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An elderly man wants to exit earth in a state of unity with all creatures. To that end, he hires a quartet of manservants to plug his facial orifices with their fingers.

Anthony Quinn as  Archie
David Warner as  Blade
Sonja Kirchberger as  Anya
Alexandra Stewart as  Hilda
Johnathan Staci Kim as  Chinese



this movie was a puzzle from the day i saw it over 10 years was a puzzle how it got made at all. a true independent movie with no strings and or compromise, but it was made?! when i saw it in a major film festival, it was evident that the audience was shocked, speechless, and no matter who had what idea about the movie being good or bad it was well clear the film was one of a kind and yet it never showed up anywhere?! now and after many years i hear it finally gets distribution world wide, and that it is admittedly written being 13 years in hiding from the public (LONGTALE world sales)?!why would anyone do such a harm to such a genius work of art?! why would anyone not let this film screen for Oscar nominations?! Quinn never looked more daring than this ever. directing is phenomenal. script is just so original, it had to be nominated. design is well above just another original setting. only an artist could have done that work (which i salute Shokof for being a true artist honest to all his notes). Barbieri is great. cinematography could pack a nomination as well.and now such a huge question mark remains how on earth did anyone hide this gem of an art work in the hiding for so many years and why?!i mean it is not that the man (shokof) had just shot Kennedy, and that the truth had to be covered and remain a secret forever. he just mad a movie that could have opened the eyes of the world to new hemispheres and what is wrong with that?! i guess i just give it a 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000so it would stay fresh and respected for equally so many years in the future. one amazing piece of cinema.

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i had read the philosophical thoughts of Yekishim,and Maximalism by Shokof before i finally saw the movie (seven servants) just recently in a festival in Germany. shokof himself was not present as always. people who stood to take questions were less impressive with the answers as the fate of this magnificent movie which has been in a hide for almost 15 years. shokof has just brought his manifest and thoughts of Yekishim in form of a most refreshing, and simply magnificent movie onto earth with this film. it is not that the acting of Quinn is not matched not just by him but by no one else in my opinion ever, and that for what he had to go through making the film throughout some extraordinary configurations in the film history, and above all not even getting an Oscar for his performance cause the film did not even get released. it is not that the directing is phenomenal by shokof (his debut) which should have gotten him nominated for the Oscar the least, and : it is not unfortunate that such a unique and doubtlessly the most original story ever told did not get that Oscar it should have and or for the one of a kind Design by shokof and.........none of the above hurts more than the speculation that only due to the political circumstances connected to this film shokof who i believe is by far one of the most extraordinary multi-talented minds of our times did not ever get a chance to continue as one hears more and more often that all his future works have been completely ignored globally?!(this was brought up in a question at the festival,and no one was able to point out to shokof,s other brilliant works) it hurts more to see that such situations still occur in even a most free minded scenes of the world that is supposed to be that of the arts?! seven servants and daryush shokof bring about the notion that there are no limits to the boundaries of the arts no matter where one comes from. he and his works are a landslide away from all Conservative Iranian recent films and much more ahead of even the free world as each oe of his works has introduced a certain dimension of originality of thoughts to mankind for centuries to come. i salute Mr. shokof,s seven events and all his existing record as an artist. a 10 and a lot more to all his courage.

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the rating shows 5 but it is just wrong. this movie fits no rating system, and or movie criteria. it is there to stay for another 100000years. timeless, full of ideas, and a most original story ever told in the history of mankind. anthony quinn never looked more at ease. directorial could have not been more onto the dot. cinematography is brilliant. the design opens new perspectives. a movie and a story that made shokof a name to join the list of eternals. shokof belongs to a free world and his films are certainly not restricted to any nation.however, being an Iranian and making films as he does should be a turning point for all those who think arts are restricted to vicinities. wrong. it is not. the true artist creates works of art (and seven servants is one work of art of the highest order) for eternity. this one equals to all those who have been amongst us and have left such works behind. i do hope IMDb corrects the RATINGS on Seven Servants. another 10 from me for this great contribution to the humanity and the arts.

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Daryush Shokof said in an interview after screening the film that Marlon Brando was up for the role of Archie (Anthony Quinn took the part)and Norman Mailer was supposed to play the friend (played brilliantly by David Warner). He said all his childhood dreams came through when these names were ready to commit themselves to this amazing story. Seven Servants is in every perspective a rarest film of all cinema history. an old man wants to get it all over with and hires 7 servants to plug up his body openings and stay connected for the next 10 days? Thus a most unique, original piece of literature , visuals, and concept takes form on the screen never seen by anyone, and or anywhere in arts and or literature until this great piece of film making came about.Shokof,s Cult masterpiece gets a 10 from me alone for the concept, and then again for the courage, and then again, for Quinn,s extraordinary and shocking performance and then again for out of this world details,Pure Directing such a most complicated movie with an ease, and simplicity, and for all the amazing lines throughout the movie, and also for the most intriguing set design ever. the film is obviously against racism, and for unity of men on Earth. Shokof mentioned in his interviews that he had a dream the night after a terrible fire burnt a family of Turks in a house in Germany . The servants are of different races, and the there are jaw-dropping moments where all these connected people act as one creature doing routine activities of the day from painting, to dancing, eating and or even going to the rest room together. the film is truly a masterpiece of ideas, and an art form that does connect to audiences of all ages regardless of them understanding all the most thoughtful elements hidden under each line in the film. there were Children connecting to one another after the screening and this in itself was the shock of my life. perhaps this is also one of the reasons this movie never got released.Seven Servants might just be too unreachable of an effort for the world in reaching peace in our times and days. perhaps the film would be ripe for screenings world-wide in 3000 years, but whats immensely notable is that the film is done, and it has been viewed , and no one can wipe these amazing visuals off my mind ever. for whatever the reason ,it is a shame for world culture and arts and humanity that Seven Servants is still nowhere to be seen. a 10 forever.

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