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A platoon of eagles and vultures attack Hollywood, California. Why did the eagles and vultures attack? Who will survive?

Alan Bagh as  Rod
Whitney Moore as  Nathalie
Chelsea Turnbo as  Gloria
Rick Camp as  Dr. Jones
Carrie Stevens as  Tree Hugger's Wife
Amber Hay as  Slasherland V Actress
Sam Hyde as  Beach Goer
Charls Carroll as  Beach Goer
Nick Rochefort as  Beach Goer



This is a complete rip-off of the first movie, the first half of the movie has nothing to do with the plot, in said first half we concern ourselves with the dating lives of our characters, there's a crossfade in the middle of a conversation that has no purpose at all, there's hundreds of hidden and unhidden messages about the environment and global warming, there's a black guy singing an awful song in a bar, there's naked scenes of our female characters (this time we even see their breasts while they change and we see them fight the birds toplessly), a hot girl we spent some time with gets killed, the characters run out of gas near the end of the movie, they try to fight birds in stupid ways (I should point out that while they tried to scare the birds away with hangers in the first movie they use an umbrella, ?parasol sticks?, their feet and hands and T-SHIRTS!! this time) and the movie ends with the birds leaving with no explanation why whatsoever.There's hardly any difference between the two movies to point out, but one of them is that all the ads on the streets, all the faces of people walking around and all the numberplates of cars are blurred out. The most obvious difference though is that this movie has zombies who can be killed even though they're already dead climbing out of graves during the red rain...The plot is even more stupid this time. While in the first movie birds were flying into town and started attacking, this time around there's red rain that they emerge from and they can enter buildings for some reasons... Oh and the death scenes look even worse this time and so do the fake wounds.There's so many ludicrous unlikely events, like our main character, who of course is a movie director meeting an actress AND someone who finances his new movie in a bar, the director running into the same actress from the bar on the street, just like in the first movie and our characters meeting the man living in the woods againAnother thing that's JUST ludicrous is that our characters are concerned with discussing their next movie right after the first wave of the birds attackingRemember how the first Birdemic hat constant short moments of complete silence after the characters got their lines out? This movie improved on that, it only happens two times. Talking about sound, the car sounds are so loud at times that you can't understand what the characters are saying.There's a subplot about a woman being attacked by a jellyfish while she's swimming in the water near the beach. We actually see the jellyfish attack her in an underwater scene made in front of the fakest greenscreen ever. It's hilarious when the incredibly fake CGI jellyfish shows up. The attack was animated so lazily, they didn't even take the effort to animate the jellyfish's tentacles, they just move the jellyfish back and forth in front of her legs. For some reason she can run to the beach and out of the water even though she's severely injured which we see some seconds later. One of our characters says the ludicrous phrase "giant jumbo jellyfish", they call the ambulance and the CGI anbulance car that escorts her to the hospital looks almost as fake as the CGI birds who look even worse this time around. To be honest, that scene was hilarious.I took the liberty of writing down some subplots: The movie our characters are planning to make, the jellyfish, the semi-sex scene of the two stone age people being interrupted by birds attacking and the three most stupid high-fives you will ever see in your lifeBirdemic 1 was unintentionally hilarious because it failed at every possible level even though it was people actually trying to make a good movie. That's what made the first Birdemic so funny and entertaining. Birdemic 2 was people trying to make a bad movie on purpose because of the hype about the first Birdemic, that's why it's NOT funny and entertaining and just even worse than the first one.I want to end this review with a funny fact: During the bird invasion our characters stop in front of a movie theater. There's a poster of the 2011 movie "The Abduction of Zack Butterfield", which currently has a 5.0/10 rating on IMDb, no rating on RT and a 6% rating on Metascore.

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"Birdemic" is a notoriously bad film that is currently #8 on the IMDb Bottom 100 list. Surprisingly, the same filmmaker decided on a sequel, as apparently he decided to bring us more of the same because there is an odd cult-like following for this bad film. "Birdemic 2" is currently #34 on the obviously James Nguyen didn't learn much from his previous outing.The plot, for what it matters, is about a couple of guys who are going to make a film. However, during shooting, a bunch of ridiculously unreal looking CGI birds start ripping everyone apart. The 'birds' are about as scary as a sock puppet bird and are sad to look at because of the 1990-quality CGI. Additionally, the acting, direction, editing and, especially sound quality, are just awful. However, the director has fun with it this time...tossing in some obviously gratuitous boobs, an almost funny cameo by a couple of tree-huggers, zombies, global warming and inserting an actor playing himself into the film as a guy planning on using this bird attack as inspiration for an upcoming film. So, while everything about the film is bad, at least the movie never takes itself seriously and appears to be a deliberate attempt to cash in on its being a bad film! Strangely enjoyable for bad film buffs but crap through and through.Retrieve

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Spooneads .

Birdemic was an absolutely terrible film! Some people consider it to be so terrible that it's kind of fascinating in its own special way. No one expected a sequel, especially considering how poorly received the movie was and how preachy it was. But, with the compelling box art this movie got, and the $40,000,000 budget, you've got to think, they could make this work! It might actually be decent! But no. This movie... managed to be WORSE than the first one! I wasn't aware this was possible but hey, I guess if you give it your all, anything can end up being absolutely diabolical. And that's exactly what they did! With this movie's huge budget, how they didn't seem to learn or improve on ANYTHING, I can only assume that this was done purposely bad. The first birdemic movie was cute, a failed attempt at an amateur movie which you're just... fascinated by. However, Birdemic 2... has no excuse. This is just... sad.

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A few years ago, director James Nguyen's infamous "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" swept popular culture. (Well, at least in some circles) An attempt to emulate films like Hitchcock's "The Birds" whilst delivering a contrived environmental message, "Birdemic" became an icon in the word of "so bad, it's good" entertainment. (You know, those films that are so dreadful, they become unintentionally entertaining and hilarious) With it's bizarrely poor direction, robotic acting, laughable production values and special effects, and an almost painful script, it was almost literally a perfect storm of awfulness. And yet it was so... so... funny!So when I heard that Nguyen was working on a follow-up, I became excited. I was hyped to see more of the trademark awfulness that has plagued all of Nguyen's work. But then I realized something: The first film had become iconic. And it was clear that James Nguyen understood it's appeal was related to how unintentionally goofy it was. I quickly understood that this follow up was likely going to be TRYING to be bad. It was going to make an intentional effort to be silly and of a poor quality. And that almost never works. You just usually can't re-catch that lightning-in-a-bottle if you're trying too hard with the follow-up.But I gave this film a chance. And I am happy to report that for the most part, despite it's self-referential nature and obvious self- awareness, this film still does more-or-less deliver the chuckles and belly-laughs that the first supplied. Albeit, not as often and not as heartily.We follow a group of four leads, primarily focusing on Bill (Thomas Favaloro), a Hollywood director trying to make his big comeback after his second film failed to live up to the heights of his first effort. With the financial help of Rod (Alan Bagh) and Nathalie (Whitney Moore), two returning characters from the original film, he is able to move forward with his dream project, "Sunset Dreams." He soon meets Gloria (Chelsea Turnbo), an attractive waitress and struggling actress, and is smitten with her. After casting her in the lead roll of his film and finally consummating a romantic relationship, Bill, Gloria, Rod and Whitney suddenly find themselves under the attack of a new Birdemic. But this time, it's different. The birds are actually ancient, pre- historic birds brought back to life by a toxic red rain (presumably caused by pollution)... And they aren't alone. The same rain has also managed to raise the dead, supplying zombies and other obstacles for our protagonists.This is honestly a hard film to analyze in many ways. I can't say for sure which of the performances are genuinely good or bad, due to the fact that the production is self-aware, and thus many of the actors are in on the joke this time. The same applies to the effects and writing- it's just too hard to say which scenes were done seriously, and which were done intentionally tongue-in-cheek. Whereas the first film was a clear effort to make a decent film that just backfired spectacularly, this one alternates between trying to be an honest sequel, and trying to be a piece of self-parody from scene to scene. (Although I do believe that more often than not, it's intentionally self-aware.)All I can say is that analyzing the performances and the various aspects of the production is a moot point here. Instead, I have to speak of this film in broader strokes.And in the broadest sense, I do think this sequel fundamentally works. Despite its self-awareness, which does rob a bit from the laughs, there is still an overabundant sense of incompetence that lends a lot of humor. And I have to be honest in admitting that there is a certain charm here in seeing the film make fun of itself and of its predecessor. The original was so joyously bad, that just re-visiting these characters and seeing them point out how silly they are... it just works for me. Though it never is able to reach the sheer brilliance of the first film, nor is it able to match the tremendous laughs it supplied... this sequel does do a decent, serviceable job of giving fans of the original more of what they want. It may not be perfect, but by god, this movie is TRYING. It wants to entertain fans. It wants you to love it. It wants audiences to laugh. And I admire that. Even when this film wasn't working, I was still grinning, because this... film... tries.And if you want me to be REALLY honest... After seeing this, I hope we will one day get a "Birdemic 3."I am giving "Birdemic 2: The Resurrection" a pretty-good 7 out of 10 for its entertainment value. Grab a hanger for protection, pop it in with some friends, and get ready to chuckle!

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