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Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet

October. 10,2009
Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

Local teens have long commemorated the death of 'Mary Hatchet' - a girl who took an ax and killed her family in the 1970s - with the aptly named Blood Night. But things never got truly bloody until Mary's ghost decided to make an appearance. Dead bodies are piling up, and Mary seems to be calling the shots. But there are secrets about her past that have yet to be uncovered.

Nate Dushku as  Alex
Bill Moseley as  Graveyard Gus
Danielle Harris as  Alissa
Anthony Marks as  Chris
Billy Magnussen as  Eric
Maryam Basir as  Jen
Samantha Hahn as  Lanie
Rich Ceraulo Ko as  Corey
Marguerite Stimpson as  Flashback Woman



The teen-horror movie has definitely been done to death, if you excuse the pun, and this is one of the poorer ones. It comes across as lazy. A movie made for the sake of making a movie. Pretty much everything about it was really quite poor: acting, dialogue, effects... yeah. Everything.Positives, positives, positives.... well, the Graveyard Gus character was a nice reference to Crazy Ralph from Friday the 13th... apart from that, the sound effect when a girl goes down on a boy was quite amusing. I can only imagine they recorded someone angrily drinking a pint of milk and used that. Oh, and the naked dead girl had nice boobs. Please don't think that these are good reasons to watch this though, because they're not.

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Destroyer Wod

OK, you have been warned, SPOILER, now twice...I got to see this cause everyone was buzzing about it. I also try to get movies with my favourite b actress. Well girls you can recognize there face from elsewhere.Now i got to say, this movie have Gorgeous girls in it. The 2 chicks Nicole and Jen are just super hot, the blond one is not bad either, the sexy scene are... SEXY AS HELL.The whole premise of the story is really nice, and i tough from the start this could be another "Night of the living dead" type of movie, except you replace Halloween by Blood Night....But there is a huge problem with this movie, the deaths and the gore... which in an horror movie... is really a big problem. I don't know what they where thinking... If you don't have the budget, then get softer deaths, or try to make it looks funny like in Hatchet or NOTD... It seems to me this movie took itself seriously, but the death scenes seems so fake... I enjoyed the plot and all, but every time somebody died i was like... DUH??? LOL Then one of the most hilarious(in a bad way) scene of the movie is that you get that 5 foot little girl with a pick axe and a couple "somewhat" huge guys and a couple girls just scream and start running... MAN... cmon, your seven... yet you can't take down a girl with a pick axe... She don't have a chainsaw... ONLY A PICK AXE.Well i guess you gotta take this movie for what it is, a cheap B slasher movie, and i got to say i saw worst than this, and the atmosphere and places where nice, i just wish the story would make a bit more sense, like explaining why Mary got crazy and why her daughter was the same especially since they never saw each other... and also that the death scenes would be better done... its one thing to show a tons of gore and doing it properly.Overall it was decent... but i don't why it get so much buzz around it. I couldn't decide between a 6 or a 7, would be more of a 6.5, but hey I'm fair play and ill give it a 7, i was not bored at least, i just which they would work the deaths better

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Some Spoilers. But not enough to ruin the twist of the film. I am a Die Hard slasher fan and a Die hard Danielle Harris fan. So when I caught news of this film I was Psyched! Having Bill Moseley(Texas Chainsaw massacre 2, 1986) in the line up isn't bad either. So right off the bat it is easy to tell the director had is own thoughts on the slasher genre! What were they? Well to make a different but yet Cliché one. He decided to stick with with the drunkin' teens with no adult authority, but he decided to use different camera angles! This is Noticeable within the first ten minutes of the film. *Review* So the film starts off with the Legend of Mary Hatchet. This takes up the first 11 or 12 minutes of the film. Then we meet the group of teenagers. Right off the bat we also get to know the character types. Which if I may say so myself its the type I hate to love. You know? The jocks and Slutty girls. The ones your really hoping to die and when they do you get excited. They decided to go to Mary Hatchets grave with a weegie board! They summon Mary Hatchet(Or do they?). Then they decide to leave to have a party. . . . I really like the twist of this film. If your a fan of Slashers this is one to see!

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In the last decade and the current one, a sudden resurgence of movies trying to hearken back to the gory heyday of the slasher movie have come about. Films like "Hatchet", "Midnight Movie", "Laid to Rest" and several others have done their best to bring back the Regan era slasher film, trying to create iconic killers for a new generation of fear fans. Frank Sabatella's 2009 slasher movie "Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet" (previously released independently, now being re-released by Lionsgate) is the latest of these movies, but in the process, forgets a very important aspect to these movies-make them interesting.The movie opens promisingly, with a young Mary Hatchet (Patricia Raven) butchering her family in gory fashion before being sentenced to a mental hospital. Once she enters the hospital, he are treated to an ugly scene where an older Mary (Samantha Facchi) being raped and impregnated by an orderly, and her miscarriage leading to another slaughter, and her being gunned down. Years later, a group of really obnoxious teens (well, twenty and thirty something year old actors playing teens) celebrate "Blood Night", which commemorates the death of Mary Hatchet. Well, this turns out to be what Will Arnett's Gob character from "Arrested Development" would call "a huge mistake", because Mary comes back, and she's p!$$ed.There really isn't much good about "Blood Night." The gore is plentiful, but the effects work is hit and miss, with some moments looking great, and others a bit rubbery and fake. The kills are also hit and miss, some of which are great (dig the spine and intestine removing scene) and others the same "decapitations and geysers of blood" we've seen in the past. The direction is pretty bad, with poor camera angles and obnoxiously flashy editing dominating much of the film. The characters are mostly annoying, as are most of the actors. It also doesn't help that a lot-and I mean a lot-of time is spent watching these stupid kids partying and having a good time, to the point that when the killer goes back to work, you'll be lucky to stay awake.This leads to another problem I have with the movie: Mary Hatchet isn't really all that scary or interesting. Slasher movies of the past, and more recent ones like the aforementioned "Laid to Rest" remembered to give the audience slasher villains that were menacing and imposing, not to mention interesting. Mary Hatchet on the other hand, is just another vengeful specter who kills. She doesn't have any real personality, and apart from the fact that she's naked, there's nothing memorable about her.I'll give the movie this much: it sure as hell doesn't skimp on the bloodshed, carnage and nudity, Danielle Harris does a good job in her role, and though his character exists only to explain the legend of the title villain, Bill Mosely does a fine job with his limited role (he's probably also glad to not be playing a psychopath for a change.) Plus, this is Sabatella's first movie. Maybe he'll learn from the mistake he makes here the next time.Sadly, those aren't reasons to recommend this movie, which is just a drab experience to watch. You're better off watching one of the 80's slasher movies that influenced it than the movie itself.

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