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Kickassia is a six-part feature-length original online film created by Doug Walker and the rest of the gang at Channel Awesome (including the Nostalgia Chick, Linkara, Spoony, the Cinema Snob, Marz Gurl, and Angry Joe) in honor of the site's second anniversary. The plot concerns the Nostalgia Critic, eager to own his very own country, deciding to organize an assault on the Republic of Molossia a one-acre independent nation within the continental United States and usurp its president, Kevin Baugh. Hilarity, as well as movie references and heavy artillery, ensue.

James D. Rolfe as  Board James (cameo)
Doug Walker as  Nostalgia Critic
Lindsay Ellis as  Nostalgia Chick
Lewis Lovhaug as  Linkara



I am a fan of the Nostalgia Critic as well as a few other reviewers - mainly the Cinema Snob. When I found out that the guy made famous for ranting about crap movies has made movies I naturally was intrigued. To Boldly Flee was brilliant, for a movie that premiered online it was amazing. Suburban Knights was just dumb fun despite some problems and they still kept me laughing. I didn't really like this one.The plot is that The Nostalgia Critic invades a micro-nation with his follow internet reviewers. As time goes on he becomes mad with power and people then fight him for control over the micro-nation. That's it, that's all this movie is.First of all, as dumb as something like Suburban Knights was, at least with that you had a motivation for these characters along with characters who mainly had a personality. Here, Nothing motivates the critic to do something so outrageous in the first place. Don't get me started on the fact that over half of these characters really do have absolutely no point to the story except filling positions of government for one newsreel - That's it.Not to mention this movie is almost laugh-less. I said ALMOST laugh-less, there were a few laughs in this film but they were nothing more than chuckles. I chuckled at the Critics gathering in a circle and chanting "We believe in Santa Christ" after the Critic shoots him among other moments.Not to mention the shaky-camera in the invasion scene is the worst. That along with the constant screaming was more of a build up to "Tell me this isn't what you're really doing?" as opposed to the scenes starting the action in other ones where that was effective build-up. It only makes me see Doug Walker as being hypocritical when you look at his votes for most annoying clichés.So would I recommend this movie? Only to the most loyal fans of Doug Walker. I mean he has created a very likable TV show if you like his sort of humour and also a movie buff, but here EVERY complaint you'll see him raise in reviews for other movies in this one. Forced unfunny celebrity cameos and unexplained story aspects galore.

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David D Eval is correct. I didn't really like it, but a lot of people did. It is a film that fans of TGWTG and is worth seeing ONCE. It definitely had many good moments, but majority of the jokes fell short. After you watch it, remember the parts that made you laugh, and you will remember the film more fondly. Angry Joe was the best character by far. Nearly every thing he did landed. The concept is funny, but it really just falls flat of its true potential. If you are a fan, then watch it. If you are not, you will truly hate it. Think of it as a Pilgrimage. Personally, I do hope they have a sequel, but make sure it is done better. Angry Joe should be the main star.

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Remember when Spoony and the Nostalgia Critic used to be funny? When they seemed like regular, down-to-earth guys? After witnessing 'Kickassia', that seems like something that happened in another lifetime.There were warning signs before, of course. Their previous one year anniversary special didn't bode well, but this film takes the raging Internet egotism and desperately unfunny in-jokes to hitherto unprecedented levels. Not just a failure as a film, this is a misstep of 'Love Guru' proportions, the kind of ego-stroking embarrassment that makes you reassess their previous work and wonder if they were ever actually that funny to begin with.Yeah, so they're just online critics making something "for the fans", but most of these people critique films for a living and really should know better. It's low budget, but many films have been made for less and managed to throw decent acting, direction and lighting into the bargain, when Kickassia fails to get even the latter right. What jokes there are come off as forced and poorly delivered, when they're not being outright lifted from other sources. Once a keen fan, I've been losing faith in TGWTG's material for a while now, and this really seals the deal for me. A sprawling epic of compressed awfulness that only the most die-hard of fans could ever enjoy. Avoid.

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Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) and the rest of the reviewers from come together in a collaboration for their first full length film comedy. As a result, any inside jokes referencing reviews will go over a new comer's head. I for one, only watch Doug Walker's videos and Lindsey Ellis' (nostalgia chick). The story itself is very silly and over the top, but seems to be missing the pacing energy of a comedy.One must always remember that this is a movie with no budget and made by a bunch of internet amateurs. The story begins with Doug Walker decided to take over a one acre land called Molassia, which is apparently ruled by one man who dresses in an army uniform. They're is no acknowledgment of the fact that the man could just call the police to get rid of an army of internet geeks running around the land, or the fact that once these internet geeks aren't ruling over anything after taking over Molassia since it doesn't have any citizens. This is a very ridiculous premise that's funny at first, but the movie provides no pay off and milks down the joke. Doug Walker and his team take over Mollassia by an ambush and rename it Kickassia. The ruler of Molassia disguises himself as another person to avoid fighting with the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses team. Doug Walker rules Kickassia with plans to take over the neighbor hood and later Navada. Doug Walker, Film brain and Spoony deliver a delightful over the top performance, while the rest of the cast (15 people) are either hardly in the movie, or are forgettable. The best way to see if a comedy is really funny, is if I remember it afterwords. For example, there are several very funny moments in Nostalgia Critic reviews that I always remember, and I will often think of at random times of the day. The running joke that supplies the movie, is that several scenes are played out serious, but contain a line breaking the mood, or are serious while being over the top. This is a good idea, but doesn't work in a movie as long as Kickassia. Every scene is trying to be funny for the same reason, and uses the same comedy strategy that after the first half of Kickassia, becomes tiring. Bottom line, there just weren't many laughs during the movie. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular. In fact, I had no idea there was going to be a full length collaboration as an anniversary. I didn't even know TGWTG was doing an anniversary video until I saw the video with Doug raping Ma-Tia (boy that sounded strange to type). So I virtually had no expectations at all. I was just hoping to be entertained and laugh, and the movie didn't deliver very much of that. I laugh more times watching Nostalgia Critic reviews then Kickassia.

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