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Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol

Birthday: 1995-09-29 Place of Birth:

Tommy Sittichok is a Thai actor and singer. He is a member of Domundi TV. He is also a member of the Thai boy band called "Boyfriends".


Remember 15
as    Ken
A mystery message from "Lyla", a school queen who committed suicide five years ago. It was sent to a former high school classmate, her senior, and her sister. Everyone was wondering how this message was sent. Since Lyla had died a long time ago….. So the 12 of them returned to a deserted island. This is the place where Lyla died five years ago… to pay tribute to Lyla and find out who actually sent the message to prank…. But the closer it gets to the truth, the more they discover their cruel past. The dark secrets of the people they call "friends" until this deserted island…. has become a bloody arena…
Peach of Time
as    Mario
Peach, a 22-year old Thai boy, takes a daring step in his life and decides to fly to Korea to meet his online Korean friend, Yoon Oh. Everything seems perfect for Peach. He finally realized his dream! On top of that, as he stays in his friend's house, the two can finally be together. But something just doesn't seem right. Sung Suk, Yoon Oh’s mother, seems to be cautious and reserved in Peach's presence. She is harsh with her son and Peach soon realizes that the two do not get along well. Willing to help his friend, Peach takes matters in his own hands and tries to mend the strained relationship. He just wants Yoon Oh to be happy...and if he can make it happen, he will! But what is that weird feeling in Peach's heart? Does he like Yoon Oh?
Peach of Time
as    Mario
Peach, a 22-year old Thai boy, takes a daring step in his life and decides to fly to Korea to meet his Korean friend, Yun Oh. They first met when Yun Oh visited the restaurant Peach's parents own in Phuket.
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