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Luciana Littizzetto

Birthday: 1964-10-29 Place of Birth: Torino

Piccola, sguardo curioso e una spiccata sfrontatezza sarcastica che lascia senza parole. Artista a tutto tondo, ha recitato a teatro, al cinema, in televisione, nei panni di se stessa e in quelli di numerosi personaggi comici che l'hanno resa celebre. È anche autrice di successi editoriali che colpiscono l'ipocrisia degli uomini e inneggiano alla riscoperta della femminilità, con autoironia e un forte senso di sincera indignazione.


Dinner Club
as    Luciana Littizzetto
Michelin-starred chef Carlo Cracco undertakes six trips across Italy to rediscover its most authentic cuisine with famous actors for each destination.
The Manual of Love
as    Ornella
Four intertwined stories on the joys and sorrows of love.
Ravanello pallido
as    Gemma Mirtilli
Gemma works as an employee in the office of an agency that is responsible for launching novice models into their first career steps. However, Gemma does not work in a peaceful atmosphere due to her particularly demanding employer and the harassment she suffers from her own clients. Equally unhappy is her love life, which is why her only friend, as well as her trusted hairdresser, dyes her hair pink. It is from that moment that her life changes radically.
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