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Dr. Anna Fugazzi is a young, attractive psychologist with a loving and devoted (albeit freakish) boyfriend, plenty of stimulating friends, and a bright future ahead of her. But beneath her perfect life and calm exterior lies a deadly secret that she herself cannot imagine, much less confront!!! There is a delicate balance between reality and illusion, between conscious and the subconscious, and for Dr. Fugazzi, the truth lies somewhere in between the beauty of her present life and the horror of the not-too-distant past!!! Shocked by hallucinations and deadly images, tantalized by familiar, eerie voices, provoked by her deranged and knowing patients, and daily nightmares that awaken her in a strange, white room, Dr. Fugazzi takes an inhuman journey into her very psyche!!!!

Faye Dunaway as  Detective Rowland
Martha Smith as  Kitty Carloff
Steve Larkin as  Professor Elam
Christie Lynn Smith as  Madame Tulare
Greg 'G-Spot' Siebel as  Python
Cheryl Tsai as  Grace Chen



Did this movie ever make it to the theater? Box Office Mojo is a film site. It lists every movie that has ever made a single dollar. Domestically, Avatar was #1 with revenues of $760,300,000. The film Zyzzyx Road was #12602 with $30. The Seduction of Dr. Fugazzi is not listed in the list of over 12600 films. I have never heard that this film was ever seen in a theater. This was no more than a poor college film with one movie star. After this film October Kingsley never advanced her career. Has anyone heard any more from this person? Has she been involved with anything in the industry. Are there any statistics on the total gross revenues realized from this film? This movie looked like it was trying too hard to create a cult following too. There was no flow to it.

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It was obviously very low budget, but I think the director shows promise. The actors need to work on their authenticity (with the exception of Faye Dunnaway). The storyline was pretty intriguing, although predictable for someone that's watched a lot of movies. However, I like the fact that the story actually comes to a conclusion of some sort, although some editing at the end would have been beneficial. I can't stand movies that just sort of fizzle out with no sense of completion, so I applaud the director for picking a decent story that actually ends at a logical point. It's also nice to see a woman of apparent Indian decent in a lead role.

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I have rarely seen such an awful film as this one. Its one redeeming feature is that from time to time the cinematography is "quite" nice. Otherwise, it's utterly terrible. The dialogue, well, what can you say? I don't think I can come up with enough negative superlatives to evoke how cliché-ridden and quite frankly wooden (something that complements the acting) the script is. It's the kind of script that you can complete in your head before the lines are delivered.As with someone who commented above, I only made it to the end because I thought that maybe, just maybe, 'normality' would be presented with a complete shift of both the dialogue and the cinematic tone. This was about the only justification I could think of as to why the rest of it was so bad. But oh no, that idea had obviously not occurred to anyone involved in actually making the film. Did no one tell the writer/director/star of this appalling example of film that the whole thing was a disaster? I'd be interested in meeting representatives of the companies that funded this venture because I have a little proposition for them.Meanwhile, avoid this shockingly bad film at all costs - even the apparently sexy October K blows it by thinking herself super-sexy

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Definitely worth a look if you enjoy weird (stuff that makes NO SENSE at all), art-house-type films (shaky camera work and terrible acting) that defy the restrictive boundaries of contemporary, mainstream American films (in other words, it's so bad, there are NO WORDS IN THE English DICTIONARY TO DESCRIBE exactly how bad it is). Also, lots of perverse, wacky humour and sexually suggestive material (yep, when all else fails - revert to boobs and bottoms) that will rattle your delicate sensibilities for days to come (I've already forgotten about it - the only thing I'm wondering is why someone/ANYONE! would waste their time, let alone their money to watch it). Please DO NOT compare this movie to ANY movie (original or not) from Directors Lynch and Kubrick. It's like comparing J.K. Rowling to William Shakespeare. (In fact, not even that close).

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