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Maria Mashkova

Birthday: 1985-04-19 Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, Russia


Sveta From the Other World
as    Света/Светозара
The story about a charming swindler, a girl Sveta, who after an accident turned out to be limited in movement. To get back on her feet, Sveta needs a paid operation. But how to make money if you can not even leave the house? Sveta has an idea! She pretends to be Svetozara, a bioenergy therapist for a small fee, and help people solve their personal problems.
Pro Lyuboff
as    Rita
У девушки Даши, приехавшей с подругой «покорять» Москву, редкая специальность — преподаватель техники речи, а жизнь — самая обыкновенная: съемная квартира, невысокие гонорары и занятия с утра до вечера. Однажды Даша получает выгодное предложение — дать уроки преуспевающему бизнесмену Владу, участвующему в политических выборах. У героев начинается бурный роман. Но случайная встреча с женой Влада заставляет Дашу взглянуть на происходящее совсем с другой стороны. И Влад оказывается совсем не героем романа и вовсе не мужчиной мечты…
as    Katya
A gang of crooks robbing cash collectors, run into a police surveillance team and the inadequate police response results in a gunfight. A TV crew on assignment in the area happens to capture this humiliation on camera, and this example of police incompetence is soon the lead story in every news bulletin. Public confidence in law and order now suffers irreparable harm. The head of the Moscow force welcomes a public search-and-destroy operation against these thugs, the brainchild of Katya, his PR director. She proposes that the capture of this dangerous gang be transformed into a live TV show of a kind never seen before. At this point she cannot know that the gang leader's life-and-death struggle with the police is destined to lead to a media duel. Besieged in a huge apartment block, the crooks hold hostage a father and his son and daughter. A massive special forces rescue operation is mounted but fails miserably.
Closed Spaces
as    Вика
The first Russian emo-movie, Closed Spaces is a story about the newest generation of Russians. Having grown up in Russia's crazy 1990s, an era filled with constant and drastic change, these teenagers have no solid ground beneath their feet. They are trapped in a strange world in which their money-obsessed parents lead senseless lives and even kill each other. Vika is twenty years old. She has black fingernail polish, wears pink dresses, and is constantly depressed. While working at a pizza place, she gets an order for a pizza delivery from Venya, a strange twenty year old boy who lives all alone in a deserted apartment in the middle of Moscow. Venya suffers from agarophobia, the fear of open space. When Vika arrives Venya lets her in and locks the door behind her.
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