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A young woman’s nightmarish past returns to trigger off a bizarre phobia she was once cured of; an intense fear of space, eased only by closeness to walls. She becomes a psychological survivalist when her remote house suddenly becomes a spiritual battleground, as evil forces gather to torture her during a night of terror.

Marguerite Moreau as  Lee
Brittany Curran as  Helena
Colin Hay as  Nick
Michael Emanuel as  Father Mitello
Donna W. Scott as  Dr. Schulman
Jillian Bach as  Trina


Maria Fahlsing

I have no idea what just happened in this movie, who most of the characters were, and I have a raging headache. This movie left me cold, disappointed, very confused, and wishing I could have my 2 hours back. The characters are not really developed aside from the main character, Lee. The other characters aren't essential to the plot, are mostly absent from the story, and their interactions with Lee don't make any sense and do not drive the story along, so you don't care about them. It's nearly impossible to feel connected or even interested in the other characters. I've been sitting here for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what the plot was supposed to be and why the director failed to notice that the final cut of this film is a nonsensical mess. I'm terribly confused and angry, because I thought I would be watching the more recent film by the same name and my cable company failed to notice the difference.Seriously, do not waste your time on this piece of garbage.

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What's starts out with an interesting situation devolves into one of the stupidest hackneyed menu of random "scary" stereotypical imagery and scenes ever.Before I watched it, I noted the description, something like "woman with mental problems...". Well, it turns out there's another movie of the exact same name in 2009 with a vaguely similar premise. But when I went to IMDb to check the reviews (just the ratings), I thought I was checking up on THIS movie. The ratings for the other one are quite decent. So I thought I'd take a chance and see the movie (or what I thought was it).All through the movie (well, past the half hour mark... it's decent up until that time) I'm wondering what drugs those reviewers are on, or how much they were paid to write false reviews, or if the reviews were all written by the film makers directly.Directly after the movie ended I logged onto IMDb to investigate such false allegations of a good movie and lo and behold after I started actually reading the reviews (and not just look at the ratings) I discover that they can't possibly be talking about THIS movie.If I do one positive thing before I die, if might be to lower your expectations about this movie enough so that you expect crap, but come away pleased that there was indeed *some* good stuff about it.

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The most interesting part of this movie is the phobia. And, its manifestations. Shot up-close and hand-held, when she relapses, the film develops a very claustrophobic perspective. It puts us into the mind of our heroine.The documentary at the beginning gives us an instant bond with the main character, who we now know married the filmmaker. Fallen on hard times, he's now working on a new project that's going to change their lives forever.LITERALLY! Yes, IFC had the wrong description. Yes, the other movie THE UNINVITED is better. But, what a refreshing take on horror, to be inside the mind of someone literally living in fear.

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I saw this movie on IFC, originally thinking I was watching the 2009 film of the same title (thanks, cable company for mis-labeling the description!) The beginning was interesting but the rest of the movie fell flat. It was confusing and disjointed throughout. Although I like Marguerite Moreau, in my opinion very few movies can be successful with only one actor on screen for the majority of the film (e.g., Cast Away) and this one is no exception. Even the greatest actress in the world would have had nothing to work with here. I was intrigued by Lee's unusual phobia and how it was initially presented to the viewer. However, the only reason I kept watching it was because I expected (or hoped) that the rest of it would live up to the beginning, and I was sorely disappointed. There were certainly scary moments, if you are into that sort of thing, but even those were very predicable - I almost always knew when to look away or turn down the volume to avoid being bombarded by yet another scary face.The plot simply didn't go anywhere and the film just dragged and dragged. I don't believe that the origins of the phobia were adequately explained. I was waiting for some big revelation about the old woman, what had happened next door, etc., but it never came. I certainly didn't come to any better understanding about it. The character experienced flashbacks from her childhood but nothing connected to the present. The scenes with the therapist were confusing - was she recalling the therapy or was she imagining it now in order to cope with her current situation? The subplot with the ghosts in the house and demonic presences was poorly executed. Okay, so the spirits were messing with her mind. So what? To what end? It was obvious that her husband had drugged her - why else would he keep asking if she ate the breakfast? The husband seemed sketchy all along and I wasn't surprised that he turned out to be evil, or an opportunist, or whatever. But that whole storyline was inadequately presented and was not resolved.The movie seemed to tease the viewer with the beginnings of ideas but failed to follow through, as in a poorly supported essay or thesis. You were teased about the husband's new project dealing with spirits, but there was no elaboration. You were teased about the history of the house, but not enough information was provided. You were presented with the situation with the girl and her baby, and it rang incredibly false. To me the girl's character was unnecessary and uninspired. I realize she was there in order to move the plot along, but it didn't work. I wasn't invested and didn't care what happened to her. I didn't care about her baby. There wasn't enough of a presence of her in the movie to make the viewer engage in her character. The man in chains was another confusing character. Yeah, I get it, he was scary, but what was he doing there? What did he add, other than a tribute to Frankenstein's monster? I realize, unintentionally, my review of the movie has been quite choppy. Inadvertent as this was, this is appropriate since it parallels the path of the movie. Nothing made sense, nothing was properly explained or concluded. At the end I found myself wondering, what the heck was this movie about? Although I did not enjoy the movie I was hoping for some kind of resolution, something to take away, some bottom line I could gather as to what the film was about. But I was disappointed yet again, and I still can't figure it out. I am a fan of films that weave the plot with enough ambiguity to allow the viewer to make up his own mind and draw his own conclusions. This wasn't one of those movies. There were so many gaping holes in the plot that there were no dots to connect - just wide open space. You are left guessing all the way through, and worse, at the end, you don't even care.Bottom line - if you like psychological thrillers, horror movies, ghost stories, occult films, or movies in general, stay away. You will just be annoyed that you wasted your time. I would rank this movie among the worst I have ever seen. It was a failure as a scary movie or any other genre of film.

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