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Andrey Urgant

Birthday: 1956-11-28 Place of Birth:


as    Yuri
Kris works in a pet shop on the outskirts of town. Her childhood dreams of becoming a vet are long in the past. But tomorrow, Kris is going on holiday with her boyfriend Kirill. Packing is a real challenge, however, as she leaves every decision she makes up to a coin. The choice between a baseball cap and a straw hat, a latte and a cappuccino, an underground or a taxi ride, can only be made by a magic coin which was once given to her by her father. On the first day of the holiday everything goes to hell. On Instagram she sees a new post from her ex-boyfriend Sergei – who died five years ago in a car crash. After an argument with Kirill, she decides to track Sergei down. However, Kris finds not only her ex, but another version of herself – the confident and successful Tina. If Sergei isn’t dead, and he married Tina 5 years ago, which girl is the real Kristina?
We Are Family
as    Volyntsev
A comedy about a hapless manager desperate to impress his fiancée.
as    Oleg Lvovich Neron
Andrei and Marina are married for 7 years and they feel there is no more love. They ask a famous doctor to help them, and he helps... by putting their minds into the bodies of each other. Now Andrei is in his wife's head, so he lives the life of his own wife, who runs an art gallery, and Marina in the body of Andrei becomes a lawyer...
Varenyi's Last Job
as    Kashurnikov
After four years, a young freight forwarder Sizuhin suddenly learns that under the guise of shipments of baby food his firm is involved in drug smuggling. Deciding to understand this case, he begins to fight the mafia and seeks help from a professional thief named "Varyoniy".
Window to Paris
as    Gulyaev
Nikolai (played by Sergei Dontsov) has been fired from his job as a music teacher and has to live in the gym until he finds a place to stay. Finally, he gets a communal room in the apartment of Gorokhov (Victor Mikhalkov). The room's previous inhabitant, an old lady, has died a year ago, and yet her cat, Maxi, is still in the locked room, healthy and fat. Soon, Nikolai and his neighbours discover the mystery: there is a window to Paris in the room. That's when the comedy begins - will the Russians be able to cope with the temptation to profit from the discovery?
as    Aganin
When a young man wants to marry a poor girl, her cousin envies her very much. She even makes everybody believe that the main character was in love with her. He escapes from many difficulties in order to find his beloved who also became trapped in a luxurious villa with some strange relatives. The people inside villa are vampires, they were called upyri in those days in Russia. They suck blood of anyone who comes to see them. The young man too much in love so he looses his head and goes directly to the nest of vampires.
The Drayman and the King
as    Levka
Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника Менделя Крика. Вся эта история начинается, когда Мендель решил оставить семью и уйти к молодой красавице Маруське, продав свою знаменитую на всю Одессу конюшню…
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