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Love can be painful. Very painful. The intriguing-on-the-outside, twisted-and-tortured-on-the-inside Tara sets her sights on the unassuming guy-next-door Ray. Their innocent flirting turns into a regretful one night stand which he hopes to put behind him. Tara has different plans for their relationship.

Natalie Dickinson as  Tara
Henrik Norlén as  Ray
Caitlin Wehrle as  Maddy


Sean Ruddigur

If you thought R. Sloppy thought that voodoo moon and haunting of the innocent was at the bottom of life's barrel then wait until you rent from red box the film no one is talking about "Crushed" or "She's Crushed" This movie is what big Neil would call God Awful. This has to be one of the worst films I have seen in a while and I tried running through the Friday the 13th bore fest. The acting is horrendously bad. The story made no sense and had constant jump scenes which I think was trying to be transition cuts? Scenes that had nothing to do with the original plot but I don't think this film had a plot, the website was a sticker on the actual movie disc I mean this is even low for red box standards. They make full moon productions look like Top Gun. TOP GUN! The bald side line character was doing in prov for every single line and was vocally the most racist character in any film ever. The name does make some sense because she is a girl who gets crushed by 'Ray' though it doesn't really explain why and how she had intercourse with him made absolutely no sense. She picks him up on the side of the road 'without knowing who he is' brown out drunk and goes to town. If your into that... thenDon't bother with this one folks. I would rather break beer glass bottles in my hands by squeezing them then shove them into my eyes. It's that bad.

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Every mans nightmare, crazy girl who will do anything to get and keep her man. I see this as the Fatal Attraction meets any bloody torture porn and that's not a bad thing. I love the way this woman can get away with almost anything just by the mere fact that she is female. I think this is a great angle for a horror film and I for one felt pretty bad for Tara's new lover. Tara is the main character of the movie and is played by Natalie Dickinson who knocks her role out of the ball park. This is movie had me squirming and as a jaded horror fan this is not an easy thing to do. I like this movie and recommend it to the true gore hounds and horror movie buff but this is not for the average movie crowd in my mind.

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Paul Andrews

Crushed starts as Ray (Henrik Norlén) turns up for work one morning & sees a young attractive woman named Tara Wood (Natalie Dickinson) struggling with some heavy luggage, Ray offers to help & the two introduce themselves to each other. Ray is a recovering alcoholic & after a row with his girlfriend Maddy (Caitlin Wehrie) goes on a drink binge & ends up on the side of the street drunk, Tara just happens to be there & helps Ray to his feet & they both go home together where they have sex. The next day & Ray tells Tara that it was a one night stand & he doesn't love her or want to be her boyfriend, Tara doesn't take rejection that well & goes psycho on Ray. Tara kills Ray's boss, Ray's friends & finally targets Maddy in an attempt to make Ray love her...More commonly known as She's Crushed this was photographed, edited, written & directed by Patrick Johnson & after having just watched it I was reminded of the psycho thriller Fatal Attraction (1987) with a one night stand turning into an absolute nightmare for one man who slept with the wrong woman, the main difference is that Crushed has no depth & writer, director Johnson tries to turn a twisted love story into a Saw (2004) style torture film. While Fatal Attraction had great depth & a real resonance Crushed doesn't, in fact the character's are paper thin & the plot is wholly predictable from start to finish. There's some sub-plot about an old woman in a mental institution that never seems to have any relevance to anything else, a black and white opening sequence that again seems totally pointless & a central story that never moved me. Tara's victims barely get any screen time, Ray is unlikable, Tara's back-story is never explored & she manages to murder an awful lot of people without any suspicion falling on her whatsoever. At one hour & twenty five minutes long the pace is alright but the first thirty odd minutes are quite dull, things pick up by the end as Tara kidnaps Maddy & Ray but it's too little too late.The film looks alright, while not badly made there's little in the way of style here. A lot of IMDb user comments state how gory Crushed is, well there's lots of fake blood splashed around but very little actual gore. There's a shot of a drill going into someone's forehead, a woman's feet are tortured & her toes chopped off but otherwise it's just lots of fake blood splashed over people's faces or over the floor or walls. Apparently actress Natalie Dickinson recorded several video dairies which were posted on YouTube under the channel 'TaraisCrushed' which described her descent into madness, maybe some of the story deficiencies & empty plot are addressed here & Tara's feelings, thoughts & background are covered but who is going to sit through all of those before actually watching the film? It just seems a bit pointless to me.Apparently shot in Dallas in Texas, reasonably well made there's not a lot to the film to be honest & it does feel empty & repetitive at times. The acting isn't great, Natalie Dickinson does alright I suppose but everyone else is pretty bad.Crushed is a Fatal Attraction rip-off that goes for bloody horror rather than tense psychological thrills & it just descends into badly staged set-pieces. Not a film that I could recommend, Crushed doesn't quite know what it wants to be, either a psychological thriller or gory brutal horror, & ends up satisfying as neither.

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This movie wasn't too bad for a low-budget thriller/horror movie. There were buckets of blood/gore, tons of maiming and a lot of sick sadistic acts perpetrated by the main psychotic freak. What really killed the movie the most for me, though, is how much of a weak pathetic loser the guy is portrayed as. He has many opportunities to take the chick out in the movie, but since he's such a pathetic wuss you'll find yourself yelling at him to grow a pair and do something besides being a tool. They should have picked an actor more congruent to the role, the actor here is a pretty decent size guy and yet he can't take out a little 115 lb psychotic chick when he has the chance (and he has many!). GROW A SET OF TESTICLES MAN!Anyway, as I said there is a ton of gore, the story is quite intense and for the most part the actors do a good job; the problem for me is the absurdity of the guys situation and how he handles it... or in this case, fails to handle it.Would I recommend it? Yes, it's a good ride and has decent shock value. The story is decent enough to keep you there, if only to see what she'll do/get away with next. Another thing I'd like to know is how when she's cutting people up she only gets blood on her face and nowhere else...

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