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They've beaten and tortured him. They've raped and killed his woman. But they've made one big mistake. They didn't kill him. Alex Trambuan, known to his friends as Rambu, is a lone vigilante and former police officer who takes revenge on the entire Columbian drug cartel that killed his wife. There can be only one winner in this game of death, his name is Rambu, this is his private war and this city will never forget his legacy of vengeance.

Dana Christina as  Clara
Kaharuddin Syah as  Andre
Yenny Farida as  Jenny



Here's an Indonesian rip-off of the RAMBO films, hilarious because it is so incompetently made. Nobody makes films like they do in Indonesia and this is just as crazy in some ways as the horror and fantasy films made in that country. The plot involves an individual named Rambu (yep, he even wears a red bandanna for the finale - how obvious can you get?) who is hired by a shady organisation to fight crime. The big surprise is that his boss is as crooked as the enemy they are fighting, so Rambu basically kills all of the bad guys in the movie at the end of the film in an anti-climatic and poorly-staged action sequence, full of cars exploding for no reason and people dying unconvincing deaths. The film is packed with action throughout, with loud sound effects dubbed in. Most of it is routine hand-to-hand stuff but with some amusing exceptions detailed below.The dubbing is along the lines of "Let's kill that Intruder now!" and "I'm going to kill you!", cheesily overemphasised and the words quite ridiculous. At a model show, one of the girls is ordered to "show him your chest!" by her cruel captor. There are continuity errors galore and the acting is about as laboured as you might expect. The only non-Asian in the cast is the lean and muscular lead Peter O'Brian, who wears a single expression throughout the movie and overacts all the time with much hilarity all round. The film depicts an unpleasant sadistic attitude towards women, with girls being raped and horrifically mutilated and murdered (at least that's the impression I get, as the British print has been heavily cut). To make matters worse the revenge taken on the bad guys who perpetrated the crimes is nowhere near as bad as the violence they commit, instead they die in quick explosive deaths.THE INTRUDER is worth watching for bad movie lovers for the crazy scenes scattered throughout. One is at the beginning when the Intruder gets in a fight with a couple of thugs and uses a BALL to repel them, repeatedly bouncing the rubber missile off their heads and knocking weapons from their hands! The same ball turns up later in the movie to knock off another couple of baddies. The highlight of the film for me comes when the Intruder goes to rescue a captured girl, arriving in a covered tricycle. Soon after his friends, all in identical matching tricycles, turn up and battle the bad guys who ride mopeds. What follows is one of the silliest battles you'll ever see which ends with a man falling onto the front of two bikes and being propelled through a brick wall! There is also plenty of violence with people being machine-gunned by shoddy effects work and a fair amount of sex, which has been recorded over by a prude on the video I saw, with clips of hairdressing and NEIGHBOURS! Which is the more offensive?! Although the unpleasant misogyny leaves a bad taste in the mouth, THE INTRUDER is so poorly made and silly that it's impossible to take seriously, instead watch it for a good laugh!

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I have asked my self frequently, which movie, in at cost(price)-benefit(entertainment)ratio, have succeeded the most? The Intruder! I will keep i short, cause after i have been screening the brilliant comments that have been submitted, i have really nothing more to add. But i have to say, that the mean character of Charlie is something special. I wonder how he, one day after another, can step out of bed and think " i'm gonna beat the crap out of Rambu..." and actually believe in it. I think he is a role-model to all goons! And then of cause the man with the white hat: shot dead, blasted to oblivious and so on. I've lost count, but i estimate, that he dies every 10 minutes. Funniest movie ever!

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This sets the standard for all other B-Movies and contains everything: great action, amazingly funny dubbing, dubious script continuity, characters who influence the plot but don't actually appear in the film, an outstanding soundtrack and super evil villains. Rather than attempt to sum up this Herculean effort by the likes of Peter O'Brian and Craig Gavin, I've listed the main 10 things that this film has taught me:1) The best way to pressure people is to kidnap their young and beautiful daughter. 2) Random Australian soap stars may appear during battle scenes. 3) You shouldn't store the only things you own in a basket, they will be destroyed. 4) Lead pipes are often supplied at dinner evenings should you wish to destroy the tables. 5) If you're the hero, it's fine to allow the villain to shoot at you from point blank range before whistling for assistance as it's likely the gun will be unloaded. 6) Don't be alarmed, the sound of footsteps may continue even after you sit down. 7) "Why?" is a perfectly reasonable response to questions regarding your constant involvement in other people's problems. 8) In the space of 24hrs following the brutal murder of your wife, it is fine to start pulling other woman and also 24 hours is about the time it takes between meeting someone and declaring that they're "like a father" to you. 9) If your name is Bobby and you have a very minor role as the Hero's friend, there's a very good chance you'll die. 10) Always inform people that they've cut you when they attack you with a knife, this may not be clear to them. Watch this! You won't be disappointed!!

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Before I begin, let me make it clear that I am a serious film critic. I take cinema very, very serious. It is my only passion, and for that reason alone it is my whole life. Like any normal film fan, I appreciate a good action thriller once in a while. Of course, I don't stand for any old witless piece of celluloid: I'm talking solid, well directed action pieces. And so it is that I recomend the 1986 techno-thriller 'The Intruder', directed by action maestro Jopi Burnama. This is his 'Citizen Kane'. It is a action masterpiece of such adept style and class, I am bewildered that it never recieved a) critical acclaim b)recognition c) public adulation or e)a wide theatrical release. Let me tell you more... We begin with the leading man, Peter O'Brian a.k.a Rambu. Peter is an actor of such subtle craftsmanship and charasmatic magnitude that he literally blows the screen apart. You find yourself unable to take your eyes of his stunning phyique and unable to process his acting chops. He is magnificent in this, his first leading role. Brian is ably supported by the great Craig Gavin (as the evil John Smith) and the sultry Dana Christina. The opening pre-credit set piece is quite simply explosive (when was the last time you saw gangster befowled by a flying outspan orange?). Rambu has the uncanny and envious ability to turn your average citrus fruit into a boomerang-like killing device. It is a credit to actor Brian that he did all his own orange throwing, no double was employed. The glorious mid section set-piece when Rambu takes on the entire Columbian drugs cartel using only a three wheeled golf cart is astounding. Never before has one man made 6 miles-per-hour seem so hair-raising. And so to the dynamic climax, where Rambu wears a belt. He also hits a filing cabinet with a lamp, then proceeds to kiss the wall. It is a show stopper that brings to mind the climax from Joseph Lai's 1988 opus Platoon Warriors, starring Mike Abbott and Mark Watson. Although this film lacks the pace of Godfrey Ho's masterpiece, it passes the time perfectly. If you can track this underated gem down, watch it. It could change your life*.*Probably won't. At all.

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