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Nina Menshikova

Birthday: 1928-08-08 Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR


Night Witches
as    Mariya Ivanovna
Film will be based on the female flying unit that fought in the Battle of Moscow. They were dubbed "Night Witches" by the frightened German soldiers because of the deadly stealth of their light planes.
The Poseidon Rushes to Help
as    Nadezhda Vasilyevna
О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
The School Waltz
as    Соловьёва (мама Дины)
The ten-graders Gosha and Zosya are in love with each other. The last school waltz has been played and it seems nothing stands any longer in the way of the young people being together. However, getting the news that he’s going to be a father soon, Gosha chooses a “free life” and… marries Dina who has long been in love with him, though with no reciprocity. But already at the registry office, the lucky winner realizes that getting Gosha as her husband doesn’t mean getting his love, that unintentionally she made her loved one unhappy and they have no future together…
One Hundred Days After Childhood
as    Kseniya
A group of Russian teenagers spend their summer at a summer camp. Mitia falls in love and gets so occupied with his own problems that he forgets about everything else.
We'll Live Till Monday
as    Svetlana Mikhailovna - Russian Language and Literature Teacher
Ilya Semenovich Melnikov is a history teacher in an ordinary Soviet high school. He is a very good teacher and his students and colleagues treat him with a great deal of respect. However, Melnikov faces a lot of difficulties in his work. In particular, everybody at school is spreading rumors about Natalya Sergeyevna, an Enlish language teacher and a former student of Melnikov, being in love with him. Exhausted by his mental suffering, Melnikov asks the principal to allow him to quit his job. At the end of the week that is to become the last week of Melnikov's teaching career the students of his class write an in-class essay on how they understand happiness. Svetlana Mikhailovna, their Russian teacher, is shocked by what one of the students wrote in her essay, nevertheless, she allows her to read it in front of the class. The other students express support of their classmate. Melnikov gets involved in the conflict, after which he reconsiders his decision to quit...
The Girls
as    Vera
A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
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