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In the UK suburbs, an underground tournament is set to challenge twelve fighters from different backgrounds to compete for the price of £500,000. They have been handpicked for a no-holds barred competition that will push each fighter to their limit. Each fighter has their own reason for competing, and each will give everything they've got to take the prize...but there can be only one winner.

Mark Strange as  Mark, The Homeless
Joey Ansah as  Joey, The Model
Glenn Salvage as  Father Salvage, The Priest
Beau Fowler as  Bo, the Delinquent
Shane Steyn as  Sgt. Shane Steyn, The Police Officer
Yang Liang as  Liang, the Foreigner
Zara Phythian as  Zara, The Teacher
Danny John-Jules as  Lamont Gaines
Gary Webster as  Brandon Glover
Rebecca Jaquest as  Rebecca


Destroyer Wod

When i picked this movie, it looked like a very good tournament martial arts movie... and on this department, it kinda is. Let me put it straight. The martial arts in this movie are well choreographed, the fight are interesting and the action is brutal unlike many movies where they take many punches and don't show a scratch. Its kinda like these guys wanted to make a brutal somewhat realistic tournament movie still including nice martial arts choreographies. And for that they succeeded.But the main problem of this movie is the script, or i should say the lac of script. Part of me always wanted a martial arts tournament where they would cut the useless stuff and show us fights, and this movie did, but at the same time, i realized if you don't put an interesting stories, there is NO POINT to the movie. You barely know these guys that are fighting, and honestly you end up not giving a crap about any of them cause you just don't know much. I mean most of them are presented with a valid reason to be there, and some partial little way of rooting for them, but none really get out of the bunch where you really want him to win. Its kinda like watching a mix martial art tournament with unknown fighters, yet all match are fun to watch. In the end your like "cool" but it miss to catch your eyes. I saw bad movies in my life, especially since i own one of the biggest martial art collection of the northern east coast, and some of them had decent classic revenge plot but terrible martial arts, and they where BAD.This movie at least succeed on the part of the fights. Every fight is interesting, brutal and none of them are a "squash" to showcase the hero or the villain, but at the same time really the lack of some guys to root for just plainly destroy any interest in the movie. I know this has been shot with very limited budget and i respect that, they did a very good job on the fights, but they should had gave the movie a hero, cause there is none. Like i said every fighter in the movie has a valid reason to be there, there is no villain really and your just watching it like you would watch a martial art tournament in real life, only with better choreography's.So in the end what can i say... plus one for the effort... they tried, and the fights are good, but next time bring a story... cause i wouldn't say the story is bad, no, its just inexistent... there is none... plain and simple and that remove a lot of interest in the movie. If you like low budget fighting movies, try Among Dead Men... really low budget, decent fighting, and still they manage to get an interesting stories going on with a clear villain and hero.So in the end i would say coming out of nowhere this movie was OK, but it should had be the movie for a game like street fighter, where you cared and rooted for a certain character... not a bunch of no names cliché stereotypes like this....

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First the basics. The premise of this movie is of UT fighting world, yet consistently fails to deliver. The characters are unrealistic and lack any basic level depth to give the viewer the slightest chance to pick a side. Fight scenes are as unrealistic as can possibly be and the locations make no sense what-so-ever. For a movie of an hour and a half, I would have suggested 4 fighters and not 12. This movie fails to tell the story of the UT fight world.On the other hand the movie and its writer, director, producer, financiers and everyone in between tell another story all together. The crumbling of British ideals and the British society in itself. We have a group of servants of the public, a Solder, Police Officer, Female Teacher, a Pastor. All of whom are defeated by criminals, bums and minorities in a hateful and disturbing manner. Is this a personal vindication of the creators of this film? or is it an idealogical insight in to the coming demise of what was one the great British Empire? Chaos, criminals, minorities and the hard working people are thrown to the curb. Is it a sad and true story or a hateful story? I will leave that for you to decide.

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This is a solid, well shot and enjoyable film, that delivers EXACTLY what it's supposed to.I can't fathom why people are criticizing the script, acting etc. What the hell are you doing watching THIS type of film if that's the only thing you're worried about?! This is a straight up no nonsense ACTION film, and it delivers exactly what it promises. REAL BRUTAL ACTION!! I can't recall the last time I saw so many fight scenes so realistically shot and put together in a film. Of course, you see the odd one now and again in big budget Hollywood and Hong Kong stuff that looks great, but this is a low budget British film for Christ's sake!! Give these guys some credit! They did an amazing job and should be applauded for it! And to the poster on the message boards who said this was the worst script ever, that has to be the most inaccurate statement ever made! Out of all the appallingly bad films you can find right here on IMDb, you choose THIS as your worst script ever?! A film that does not pretend to be anything it's not and does what it set out to do better than any other film of it's type I can recall seeing in years should be heaped with praise, not criticized.I think some people just seem to have missed the point of this film entirely. If you want depth, proper characterization and eloquent rich dialogue, you're in entirely the wrong place. Go over to the Pride & Prejudice page and post there instead...

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I watched this movie last night by accident as the title is the same of the movie I wanted to watch. Not being afraid of trying it out I watched it none the less.Overall the movie is pretty bad all tho it does try, characters are shallow and bland yet the acting isn't _that_ bad. The names of the competitors are so cheesy it gets annoying at times, and the little flashbacks/stills hardly deepen them out. The more the movie tries the more B it gets, yet it has some overall good cinematic's.Did I enjoy it? not really. Did I hate it? not really. A predictive nobrainer with semi good acting and bland and predictive characters.

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