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Aleksandr Filippenko

Birthday: 1944-09-02 Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR (Russia)


The World Champion
as    Leonid Brezhnev
Some sporting victories are about more than just claiming a title. Some of them go down in history. The film follows the most dramatic and legendary showdown in the history of chess – the match between Anatoly Karpov, then world champion, and Viktor Korchnoi, a recent emigrant from the USSR. In this battle between two outstanding chess players, a duel of personalities under immense psychological pressure, the stakes are incomprehensibly high.
Happy Ending
as    Old Cock
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
Aziris Nuna
as    Nemenkhotep
Brothers Stas and Kostya find themselves in 2506 as the prisoners of Space Prison then get in touch with the unusual people of the future to play a strange game with them. Later, they are captured by the fantastic sphinx Shidla who guards them from various dangers. Further, the brothers keep moving in their time machine and their next stop is Ancient Egypt.
Lady for one day
as    Count Alfonso Romero
Что делать, если жизнь не удалась? Что делать, если от будущего визита жениха — наследника испанского гранда — зависит счастье дочери? Что делать, если отец жениха помешан на титулах и богатстве? Выход один превратиться в богатую леди на день. Уличная торговка Ани с помощью своих многочисленных друзей знакомых не может не справиться с это задачей. В невероятный круговорот событий оказываются вовлечены хозяйка борделя и юный аферист, судья и сам мэр Нью-Йорка. Они разыгрывают перед женихом и его отцом целый спектакль на фоне небоскребов, автомобилей с клаксонами, женских кружевных зонтов и зажигательных джазовых мелодий, и в этом гала-представлении Ани отведена роль настоящей светской львицы…
The Master and Margarita
as    Koroviev-Fagotto
Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
Ubiystvo v Sunshine Menor
as    Ben Parker
Профессор Ян Драммонд, новым изобретением которого заинтересовались русские и американцы, убит у себя в особняке Саншайн Менор при полном стечении гостей. Писатель Джо Алекс, приехавший накануне убийства вместе с актрисой Сарой, и детектив Бен Паркер, прежде чем вычислить истинного убийцу, будут подозревать в преступлении каждого из присутствующих, потому что у каждого были для этого основания и против каждого были улики.
Hard to Be a God
as    Reba
Another planet in the period of medieval times. An employee of the institute of experimental history from Earth, who is send under the name of noble don Rumata of Estor as a spy with a mission to contact the local resident of the institute, arrives in the city of Arkanar. But the resident perishes under an unlucky attempt to make a palace coup, and Rumata have to take his place as the resident. Soon he meets all the horrors of the medieval society - a peasant war, palace coups, mass executions. To continue to be an indifferent watcher of all these horrors turns out to be simply impossible...
To Kill a Dragon
as    Оружейник
Dragon is a bloody dictator, who kills every opponent. People live hopelessly, until Lancelot comes to save the beautiful Elsa. Lancelot can only win, if all people become free from fear, that is feeding the Dragon's power. Dragon's multiple personalities, ranging from a "dragon" to a "samurai" to a "Nazi", scare the hell out of all people, except Lancelot. Finally Dragon drops all his masks, to become the most dangerous of his incarnations - "himself". And the battle begins
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
as    Zanadvorov
Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.
The Black Arrow
as    Richard Crookback
Adventurous movie based on classical Robert Louis Stevenson novel.
Start Liquidation
as    Andrey Dmitrievich Blinov, “Smoked”, “thief in law”
Army and police are trying to fight crime in West Belarus during Spring of 1945.
Along Unknown Paths
as    Kaschei Immortal
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land.
Shine, Shine, My Star
as    Second 'cuckoo' player
This late 60s Russian films is set in 1920, just 3 years after the October revolution. Folks had the choice between red and white, revolution and contra revolution. In that torn-apart-time, one man, the comedian Volodya, tries to mediate, not between different ideologies, but social life and art. While others just want to wash away their gloom, he reflects on the everyday sorrows and the role of art in that time of changes.
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