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Malta, 1942, during World War II. While the German air force is relentlessly bombing the island, a British pilot falls in love with a young Maltese girl.

Alec Guinness as  Flight Lt. Peter Ross
Jack Hawkins as  Air CO Frank
Muriel Pavlow as  Maria Gonzar
Anthony Steel as  John Bartlett
Renée Asherson as  Joan Rivers
Flora Robson as  Melita Gonzar
Hugh Burden as  Eden
Nigel Stock as  Giuseppe Gonzar
Stuart Burge as  Paolo Gonzar
Rosalie Crutchley as  Carmella Gonzar


James Hitchcock

The Siege of Malta was one of the most heroic episodes of the Second World War. The fall of France and the entry of Italy into the war had turned much of the Mediterranean into an Axis lake, and yet the British forces and the Maltese people were able to defend this small island, less than sixty miles from the coast of Sicily, against repeated German and Italian air attacks. This successful defence, however, was mounted at a heavy cost in lives among the defending forces, among the civilian population and among the naval forces struggling to bring desperately needed supplies to the beleaguered island. The importance of Malta to the Allied war effort was that it could be used as a base from which the British could mount attacks on convoys bringing supplies to the Axis forces in North Africa.This epic story, therefore, was a natural subject for one of those "how-we-won-the-war" films which were such a mainstay of the British cinema during the fifties, and this is the result. It does not deal with the whole of Malta's role in the war; there is, for example, no mention of the three famous Gloster Gladiator biplanes, "Faith, Hope and Charity" which defended the island in 1940. It deals with the climax of the siege in the summer and winter of 1942, the period of most intense aerial bombardment, and combines a semi-documentary approach with a fictional love story between an RAF pilot and a Maltese girl.The Wikipedia entry for this film describes Alec Guinness as "cast against type". Now it is true that Guinness made surprisingly few war films for a British actor of his generation compared to contemporaries like John Mills or Kenneth More, but he was such a versatile actor that he didn't really have a "type"- in one film alone, "Kind Hearts and Coronets", he had played several different characters. An RAF pilot was just one more to add to his gallery of roles.His character here, Flight Lieutenant Peter Ross, is an archaeologist in civilian life who has qualified as a pilot in order to photograph archaeological sites from the air. Because of this, he becomes an RAF photo reconnaissance pilot and is stranded in Malta en route to a posting in Egypt. The RAF in Malta are able to put his experience to good use and he plays a vital role in combating enemy attacks. He manages, however, to find enough spare time not only to explore the island's archaeological sites but also to romance a local girl, Maria.A subplot deals with Maria's brother Giuseppe, who is arrested as an Italian spy. This subplot is perhaps the most interesting aspect of the film, as it contains a relatively sympathetic portrayal of a Fascist sympathiser. Even though he knows that he faces execution as a traitor, Giuseppe does not attempt to deny that he is working for Italian intelligence or that he was attempting to obtain information which, had he succeeded, would have been of great assistance to the Axis forces. He is, however, depicted not as an evil character (as Axis sympathisers generally were in British movies) but as an honourable if misguided one. Giuseppe was partly based upon a real-life individual, Carmelo Borg Pisani, but there is a significant difference. Giuseppe is portrayed as being motivated by Maltese nationalism, whereas Pisani was not a nationalist but an advocate of the annexation of Malta by Fascist Italy.The original script had a happy ending, with Peter surviving and marrying Maria. The producer J. Arthur Rank, however, was not satisfied and brought in Nigel Balchin to rewrite the script. In the film as actually made Peter dies heroically while on a mission to locate an Italian convoy taking vital supplies to Libya. Some have queried whether the style of acting exemplified here is in keeping with the overall tragic tone, but I have no problem with it. Since the sixties it has been fashionable to mock the so-called "stiff upper lip", but in wartime an attitude of "Keep Calm and Carry On" (to quote from that poster which has recently become such a cultural meme) was absolutely indispensable; without it British resolve would have crumbled. In war films like this one, therefore, the relatively restrained style of acting favoured by Guinness and his co-stars seems quite appropriate."Malta Story" is perhaps not the greatest of the many British war films from this period, and has certainly never achieved the popularity of something like "The Dambusters". It is, however, a well-made example of the genre with some well-realised (by the standards of the period) recreations of aerial combat, and helps to keep alive a story which, though proudly remembered in Malta itself, is often overlooked in Britain. 7/10

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To some it may be a dull black and white old style war yarn, but we need to remember that people waited outside the local cinema to enjoy movies like this, and believe me they were entertained.It's a well told story about a little clump of land in the middle of the sea and the people on it that probably prevented Rommels Panzer Army from running amok throughout North Africa.So watch it in all it CGI(less), special effects(less) glory and enjoy it for what it is.Hell, you might even want to watch some more (The desert rats, Ice cool in Alex, The desert fox, the Dunkirk story, god I could go on for ages).

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Someone else unfortunately used the title, location, location, location, in his film review. It's not only the plot of the movie, it's the history of Malta.Malta located south of Sicily and right in the middle of that Mediterranean bottleneck between Sicily and Tunisia has had the misfortune by geography to be smack in the middle of supply and trade routes since ancient times. That made it desirable real estate. Malta's been occupied by every conqueror operating in that area, most recently the British during World War II.And at that time that island with its air and naval base was doing a lot of damage to Erwin Rommel's supply route in North Africa. With unbelievable courage the British garrison held on for over two years and was never really out of harm's way until the Allies took Sicily.Lots of black and white combat footage used and together with the performances of the male leads, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, and Anthony Steel the film has a nice documentary feel. Guinness who plays so many quirky type characters on the screen is for once a very straightforward lead as Peter Ross aerial reconnaissance photographer. He has a romance going with one of the locals and her mother is played by Flora Robson.There is an interesting subplot there in which Flora Robson's son is taken prisoner as a spy for the Italians and sentenced to be executed as a spy. He tells his British captors that he is in fact a Maltese patriot and that they are the occupiers and it's their occupation that is bringing death and destruction to his people. Not that he wasn't right. The Maltese finally do have their independence now.A film that is a great tribute to the heroism of the British forces on the island of Malta.

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Based on the events upto and around the awarding of the George >Cross to the population of Malta. This film follows the >standard, 'stiff upper lip', 'against all odds' British war film >indicative of the time. >It is not a fast moving action film by any means and at times >appears to have two plots running concurrently. The first, the >defence of the island, is average for this genre which is only >made notable by the excellent performances from Jack Hawkins and >Sir Alec Guinness. Jack Hawkins already showing the same >idiosyncrasies he did in the Bond Films but a young Alec >Guinness not quite reaching the hint of eccentricity he is so >famous for (in particular 'Bridge Over The River Kwai'). >The subplot, Peter Ross' romance with one of the Maltese women >almost seems as though it was placed in as an after thought >maybe to be historically accurate or as contrast to the death >and destruction implied by the rest of the film. In any case the >acting of Muriel Pavlow was frosty to say the least and could >have been cut out of the majority of the film without any >detraction from the plot! >It is a definite Sunday aftern

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