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Darkwalker centers around a haunted house amusement park near Fresno, Californa called Hobb's Grove (yes, it's a real place), where a group of teenagers get Halloween jobs working there. What they don't know is the land the attraction was built on has a bloody history. They soon realize they are in for more than just a Halloween job, when one by one they start dying off. soon they find a monsterous creature called, DARK WALKER, has risen to take vengence on the trespassing patrons.

Brenda Matthews as  Nancy Magee
Brad Potts as  Sheriff Gillis



I've seen worse acting, hell I've been in worse films. It's a small cheap budget horror film that doesn't have the insidious cgi nonsense monster that is slightly less scary than being shouted at by your mom. No it's not a great film, no it isn't going to change the world but I think that's kind of the point. There are directors and actors who can pull off horror and make it sit in your bones - this isn't one of them. The actors are a cross between charmingly bad and charmingly silly. Do you know what I find more annoying than bad horror? People who think that sneering at heartfelt, try-hard horror is the same as being a master of horror. You think it's so easy? make one of your own. Roger Corman, Sam Raimi and even John Carpenter were sneered at for years. This film is a perfect popcorn film. It doesn't ask you to suspend belief, it doesn't want you to except that the main character was dead all along or that the people living in the village had really turned their back on the 20th century, all it ask is buy some beers, buy some popcorn and laugh all the way through with your best mates. Sometimes that's all we want or can ask from some types of films.

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I read your other reviews and bought this film with a little trepidation. The film concerns 8 teens being stalked and killed by a creature because the have opened a horror house on some sacred ground (Ithink the plot really does not make that clear). The killing are a little lack lustre and could have used a little bit more atmosphere but all in all it gets the job done. For those who care there is no nudity in this film at all (Male or Female)and the gore is very minimal so if either of these is your thing Avoid. If like me you are just looking for a fun/creepy way to pass 90 mins then you could do a lot worse. The ending is a little strange though and I felt it let the film down a little.

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Remember the glory days of B Cinema, the artwork for the movie was outrageous and colourful, fantastic ad campaigns pre sold the movie, and ofcourse it didn't hurt at all at the time, if your name was Andy Milligan, Al Adamson or even the grandfather of gore himself H.G Lewis, Alas however names such as these have long gone, either onto pastures new(i.e H.G Lewis)or past beyond.Such flights of fancy are still maintained today, as when first viewed when you look at the cover for the latest slice of straight to video terror not only directed By Danny Draven, but upon looking through the list of credits, to note, but he also co-edited, was also the Dp and he also worked on the sound.May one suggest that if he ever decides to forsake the art of Film-Making, perhaps he could pick up a trade more meaningful in life, say perhaps, maybe an optometrist, as yet again, i believe, he has found himself involved in another assault on the human senses with such a boring excuse for a horror movie.I don't think it helps as the movie was shot on Digital video, but for the love of all that's unholy, i'm not to bothered if the characters paraded on the screen encompase the A to Z of Blonde bimbo's, Bill & Ted Stoners or hell even a Marilyn Manson Groupie Wannabe, but please allow the poor viewer some crumb of comfort, with something enjoyable to watch.Anyway as it stands. It's Halloween at Hobbs Grove, a dying town is about to get the kick start it needs, with the arrival of haunted fairground amusement park, Several Jobs are up for Grabs, so we see the various auditions for the girl school screamers required, and once assembled they are given the low down, except that is for the little known fact the Haunted House Of Horrors was built on Sacred Ground.An Intriguing idea indeed, Ably handled yes, even the gusto shown by the producer Chuck Williams hiding under the DarkWalker Costume should be applauded, however as this was a Chuck Williams production, that theory is always there, that he donned the costume to keep a close eye on the production, too bad it wasn't close enough, that even he couldn't smell that this turkey was looking slightly undercooked.As ever with these films, if you thought you'd seen anything, apart from the non-existing ending, stick around just after the film finishes, just before the credits, we are threatened with the notion that DarkWalker 2 is just around the corner.Just the mere thought, sends a shiver down my spine and that's all the horror i can take...Ps. Some fools have all the luck, as ever the sucker, i bought the movie based upon the cover alone, i had high hopes, as i'm sure the producers did too, and as long as we are, for we i mean me is fool enough to buy into such disappointments, they will always be made.Pps. Lets here it for the glory days! Because Something's gotta give!

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Horror? NO! Funny? OH YES!This movie is horrible. Bad actors (especially the main guy - he was so unbelievably sweet that it made you throw up) and actresses (the only believable actress was killed in the beginning of the movie). Acting was horrible. So horrible that it made you laugh. If you watch this movie, you'll feel like you're Anthony Hopkins! And I thought that I was untalented!!The movie itself - it feels like the movie was made as a home video! The crew should really start learning how to make movies!!! Well, I don't even want to think about the special effects.... There was no blood - only red water.The plot - there was none!!! Kids come to work in a place where Halloween party takes place.... And this stupid, unreal monster starts killing them. Yeah, but why?? Good question, because you'll never find out the answer.

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