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A Vietnam vet with PTSD and his new wife are invited for their honeymoon aboard his war buddy's yacht along with a third war friend and their girlfriends. Soon, they are being slaughtered one-by-one by a mysterious gloved assailant with an unusual pronged murder weapon.

Britt Ekland as  Linda
John Phillip Law as  Allen
William Smith as  Burt
Lewis van Bergen as  Mark
April Jayne as  Isabel
Jillian Kesner as  Claire
Robert Quarry as  Dr. Khorda
James Booth as  Dr. Torrence
Donna Kei Benz as  Nurse Mitchell
Don Scribner as  Richard Vargas



but I had to watch it as is. As is, it's awful. I can definitely buy that it was cut to pieces in the editing room, because the characters don't even get onto the boat until about 30 minutes in - the time before that being taken up by about three different, and inconsequential subplots that fail (in my opinion) to enhance the story one bit. And once they're on the boat, we get treated to the killer's ludicrous stalking about . . . seriously, you're on a small boat, why can't you 'hear' the crazy slasher coming? Once people start dropping dead, aren't you going to be a teensy bit more careful about everyone's comings and goings? And the 'Nam flashbacks are laughable. The peasants look like they're wearing day-glow rags, while the lush Southeast Asian forests are represented by someone's back forty.To be fair, the cover art's impressive, although at least one of the screen caps on the back wasn't even in the movie.

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Luisito Joaquin Gonzalez (LuisitoJoaquinGonzalez)

If you judged every director on only the one title, then your DVD shelf would be a very lonely place. Coppola, Spielberg, Stone, hell even Scorsese - they have all made slight 'miscalculations' throughout their respective careers. Keeping that in mind though, the last film that I saw from Gary Graver was the abysmal 'slasher' Trick or Treats, which in all honesty made Plan 9 from Outer Space look intellectual. Taking that into account I must admit that I didn't expect much from Moon in Scorpio. But with notorious exploitation titan Fred Olen Ray on board as co-producer, there's no way of ever knowing exactly what to expect. In all honesty the bizarre casting decision of putting Britt Eckland's name above the title was more than enough to get my initial curiosities aroused.Keeping things hackneyed, we begin with the oldest of all slasher clichés. Yep you guessed it; an unseen nut-nut makes a break from the least secure mental hospital imaginable, killing an unfortunate orderly on the way. Once outside the complex, the psycho makes short work of a cheery pharmaceutical salesman and then flees the scene in the dead guy's car. For some inexplicable reason, the head psychiatrist doesn't bother informing the Police that they have a murderous maniac on the loose. Instead he calls in Private Detective Richard Vargas who is described by one shrink as being, "Almost crazy enough to be a patient here himself." Next we fast-forward two weeks and Vargas is seen boarding an abandoned-looking boat that is adrift in the middle of the sea. Once on board he finds Linda (Britt Eckland) sprawled across the floor in a heap. Whilst attempting to wake her up, she stabs him in the stomach with a bizarre spear like device. The (unconvincingly) hysterical Linda is then dragged off of the boat by two orderlies who don't seem at all concerned by the fact that Vargas has just been fatally impaled on the huge spike.A few days later, Linda is fit to be interviewed by the head psychiatrist and he asks her what exactly happened out in the middle of the sea. We soon learn that she had been on a honeymoon with her husband, two of his war buddies and their girlfriends. The plan was to sail too Acapulco and spend a couple of weeks lapping up the sun on the beaches. Unfortunately along with the suitcases and sangria, the gang had inadvertently brought along a maniacal killer who had his own reasons to want to be stranded in the ocean with the holidaymakers. For the rest of the runtime, we see through flashbacks exactly what happened aboard the cursed death ship. Just who was responsible for these viscous murders? According to many reports that I've read over the web, Moon in Scorpio was continually re-edited by the distributors and was eventually released without any of the supernatural elements that had been originally intended from the script. The IMDb mentions a vampire and astrological plot points, which sounds intriguing, but couldn't be further from the contents of the version that was eventually released direct to video. The only available VHS print is typical slasher by the numbers fare, and contains no trace of the rumored paranormal ingredients. Perhaps one day a Director's Cut DVD will solve the riddle of the missing plot points. Unfortunately whether you can blame the edit-happy distributors or not, Scorpio is a lackadaisical entry that lacks suspense, creativity and effort from any of the big name cast members. Eckland was laughable as she struggled to look even slightly motivated, whilst hard man character actor William Smith was totally wasted in an undemanding role.The film's structure is also totally inept. The flashback narration seems to run illogically beside what we are seeing on the screen and we are never given a credible conclusion as to the killer's motives. At a guess, I'd say that the maniac became a vampire post-death in the scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor. At one point in the runtime there's a slight hint as a character drinks her partner's blood after he accidentally cuts his finger whilst dicing carrots. There's also a sub-plot involving a link between the three male cast members, who fought in Vietnam together. But these few scenes, which amusingly look more like they were filmed in a park down the road from Gary Graver's house than anywhere near 'Nam, never amount to anything either. If you don't manage to work out the unseen killer's identity by the half hour mark then you shouldn't be watching anything that's not PG-13 rated. And the anemic showdown between the survivor and the killer couldn't have been any less entertaining if it were filmed in slow motion.Perhaps one day we will be able to see what Graver really intended with Moon in Scorpio. But as it stands I'm afraid that there is very little to recommend. Don't bother hunting this one down.

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Definitely the worst film I have seen. Although i haven't seen 'Manos hands of fate' or 'Gigli' yet, I can say for sure that this film belongs down with them. It seems like the director has tried to make every scene dramatic and creepy, resulting in no build-ups or pauses, no sense of flow in the story, just a 1½ hour boring/embarrassing goo of silly murder scenes and pointless dialogues. Finally, I don't think there's reason why it's called 'Moon In Scorpio'. There's one really stupid scene (which is supposed to be thoughtful), where Gary Graver squeezes in the title in Britt Eklands dialogue, but it makes no sense at all...1/10 for some 'so bad it's good'-scenes

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"Moon in Scorpio" is one of the worst slasher flicks I have ever seen.Everything in this picture is by-the-numbers,and even undemanding horror fans who only ask for competent gore will be disappointed,as the numerous murders(mostly stabbings and throat slashings)are practically anemic.Shot on a very low budget,the production values are almost nonexistent and the story moves at a snail's pace.This is truly bad horror film full of meaningless scenes which do nothing to the plot.The acting is completely awful and the direction by Gary Graver is even worse.An absolute trash-avoid it like the plague.My rating:2/10(for some nice murders).

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