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When a comet strikes Earth and kicks up a cloud of toxic dust, hundreds of humans join the ranks of the living dead. But there's bad news for the survivors: The newly minted zombies are hell-bent on eradicating every last person from the planet. For the few human beings who remain, going head to head with the flesh-eating fiends is their only chance for long-term survival. Yet their battle will be dark and cold, with overwhelming odds.

John Lee Ames as  Trent
Travis Brorsen as  Steve
Sabrina Gennarino as  Lin
Bryan Rasmussen as  Slasher


Paul Magne Haakonsen

"Days of Darkness" is actually a rather decent low-budget zombie movie. However, it is not full-out a zombie movie as in the likes of Romero's movies. No, "Days of Darkness" sort of takes the zombie genre and spice it up with "The Thing" and "Invation of the Body Snatchers". Of course it is a matter of preference whether or not you enjoy this mix of horror genres or not, personally I am not too keen on it, as I prefer zombie movies to be 100% zombies, not a hybrid of other genres.But I will say that "Days of Darkness" actually manage to pull off the mixture in a good enough way.The story is about a small group of people making a stand atop a hill in an old bunker installation of sorts, after a meteor (yeah, they went with the organism from outer space theory) crashed onto Earth and infected people with some strange alien parasite that turns people into ravenous flesh-eating zombies. But as if zombies wasn't enough, then the parasite also evolves and mutates within the host organism."Days of Darkness" have a great variety of characters, as in types of personalities and backgrounds. And I think that the people they had cast for the various roles actually did good jobs with their roles, and did bring the movie up a notch.If you are an avid zombie aficionado like me, then you might be a little bit disappointed with the lack of gore and mayhem in the movie. They had opted to go in a more scientific approach to the movie and not turn it into a gore fest. But if you like movies such as "The Things", then I am sure you will find this movie interesting.For a low-budget movie, then "Days of Darkness" actually pulled it off quite nicely. However, it just didn't leave a lasting impression on me, unfortunately, and I guess it was the mixing of various horror genres that sort of blew it off for me. But it is not a bad movie, far from it actually. And it is well worth checking out if you enjoy these kind of movies.Just don't expect to be scared out of your seat, because that will not happen. "Days of Darkness" is a story-driven movie and a character-driven story, not a splatter and scare fest.

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First and foremost I can't give this a 1 star because I do think it's better than that. Secondly, I refuse to give movies like this a 10 for being "so bad it's good". It's a cop out and a cheat to people who actually appreciate good storytelling. Also, this will be a long one simply because there's so much I could talk about. Anyways... A piece of a comet streaks through earths atmosphere and burns up. It's contents are aliens.... or at least alien single cell bacteria, that when encountered by humans through this dust, turns them into zombies. Now, I don't like to nit pick but as a fan of the genre it's hard not to. How can one be entertained if the premise doesn't make sense, right? Well, my first knee jerk reaction is to go along with this and just see where it takes the story. However later we find out the aliens can't survive in earths atmosphere... So my question is, why didn't the bacteria die out almost immediately? But whatever, sometimes you have to go with it. So the points I thought were decent or good were lighting and... that might be it. The movie pretty much takes place entirely in 3 or 4 rooms and then outside... This leads to some very boring and repetitive backdrops. Characters are bland and honestly don't offer much for the actors to go off of. Doesn't appear the director helped with that much. Simply put, the characters are all very cliché and one dimensional. I don't know almost anything about anyone as they have such limited backstories. one was in the military... and done. one came from a line of doctors (isn't one himself)... done One was a porn star...done. one worked in a church...done. one owns a ranch...done. one lives in Florida...done. then there's other people... I guess. I feel like many of the problems with the acting is not so much with the actors but the script itself. Dialogue is poor as characters will randomly talk about anything else but the situation at hand. Pacing is poor with little dabbles of action seemingly added because the characters had nothing else to do. For example... towards the end our lead male will be worried about his girlfriend being infested... then he will have a nice drink with his buddy trent and laugh and laugh... then he goes back to being worried. things like this draw you out of the story. What's sad is the one enduring element this film has is the sequence where the main character inexplicably pokes a zombie in the groin with a stick until it's penis falls off... then... pockets it for a little while... then shows it to everyone. Then everyone prods the zombies privates again to discover the beings living inside the zombies. There are so many less intrusive ways this could have been done it's baffling. This of course leads to many other "scary" and "intense" scenes where the woman characters vaginas attack people. Metaphor? Euphemism? Social commentary? .... Who knows... who cares. It's more than likely the easiest way to get a gross factor and a sexual factor all in one. Although I shutter to think who that might appeal to. Once more... why does it take so long for these women who are infected to turn when everyone else turned so quick? oh yeah.. because it's convenient for the story. Editing in the film is atrocious. Fades splitting scenes randomly and even within the same scene makes even a simple act such as a character walks from one side of the room to another a chore. Or when a character is told to go patrol the compound... instead of assuming the person left, we have to see them walking around picking up sticks. Music in the film is typical cheep nothing. Except for one aspect which drove me crazy. Randomly through the film this distant digital beeping can be heard. At first I thought i had an alarm on in another room or my cell phone was doing something... only after muting the film could i determine that it's the soundtrack. I don't like having to diagnose sound errors in a film but honestly... you may find yourself doing that if you were as bored as I was. As for the resolution of the film... everyone dies except for the main characters and the military woman who drives away... never to be seen or heard from again. Why? because a writer didn't know how to bring her back I guess. Our last looks at these people are them drinking and shooting zombies at the fenceline... oh yeah, that's important to note that the aliens hate liquor and that's why the people were not infected to begin with. And that's where it ends... a drunk couple shooting zombies and having a blast (as everyone they've encountered has died). Maybe that was the point of the movie after all... to have a few drinks... sit down with the people you like to watch this kind of stuff and just mock it. On that basis, this movie is alright... i'd watch it again if just for riffing fun. As for true entertainment... this is a pretty soft attempt at best.

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I have read some really bad reviews for this movie, and I can see their point of view if they are not a horror movie fan, but as I love horror movies I actually admire the film makers attempts here.OK, the acting is average at best but they have put a nice little twist into this one which took balls to do I think. The film involves a hand full of survivors trapped inside a government building after a meteor has turned everyone else on the outside into zombies. But how come the there was only a few survivors?...I won't ruin it for you, but I really think this deserves a go, it is well made considering the budget. It has some really good gore (one particular scene will make you wince!), and it does stand out as one of the better DTV horror films for some time.It's how RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 4 and 5 should have been.Decent effort...7 out of 10.

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The zombie genre is surely being done to death, but this low budget bite-fest offers enough odd plot twists to keep you guessing. The set up is one similar to the 1984 zombie film "Night of the Comet," in which a comet spreads infection, leaving most of the world's population reborn as flesh eaters. But that's where the similarities end. Once the survivors gather inside an abandoned military bunker, the film takes off in a variety of unexpected directions, many of which involve the strange byproducts of alien-human cross breeding. Critics will find plenty to be annoyed at, including talky moments in which survivors recant their back stories as if reading from cue cards. I also found that important revelations were obvious to me well before the characters caught on. But for those of us who make a habit of seeing how low-budget directors work their magic, this is well worth the time. Strange, but not boring.

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