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Milorad Mandić

Birthday: 1961-05-03 Place of Birth: Belgrade, Serbia

У својој 21. години је постао члана београдског аматерског Експерименталног драмског студија. 6 година касније је дипломирао глуму на Факултету драмских уметности у класи професора Владимира Јевтовића. Након дипломирања је постао члан београдског дечјег позоришта „Бошко Буха“. Године 1989. је снимио више од 270 епизода емисије „Бајка за лаку ноћ“, приче за лаку ноћ које су се емитовале на националној телевизији. Од 1989. до 1995. је водио емисију за децу „С оне стране дуге“, што га је уз Бранка Коцкицу, учинило најпопуларнијим дечјим глумцем и забављачем. Од 1995. је водио емисију „Више од игре“ на РТВ Пинк. Милорад Мандић је играо у бројним српским филмовима. Најзапаженија улога му је у филму Срђана Драгојевића „Лепа села лепо горе“. Био је водитељ квиза „Узми или остави“, који се приказивао на телевизији Б92, а водио је и квиз „Ја волим Србију“, који се приказивао на Првој српској телевизији.


We Are Not Angels 3: Rock & Roll Strike Back
as    Major
We Are Not Angels III is a Serbian film. In 1973 during a Youth Work Action, budding musician Borko Pavić (Nikola Pejaković) is disappointed to find out that the majority of his fellow young workers prefer to dance kolo to folkish harmonica sounds rather than listening to him play his acoustic guitar. Heartbroken and depressed he confides in his best friend that he read that in America the young people make the devil appear by playing the music backwards who then makes them rich and famous. He becomes the mega popular rock'n'roll superstar Dorijan. Cut to 30+ years later Dorijan is still a debauched, coke-snorting, and alcoholic superstar, except that he's now playing turbo folk instead of rock'n'roll. He lives with a silicone trophy girlfriend Smokvica and his best friend from childhood is his business manager. Despite still having his women, fame, and fortune, Dorijan is unhappy about having to resort to playing a musical style he hates in order to have all that.
War Live
as    Aca
Belgrade, 1999. Producer Sergei and his film crew are in a disastrous situation - the film they're making is under threat - there's no money, the crew are dissatisfied - and NATO bombing is just around the corner. Then a member of the State Security Service (Mileta) comes looking for American co-producer Harvey. Anxious and worried, in the midst of the bombing that's begun, Sergei hides Harvey from what he thinks is awaiting him - arrest. During the night, he thinks up a plan. He announces the start of filming on a new, patriotic film - in which the main role will be played by Harvey. The plan works - the State supports the film and Mileta, as the State's representative, joins the crew. However, the underlying conflict between Mileta and Sergei explodes during the first screening. Mileta accuses them of being artists, and not being patriots.
as    Zoran
Mihajlo, an introvert piano teacher starts romance with a pretty careerist who teaches modeling at the university in Belgrade where they both work. His feelings are awakened after a long period, but this relationship makes him see the flashbacks, as well as yet unseen images that remind him of his troubled childhood - as if he experienced this already. When their university wins a contest to hold public TV performance, Mihailo fails to play the piano on the decisive night and she dumps him. The boiling point is about to come.
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