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Dillon stumbles on a little known news story about a company called Life Tracker Limited, which claims it has discovered a way to predict biological events in a human's life by looking at their DNA. Everyone views the story as a modern day form of palm reading that will go nowhere, but Dillon keeps turning on his camera when he finds articles on the Internet or hears about it on the news.

Rebecca Marshall as  Bell Osbourne
Matt Dallas as  Scott Orenhauser
Sean Ryan Fox as  Struggling child



What can I say? Probably one of the best mockumentaries I've ever seen. It is also a testament to the downside of excessive technologies. It is a film in which a company, Life Tracker Limited, is able to predict a person's potential future, based on their DNA. It can even predict your death. Unfortunately, it predicts the exact same 'death day' for 99.9 percent of the world's population.The actors treated this like a serious film, which it was. They were well chosen. All were personable, funny, good natured, and capable of raw emotion when the script called for it. The script itself was well written. It was understandable and relatable and very realistic. It's a very intelligently done movie, and good for a night in.Don't let the running time fool you. It may say one hour seven minutes, but it's actually one hour forty seven minutes.

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Spoiler Alert. . . Enjoy the movie by watching first if you don't want to learn about scenes and events of the movie.Cinema Verite style has been used to give bad movies an edge but this movie is a modest success. The budget must have been minuscule and there are some continuity problems but for a modest budget POV kind of movie. This sort of works. The Belfast clock and the World clock were confusing at the beginning especially since the whole movie was shot in LA. But it holds together in a strange kind of way as the movie unfolds. The Uriel Patterson actor overacted the creepiness factor and I think he would have been better served by playing the role straight. I have a feeling his "narrative" role was added as an afterthought. The "cowboy" leader of Lifetracker was a costume knockoff of LRH and there are some initial games being played with character/real life people but it's a minor inconvenience and probably one that is unavoidable given the nature of the subject matter.Movie-making like this should be encouraged. The comparisons to Scientology methods and the nature of personal prediction tied disparate elements together nicely. The twist that Belfast didn't disintegrate on DDay and the subsequent world day destruction was a nice surprise and really unexpected. The writer/director shows that you can make a thoughtful movie full of ideas and social situations without CGI, big named actors and a huge budget. In fact, it seems that the larger the budget, the less intellectual the movie and that is sad. I would like to see this director get a bigger budget and see if he can stretch his legs a little. Overall the acting was TV quality but that's not the director's problem. It is ours. By elevating reality TV "stars" to the same level as legitimate actors, we have lessened what we expect from the craft of acting. It's too bad but a sign of the times I guess.

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This was a fantastic movie! It played like an honest-to-goodness homemade documentary. Virtually every scene was viewed from the eye of the hand held camera. The characters were so believable and so natural that you really don't think of them as "acting". The plot was a little less believable, but I don't think this film was meant to imply that this technology would ever become a reality to that extent. Although some of the technology does exist at the present time, Joe McClean takes it to a whole new level. The film had me from the beginning. Some people say that you have to push through the first part of the movie to get to the "good part", but I found it interesting and engaging from the first minute. (although I really thought there was something wrong with my player during the first few minutes because of the poor quality of the video! Which just added to the realism.) I strongly recommend this film. It's a departure from anything else you have seen before and that alone makes it worth watching. 10 Stars & 5 Thumbs Up for this one!

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Ever since I was a little kid, I've always been fascinated by science fiction films that involve the known reality that we all live and breathe in today. From CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND to CHILDREN OF MEN, looking at an alternate reality of the present or near future has always fascinated me and the big question of "What if?". For that reason, LIFE TRACKER had a big impact on me because not only did it move me but it also made me ponder the philosophical questions of "Would I want to know when I die?" or "Would mankind benefit from something like this?". LIFE TRACKER is a story which takes place during the present where one man's dream and scientific study combined have unlocked our DNA code and given us the ability to see into our future and what it possibly holds for us. Questions of what diseases we might contract, injuries, who we'll have our children with, when we'll die and many more are answered through these DNA "prints". There's another incredible science fiction film that released all the way back in 1997 that you all might remember called GATTACA starring Ethan Hawke and Jude Law which was about a dystopian future where our DNA dictates how our lives will progress, what jobs we'll be fit for, what we'll most likely die of, etc. Our DNA was even alterable in the story to remove any faults but the main antagonist of the story was born naturally and defied the system to achieve his dream of space flight. This privilege was reserved only for the most elite of human specimens. The reason I bring this film up is because I almost see LIFE TRACKER as an amazing prequel story to GATTACA or an alternate and more real-life take on the subject of our own DNA affecting how we live and the decisions we make. Watching these two one after another would be an amazing experience that I'm sure I'll be doing pretty soon.The story of LIFE TRACKER is told in a documentary style where our lead character Dillon Smith (Barry Finnegan) is attempting to make a change in his life by creating a documentary in California that chronicles the birth and development of Life Tracker Limited who supply the prints to citizens based on their DNA and personal information submitted. Dillon isn't very sure of himself at first because he's left so many things unfinished in his life but his strength and drive comes from close friends that he lives in an apartment complex with. The story for the most part focuses on Dillon, his friend Scott Orenhauser (Matt Dallas) and Scott's girlfriend Bell Osbourne as we watch their relationship go through many hurdles as the documentary filming progresses. This for me was a very powerful aspect of LIFE TRACKER as firstly the three leads did an incredible job acting wise and made the predicaments very believable which I won't spoil in this review. I believed their reactions to the Life Tracker Limited prints for themselves but also surprised at the same time as while some reactions could have been very clichéd, the writing never went there and that made the film very refreshing. What I love the most about LIFE TRACKER though is the attention to detail especially when it came to the political and religious implications of such a technology being unleashed on modern-day society cause lets face it, humanity isn't ready for something like that nor do I think it ever will be. All of this being told through the documentary work of Dillon as he inter-cuts news media from the internet, his own interviews with those with a particular expertise and so on. I must applaud director/writer Joe McClean and his production crew for putting together excellent material for this independent film and for making sure that no detail be missed including news footage, graphics, etc. The interviews that Dillon has with religious experts, medical professionals and just ordinary folks in the streets were terrifically executed and this was helped greatly by a very well thought out script.Once everything is said and done though, the strongest aspect that anyone would expect from a film like this is the human emotions and reactions of the lead characters which as I mentioned were very strong and believable. As I watched the film, I put myself in their shoes and thought to myself "Oh man, they shouldn't know this information!" or "I would probably react the same way." and to me those kind of films are special. This is the reason why so many larger found-footage/documentary style films of late don't work for me like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY while LIFE TRACKER does because the reactions of the characters aren't there just to serve the plot, they actually feel real and we can relate to them.LIFE TRACKER makes you think and and to me there's no better kind of film. It takes the current state of humanity and mixes in this life- changing technology with results that I believe would be pretty much spot-on if Life Tracker was actual real today. From the political/financial/religious unrest to personal doubt and beliefs, LIFE TRACKER covers it all and even leads to a great conclusion that I wasn't prepared for. All of this combined makes LIFE TRACKER one of my favorite films of 2013 and I highly recommend it to everyone. Congratulations to all the cast and crew who have a bright future ahead.

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