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In feudal India, a warrior who renounces his role as the longtime enforcer to a local lord becomes the prey in a murderous hunt through the Himalayan mountains.

Irrfan Khan as  Lafcadia - Warrior
Puru Chibber as  Katiba, Warrior's Son
Anupam Shyam as  Lord
Amit Kumar as  Market trader



Director's quote about his crew going through catastrophes to film this movie should be an indicator enough. The way director has manipulated most of the scenes, it looks like he has visions of himself becoming another Kurusowa, Sergio Leone. This is a very pretentious movie, tailor made for the wannabe cool and artistic viewers. SO no surprise that it is getting rave reviews from British art-houses. As someone who has grown up with the Hindi language, the dialog is extremely corny, and accents fake. And of course historically and geographically, this movie cannot be placed anywhere. I can understand why it would appeal visually to a western viewer, and of course some may see it as a justification of their artistic taste. But honestly, some of the extremely bad, cheesy Bollywood movies have more honest characterization, and no pretentious claims to artistic merit. My first comment ever since becoming a member of IMDb, so my disappointment can be imagined. I expected it to be a simple, honest tale. Yet... all attempts at being artistic, honest come out as fake. Don't be bowled over by the exoticness of the movie, think about the director, his work in this movie, and his pretensions throughout the movie.

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What makes this movie outstanding is the depiction of how one individual gives up evil, and gains the cooperation of life as he is saved from death by the very child who "caused" him to give up his life of killing in the first place.Also, we see the influence of a powerful female guru who ignores him along the way, and by being detached aides in in his transformation.This is an Indian story indeed, as it perceives the law of karma in effect. You are a murderer and for your evil deeds your son dies, sacrificed for your evil and so you can change.Also, because earlier he stopped himself from killing his son's child friend, he is saved by the little girl after he has given up a life of evil.Westerners think these are devices to make a story interesting, but it is not. It is a level of subtlety we easily miss in the West. Many Indians know that these are the ways that life works. It is directed by an Indian who would now.More wisdom and insight contained here than 95% of Hollywood films.

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The lead actor is mesmerizing. I was enraptured by his expressions. His eyes were so deep and filled with so much soulful emotion- Shakespeare would have been proud. Even though Khan/ The Warrior speaks so few words, his performance is riveting every time the camera is on him. Actually, the entire cast is magnificent and the film was so well shot. There are more than a few moments when it just blows you away; the connection between the warrior and the orphan boy, the snow on his feet in the desert when he has the epiphany, the anguish of his loss. It is truly a work of art. It isn't an action film, but it is a dramatic and cinematic triumph. Khan's performance ranks up there with the best I've seen from anyone in the world, east or west. It is no small feat to convey those depths of emotion and express them so powerfully through your eyes. As they say in India- "Wah wah" / wow!

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The title might be misleading for action movie fans such as I. However, I really liked this movie , but be warned, it is a drama not an action movie.This story is all about character choices and karma, not sword fights.(spoiler)... here are a few examples of karma... the warrior gives his son a knife, which was given to him by his grandfather or father ( not sure) when he started working for his lord, on the same day that he stops working for his lord. Also (spoiler)... his son is also killed with said knife...he who lives by the sword might die by his ancestors sword or knife. The film locations are beautiful.I did not know who the actors were since I am not knowledgeable about Indian cinema, but I found the actors to be very good. My favorite character was probably the blind woman...she was just creepy.

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