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Based on chilling real life events, this story charts one couple's terrifying real life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. In 1930, Reverend Lionel Foyster and his wife Marianne move into the Borley Rectory when Reverend Foyster is named rector of the parish. The couple's peaceful existence is soon shattered by a series of unexplained occurrences which quickly escalate into a heart stopping nightmare. Now Reverend Foyster and Marianne must discover the deadly secrets of the Rectory to avoid becoming another tragic footnote in the dark history of The Most Haunted House In England.

Lee Bane as  Frank
Suzie Frances Garton as  Marianne
Tom Bonington as  Lionel
Sarah-Louise Tyler as  The Woman



Got this in a pound shop. 99p over priced. No relation to the true Borley Rectory story at all. No supernatural goings on worth reporting. OK, the actors weren't bad, but I felt embarrassed for them . Hope Suzie gets better exposure though, she's good . So slow, and not 1930's at all.

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Mark Wightman

Watched this and was extremely disappointed. It's not actually a horror film, a more accurate description would be a drama without any drama. Nothing actually happens, characters just mope around rooms and moan about their lives. The acting is abysmal and could not even be classed as amateur dramatics standard.The actor that plays Frank Peerless is ironically named as I've never seen someone act so badly. I've no idea where he got the idea to talk in a mock cockney/toff accent- but its laughable. The vicar is about as wooden as they come and the whole thing is unbelievable and would be laughable if it wasn't so tedious. If this is the standard of British filmaking there is no hope.

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Kyris Thomas

Awful, completely awful, completely and utterly waste of £4, the story doesn't make any sense what so ever. Was looking forward to watching but now,completely useless, Just wasted a complete 88mins of my life I can't get back now, if I could rewind time I honestly would.No point at all of watching this. No supernatural forces. No haunting. No nothing really.The best thing thing to do is avoided this film. Nothing's happened until it was over. Not sure if it was just me that didn't like this film, I would say it's more of a romantic-crime all it really was about, accuracy I don't really know what it was about to be honest. I really don't understand the paranormal connection at all. This movies is about a cheating wife, not about paranormal activity. I didn't get what the ghost drivel, that was randomly shoved into a movie of entirely different genre, had to do with anything or what connection it was supposed to have to the story.

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This movie says it's based on the Foyster's experience at the Borley Rectory. It could also be said that "Soylent Green" is based on Ray Kroc's experience flipping burgers. That's about as far as "A Haunting at the Rectory" gets to telling the story about a haunting at the Borley Rectory. Having spoken to Marianne Foyster's son Vince, and having read Harry Price's book about the Rectory, and the Foysters, you come to realize "A Haunting at the Rectory" is a generic story glued on to the Rectory's history, and at least two real people involved in it. Had they at least provided something scary, I could give this movie a higher rating. But their theft of what really is a scary story, and turning it into a dull, melodramatic ride through a pastor's wife's discontent, a sleazy handyman's ruse, and a kind pastor's growing jealousy, oh- and some wandering "ghosts" thrown in because, you know, "Rectory" and all that, makes me realize they stole the Rectory's reputation just to sell the movie. This script could have happened anywhere, but I guess calling it "A Haunting at the 3rd Street Episcopal Church and Community Center," though just as applicable, would have been hard to fit on the DVD box spine.Too bad. I was hoping to experience the Borley Rectory's haunting. Instead, I got a barely recognizable one.

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