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A small-town car thief and his transgender wife come across an abandoned infant; they amputate his tongue and train him for a life in crime.

David Carradine as  Pearl
Brad Dourif as  Weasel
Paul L. Smith as  Slue
Sydney Lassick as  Charlie P.
Savina Geršak as  Sandy
Alexandra Powers as  Rose
Michael Boston as  Sonny Boy
Dalene Young as  Doc Wallace
Christopher Bradley as  Husband
Samantha Phillips as  Wife


Scott LeBrun

"Sonny Boy" is not for the faint of heart, or the easily offended. It's a mind blowing, shocking, trashy melodrama that the cast performs for everything that they're worth. It may not be to very many tastes, but this twisted, darkly comic allegory is striking enough and compelling enough to make it a memorably weird viewing. Yet it does manage the feat of being somewhat poignant, even in the face of its depravity.In 1970 New Mexico, a young couple is murdered, their car stolen, and baby unknowingly abducted - by quirky lowlife Weasel (who else but the great Brad Dourif). Weasel takes the prize(s) back to his boss, small time crime kingpin Slue (Paul L. Smith of "Popeye" and "Pieces"). Slue lives with a "wife", Pearl (David Carradine, who plays the role in full drag) who takes an instant shine to the kid. Slue wants nothing to do with a child until he realizes that he now has innocent life that he can corrupt as he sees fit, and turn into a feral attack dog. The much abused "Sonny Boy" (Michael Boston) makes his presence known to the outside world, eventually, leading to predictable circumstances."Sonny Boy" will turn some viewers off and intrigue others. At least it does seem to have the courage of its convictions. While on the one hand it depicts a pretty sleazy little world, it's decently shot in widescreen by Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli and vividly designed by Mario Molli. The music by Carlo Maria Cordio is nice, and there's a similarly appealing, wistful ditty composed and sung by Carradine called "Maybe It Ain't".Carradine is truly something to see as the desert moll. Smith, who didn't want to do the movie but changed his tune when he saw who else had been signed up, is typically amusing as the loathsome father figure. Dourif and his "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" co-star Sydney Lassick are reunited as they cheerfully play their slimy parts. Conrad Janis is solid as a drunken doctor teased by his fellow citizens. And Alexandra Powers is appealing as Rose, the young lady who is moved by Sonny Boy and tries to reach out to him.Worth a look see for the more adventurous among B movie enthusiasts.Seven out of 10.

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Okay, let's start with David Carradine in drag...he gives a surprisingly touching performance. And any movie with Brad Dourif - well - what can one say? He always brings a certain something to his roles and I'm glad he continues to get work. This is one strange movie, but guess what? - it's better than some mainstream crap I payed money to see! (Blair Witch Project, for example). I caught if on TCM Underground one night (thanks, TCM!) and was instantly intrigued. If you didn't know it was filmed in 1989 you'd swear it was a product of the 1970's; it certainly has that feel to it. If you're a fan of "Spider Baby" and movies like that, you will enjoy (?) this movie!

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Sonny Boy (1989) 1/2 (out of 4) Sick, twisted, disturb, morally insensitive, vile, strange and repulsive are a few of the words that others have said when reviewing this film. All of them might fit but I'd also add horrid. A crackhead thief (Brad Dourif) kill a couple and steal their car not realizing that their infant son is in the back. The thief gives the kid to his angry boss (Paul L. Smith) and his wife (David Carradine in drag) who raise the kid in all the wrong ways, which leads him, known as Sonny Boy, to become a raging killer. No matter how you look at it, this is a crazy little film that one really does need to see in order to get its full impact. Yes, seeing Carradine in drag is the main draw and to me it was pretty much the only draw as I found the film to be boring from start to finish. There's no pacing, no style and nothing here to really be interested in. It seems as if the filmmakers sat down and thought about making strange stuff but they didn't do anything with it. I'm sure a more polished film could have been made with this subject matter or perhaps a more depraved John Waters like film. Either one of them might have worked but what we got is something in the middle and not nearly as effective. I'm really not sure if this film was meant to be taken serious, seen as a joke or some type of spoof on the whole serial killer genre. It doesn't really matter in the end as it fails on all levels. Seeing Carradine in drag is just plain weird but it's the main reason to watch the film. I somewhat liked the fact that they didn't try to hide his "man ness" and let him talk in his normal voice and didn't have him shave all his hair off. Dourif isn't too bad and neither is Smith but they're lost in a worthless movie. It's was mildly entertaining to see Sydney Lassick and Dourif working together as the two previously worked in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST.

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This is the worst piece of garbage I've ever seen. A total waste of celluloid. What were they thinking? Stay away from this one. This belongs on somebody's "Top ten Worst Movies of All Time" list. Not even funny or cute, like Plan 9 from Outer Space. Abominable.

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