

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Not only is this the worst film I have EVER seen, It is quite possibly the worst film ever MADE! Even referring to this garbage as a "Film" is an overstatement. It seems as if the actors were plucked from an idiot convention, dragged onto the set, given their lines for the first time, and simply read them out in front of the camera and "Yeah brilliant take guys! we nailed it!" The ONLY plus point for me with this film was the fact that Alex Reid was hardly in it! His acting was actually worse than all of the rest of the cast (seriously... THAT bad...).The hardest part to believe about this film for me was that the director must of watched it back at some point, and actually WANTED to put his name on it. The "guns" used were atrocious, I used to own a more realistic cap gun when I was a child, they didn't even overlay the noise of a real gun you literally just hear a slight "pop" and then the guy being shot slowly lays on the floor.Now, I have nothing against low budget films, but if you MUST have shootings in your low budget film, at least use camera cuts so that you don't see the gun making no damage to the victim, in one of the scenes in a boxing ring, a guy is laying on the mat and is shot at point blank range in the stomach, NOTHING happens to him, no body jolts, no blood, just nothing, I mean come on, talk about bad movie making.I could rant about this feeble excuse of a film for hours, but the truth is, no matter what you read in this review, or no matter what people tell you about this film, it is far far worse than you could even imagine, I would recommend watching it JUST to see how impossibly bad it really is.This film actually made me angry, angry that this piece of crap actually had any budget at all, angry that it even got the 'go ahead', angry about the whole-new levels of cardboard acting, I honestly think you could not make a film as bad as this if you tried! Now to try and erase the memory of this despicable film from my brain...

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David O'Brien

This is like someone going around with a cine camera filming famous London lowlifes, porn stars and Z-list actors. The plot is non-existent. The "famous" rape scene is absolutely ridiculous. To rape someone, you have to have removed their underwear first! I wouldn't mind if the gore was realistic. It is actually laughable in the extreme. Don't insult your intelligence by sitting through this. Cass Pennant is not a professional actor and he gives the "best of a bad lot" performance of anyone in the film. I am assuming this film had a budget of around 50p. That's what it looks like to me. You'd do better yourself on YouTube !

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If you were to rate this intellectually it would get a very bad review, but If you want to see loads of terribly fake death scenes, loads of boobs and nothing mentally stimulating as the plot is very basic then this goes for good hangover watching.I like the whole British feel about the film, some good location shooting of wee pubs, industrial parks and London's River Thames, there's a lot of British humour and small one liners which brings the whole film down to earth. Again i'll repeat this film is not to be taken seriously.There's a good pace to the film that probably kept me going and its refreshingly entertaining to see how poorly a film can be made; at times very stale acting, cheap props, too many things to mention.

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