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Juozas Budraitis

Birthday: 1940-10-06 Place of Birth: village Lipinay, Lithuanian SSR, USSR, (now Lithuania)

Juozas Budraitis (born 6 October 1940) is a Lithuanian actor. He has appeared in more than 60 films and television shows since 1966. He starred in the Soviet film Wounded Game, which was entered into the 1977 Cannes Film Festival.


People We Know Are Confused
as    Kazimieras
Vilnius, four hot summer days. Goda is learning anew to have a relationship while dealing with past trauma. Juste always had a safe life, planned for her by others, as she finally realizes she wants to decide for herself. After twenty years of marriage Vytas leaves his family, unable to admit his true reasons. The voice of Anatolijus joins all of these stories and experiences into one breathless state, which every character is trying to escape on their way to finding freedom in a constantly changing society that keeps on developing new standards.
as    Old Jacob
Ukraine, 1919. The friendship of two boys, Anton and Jacob, one Christian, the other Jewish, manages to survive the prejudices and hatred that dominate the minds of adults in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Revolution.
The Sign Painter
as    Captain
A Latvian tragicomedy about a young artist who bears witness to the dramatic political upheavals of the WWII era. As brutal regimes come and go, his country, his village, his people, and even his heart are swept up in the inexorable currents of history.
Pro Lyuboff
as    Lena's father
У девушки Даши, приехавшей с подругой «покорять» Москву, редкая специальность — преподаватель техники речи, а жизнь — самая обыкновенная: съемная квартира, невысокие гонорары и занятия с утра до вечера. Однажды Даша получает выгодное предложение — дать уроки преуспевающему бизнесмену Владу, участвующему в политических выборах. У героев начинается бурный роман. Но случайная встреча с женой Влада заставляет Дашу взглянуть на происходящее совсем с другой стороны. И Влад оказывается совсем не героем романа и вовсе не мужчиной мечты…
Black Lightning
as    Elizarov
Black Lightning is a Russian superhero film about a Moscow University student who discovers that his otherwise unremarkable car can fly. After his father is attacked, he decides to use the car to fight crime and becomes the city's defender against an evil millionaire.
First try
as    любовник Мары, министр Ростислав Алексеевич, «Мойдодыр»
Mara Alexandrova is a woman with a complex character and an equally difficult fate. She is desperately fighting for every day that comes. One by one, men change in her life. Having received some support from her: moral, financial, they immediately leave. It hardens her.
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
as    Dungorm
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.
Down House
as    Gen. Yepanchin
The plot is set in modern Moscow, in the 1990s, with "New Russians", Hummer H1 SUVs, bribery, violence, truck fulls of tinned stew as a dowry, etc.
as    Savitsky
In Russia, there has long been a society of billiards, whose members are scattered throughout the country. Many of them have long become millionaires. And they should thank the old school teachers for this. Most of these old people live starving and lonely. In order to somehow brighten up their old age, the new generation of billiards decided to chip in and give their teachers a big mansion, where there will be decent food, good medical care and fresh air. No one refused his share of the contribution, except for an authority by the name of Savitsky. Soon, he completely changes his mind and organizes an ambush on the road, takes away not only his own money, but also his total money. The barely surviving couriers report this to all members of the community. The group comes up with a decent punishment by sending him a professional pool player nicknamed Classic. The bandit will have to fight with a virtuoso who prefers to play for large sums in order to save money.
A Dangerous Age
as    Narkis Mikhaylovich Rodimtsev
A relations between man and woman become complicate after 20 years of marriage.
With You and Without You
as    Fyodor
Tpидцaтыe гoды. Xyтopянин Фeдop Бaзыpин, "cкoлoтив" кpeпкoe xoзяйcтвo, влюбилcя в пoceлкoвyю дeвyшкy, дa тaк, чтo чyть ли нe из-пoд вeнцa yкpaл ee и yвeз к ceбe нa xyтop, гдe жeнилcя нa любимoй дeвyшкe. Oни были cчacтливы. Ho пpoшлo вpeмя и мoлoдaя жeнщинa пoтянyлacь к нoвoй жизни. Tpyд вo блaгo личнoгo бытa в oтpывe oт oбщиx дepeвeнcкиx пpaздникoв и бyднeй ee бoльшe нe ycтpaивaл и oнa peшилa пoкинyть xyтop...
Men Summer
as    Sigmas
Lithuania, 1947. The battle between Read Army and "Forest Brothers" continue...
as    Andrius
Film, based on a story by Latvian novelist Egons Līvs, focuses on the resolve of a human being and the whole Lithuanian nation in the face of cataclysmic events to find the time and room for simple emotions. The film depicts a chaotic period through the relationship of the two brothers, one dedicated to his family and conscience; the other dedicated to a political ideal. These divided brothers can be read as a representation of a country torn in two, of a history rudely divided. Lithuania has a history of occupation and the struggle to survive is as much personal as it is cultural.
Nobody Wanted to Die
as    Jonas
The film is set in Lithuania after the Second World War. It shows dramatic events in a small Lithuanian farming community, where people are split between the Soviets and the "brothers in the woods", who are fighting to defend their land from the Soviets after the end of the Second World War.
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