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Josef Kemr

Birthday: 1922-06-20 Place of Birth: Praha - Československo

Josef Kemr se narodil 20. června 1922 v Praze do rodiny švadleny a ševce. Mladého Josefa vedl otec k umění a po něm zdědil nadání hraní na strunné nástroje. S bratrem vystupoval už v roce 1932 ve Vinohradském divadle a později i ve filmu. Vystudoval Obchodní školu v Praze v roce 1942 a ihned odešel k divadelní kočovné společnosti A. Budínské – Červíčkové (1942 – 1945). Poté prošel divadlem na Kladně (1945 – 1947), divadlem Akropolis (1947 – 1948), Divadlem S. K. Neumanna (1948 – 1950), Městskými divadly pražskými (1950 – 1965) a činoherním souborem pražského Národního divadla (1965 – 1995), kterého byl členem až do své smrti. Dnes je ve foyeru Národního divadla umístěna jeho busta.


Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
as    Plha
This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start to visit the evening school. It's the same school as his son visiting. The lives both students are connecting together. The son must teach the math and physics his own father. The father getting to know, that the life of the students is not simple as he supposed.
as    Ignác
In the 1600s, an overzealous clergy hauls innocent women in front of tribunals, forces them to confess to imaginary witchery, and engages in brutal torture and persecution of their subjects.
The Terribly Sad Princess
as    Iks
Musical fairy tale tells the story of prince and princesses from neighbouring friendly countries who have to marry each other, as decided by their wise fathers with their advisors. However, the royal children want to decide their fate themselves. They meet in the royal garden, where princess pretends to be a maid and prince to be a herdsman. Prince under cover is imprisoned and helps princess with rebellion. She becomes sad all the time, because she does not want to marry anyone. Luckily, love finds way to their life . . .
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