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Russell Carpenter reluctantly admits his wife Sadie into an experimental treatment facility for her life threatening disease. While locked in this prison like surrounding they, along with 6 others, are unknowingly subjected to a cure that might just be worse than the disease itself

Haley Talbot as  Sadie Carpenter
Laura Duyn as  Stewardess
Ted Rooney as  Abraham Walker
Sean McGrath as  Mason Dixon
Eric Martin Reid as  William Wallace
Suzanne Owens-Duval as  Nurse Oberhauser
Daniel Baldwin as  Blair Norris


Paul Magne Haakonsen

When I sat down to watch "Cell Count" it was without having any idea what the movie was about or who was in it. All I knew was that it was a horror movie, and that the cover of the movie looked like something from the 1980's, which initially caught my interest and attention.The story in "Cell Count" is about a group of people who are brought to a facility in order to participate in a study for a cure for some kind of disease. But the cure turns out to be a deadly process.Actually, throughout the entire movie, you sit with a bunch of questions, waiting for the storyline to initially reveal the answers to these questions. However, when the movie ends you still sit there with the questions unanswered, if not actually with even more questions than you started out with. And on that account, the movie didn't really deliver much or prove to be satisfactory.The movie does bear witness to it not being a huge multi-million dollar budget movie. But actually, that doesn't really matter, because they pulled it off nicely enough.But, the movie does trod along at a fairly slow pace, leaving you with your questions unanswered, and you feel that you are getting nowhere actually. As such, the movie does become tedious and rather slow. I managed to stick with the movie to the very end, because I was hoping to get some answers, although I ended up with no such thing."Cell Count" is not among the most interesting or exciting moving that I have seen, nor is it among the most boring and lame movies either. It is just below average, and it is the type of movie that once you've seen it you will never put it back in the DVD player a second time.

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You can go for this one..! Director does well in moving story forward and building the plot, but somehow in the end its all NOT COMPLETED! I was like "is movie finished?" But heard about the Cell count 2, I hope he has answers to the question left behind. I am waiting for it.You should not expect much from director working on with grade B film; Now I don't expect director to answer all the questions (seriously), as there are some loop holes in the story and characters as well. But he has done fine job in completing movie.Some parts of the movie I just scrolled ahead to get to the more interesting stuff. Background of story seems quite intriguing. Gruesome scenes were done quite well... Considering the budget of film.

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Best to read after you've watched it but it may be fun to watch it with the following in mind:If you like horror films but you are fed up with the usual Hollywood formula, if you like blood and gore, if you like slimy creatures and just want to watch an entertaining piece, this is for you.Yes there are bad points, quite a few. For one the script must have been written by a 4 year old. There is no logic behind anything. People make decisions that are outright daft or rules and regulations are put in place that keep you wanting to ask "why"? The main actress is only good at one thing and that is calling someone's name. At some point I wanted her to suffer for shouting her husband's name more often than actually saying a whole sentence, but then she shouted someone else's name which gave it a bit of variety; sarcasm intended. The acting by the others is just as stiff and as a result you don't really care for either of them, apart from the little doggy, he was outstanding! The evil doctor for example seemed to have difficulties deciding if he was German or Russian because his accent was so bad. He sounded mostly German apart from once he used the harsh "h" and the word "comrade", which made me think he was supposed to be Russian. Having said that, I still think it was extremely entertaining. Despite all the bad bits, it kept me watching and I switch off faster than you can say "unwatchable" when films are really bad. However, I didn't really care about an Oscar worthy performance or meaningful dialogue, because watching this was actually fun. For a low budget film, the camera work was actually quite good and the drab surroundings fitted the plot very well.Personally I have to disagree that the scenes were disconnected. They were all part of the whole story and made perfect sense to me. Even the end made sense in its own warped style. No this film doesn't follow the sometimes very tedious horror formula and where it does, it handles it in a new style. It isn't ever going to win any major awards or stimulate you into any deep philosophical thoughts. But hey!Sometimes all you want is an entertaining, gory creature feature for a rainy Sunday afternoon and this one I will actually recommend for a one time watch!

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I have read a number of reviews for this movie. All these reviews were positive based on the fact that this is an independent movie with a small budget, no name actors and an inexperienced director and that if you take all that into consideration it is really a good movie...Well what happens if you take all these things out of the equation, do you still have a movie that is worth your time or not. This is - in my opinion- the question to be asked; otherwise you are left with the feeling you have as a parent when your child performs at a school play; " they really did their best". Now I don't get me wrong, by the time my son performs in a school play I will be very forgiving and proud, i am not forgiving for a movie that takes at least 90 mins of my time and doesn't give enough back for that investment.Which is of course the case here.The plot is simple, a handful of strangers with a " disease" ( its never explained which disease this is) are selected for a cure in a facility with questionable treatments by a scary doctor. Of course things go wrong, the cure has side effects and people get killed.This is basically not only the short version but all there is to tell. The first images of a husband at the bed of his dying wife and the choices presented to him ( either you keep trying to pay the bills to watch her die here or sign her up for experimental treatment) are powerful and set the mood for things to come; realistic choices.But the moment the couple arrives in the facility things go bad - not only for the couple but also for the viewer- the first mistake is to make the next scene " 3 weeks later" ?? I mean, what happened in the previous weeks, why does the husband have a scar, why is the wife suddenly better, who are those other people? What follows is a collection of loosely tied scenes. Couple of standouts ( there is an interesting vomit scene and you see a flash of the bug like creature the evul doctor uses as a cure, well a flash, more like two legs)but there is no cohesion. The facility - including a resident evil like promo that is played for the, well lets call them inmates, which is cool- is flat and not much of a background. Its the porn set mantra; every scene looks the same because they have just one background.Acting and dialog feels unnatural at best and just plain bad at the worst and because things "just" happen without any explanation or fleshed out background story individual scenes can be judged just as that and the movie crashes time and time again.So is this a recommended movie? I read reviews which compared it to early David Cronenberg; don't be fooled, it doesn't even come close to his work. An other review compared it to the equally flawed " Bane" which comes closer to the truth. The movie does have its merits and some good ideas behind it but the sum of acting, plot, no budget backgrounds and disjointed scenes makes it a chore for everyone watching it with half a brain. The ending which gives you one of the Baldwin Brothers for a cameo is half baked and lacks any form of logic; pleads for a sequel that hopefully never comes. Making a movie on a small budget must have its difficulties, but a coherent plot is the very least I expect from any movie.

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