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Tatyana Vasileva

Birthday: 1947-02-28 Place of Birth: Leningrad, USSR


as    Alisa
Их шестеро: Андрей, Лекс, Сильвер, Лис, Дин и Дина — молодые, отчаянные, готовые на любой риск. Алиса — хозяйка злачного заведения — предлагает им хорошие деньги. Но «деньги явно не легкие» — честно предупреждает Алиса. Почему они соглашаются? У каждого за плечами свой полный криминальных приключений путь к этому решению. Поначалу не связанные друг с другом герои, волею своих лихих судеб постепенно сближаются, пока не оказываются вместе в Алисином деле. Они не жалеют, что жизнь сложилась именно так. Им нравится свобода на грани фола. И они не ищут прощения — даже перед лицом смерти...
The New Year's Rate Plan
as    Strannaya zhenshchina
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
Waiting for a Miracle
as    Directress
The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends consider her a little strange, but the young girl does not lose heart and continues to believe in a prince on a white horse. And one day he appears. Handsome, young, he is subject to magic, and henceforth her feelings. How now not to believe in a fairy tale when she herself was in it?... The long-awaited prince will make her life truly magical.
Pop World
as    Larisa
18-year old girl, called Slavka, born in a small northern town, comes to Moscow - to become a singer or a real pop-star. She got no cash, but just the business card of one of the most famous music producer, called Larisa. But Slavka appears to be quite pushy, and gets herself on board Larisa. And suddenly psycho shock happens - 48-year old Larisa recognizes herself and her own youth in a teen age Slavka, who has the same fighter's nature...
The Drayman and the King
as    Dvoira
Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника Менделя Крика. Вся эта история начинается, когда Мендель решил оставить семью и уйти к молодой красавице Маруське, продав свою знаменитую на всю Одессу конюшню…
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea
as    Princess Ulyanka (voice)
Laughter and Grief by the White Sea is a 1987 Soviet traditionally animated feature film directed by Leonid Nosyrev made at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. The film is a celebration of the culture of the Russian Pomors who live around the White Sea.
The Most Charming and Attractive
as    Susanna
Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most popular man around.
Before We Part
as    Anna Vyacheslavovna
Stuck due to bad weather at a tiny Far Eastern airport, several random travel companions become witnesses of an amazing meeting. As it turns out, one of the passengers was brought here not by chance. He is the son of an American pilot who ended up at the airfield during the war years, which was built to transfer planes from Alaska to Russia. And here he meets a woman who saved his father's life forty years ago.
The Duenna
as    Duenya
A funny musical based on the comedy "The Duenna" by British dramatist Richard B. Sheridan.
Hello, I'm Your Aunt!
as    Annie
A funny comedy based on famous Brandon Thomas' play "Charley's Aunt".
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