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There are two main plotholes to this story: 1- Why would a genius so smart to have been able to build such a complex world be so stupid to let so many childish software bugs exist in the world so that the captive copies can use them against him? How can you even make an actual thinking person being able to remember their past or parallel life by a copy of their DNA? 2- Why would a genius build a virtual world in which there is a wormhole by which the captives can not only escape from it but also get him entraped to death?! Not so genius.

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Trying to be hip and cool, writers seem to have started by thinking how do we take the star trek formula and turn it on its head where the patriarch is the bad guy (hint hint political message hint hint). Even the dialog (e.g. the unnatural and unfunny, taking my pssy is a red flag line) hints at this trying-to-be-cool attitude with some trendy worldview thrown in. What's more offensive however is that the initial promising premise is barely developed upon and the episode won't satisfy you if you have the slightest understanding of computer science OR biology OR basically if you remember anything from high school.If watching Black Mirror (one of my favorite shows) episodes back to back, I would suggest missing this one. I can't believe other reviewers would even compare this to the San Junipero episode which was absolutely brilliant.

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Black Mirror has built a certain reputation by being a show which present relatively solid, well-thought scenarios of dark grim technologically advanced future. It's been trying to pay attention to details and don't cross a line beyond which a science fiction turns into a pulp fiction. Well, they've reached this bottom point in this episode.No guys, you can't re-create an exact digital copy of a person by analyzing its DNA, it's impossible. DNA doesn't contain such information. It doesn't carry memories and behavioral patterns, even college dropouts know this, so apparently the plot was intended for folk even less competent than those.You can always go "blah blah blah but it's distant future and they know what we don't know now, so they found the way", but that's what delimits science fiction from movies built on superhero comics, there is no place for such lame excuses in science fiction. And, btw, human genome is almost completely decoded, so no, there is no "dark places" in it where a ton of personal information could be stashed.It's a pity the show degraded to such lowly level at season 4.

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No controvercy, no real thought, not moral questions, no thought provoking - just sfi-fi adventures. I hoped that Black Mirror will change for the better with the new season - nope, Netflix Mirror is still the same streamlined, dumbed donw entertainment, which is hillarious considering the original premice of the show. Honestly, if you gonna "omage" Star Trek, pick a theme that wasn't explored in Star Trek - the whole sapient simulation things was in Trek, and done better. And stick the happy ending on it - because factual details of your tech are dumb and wrong. Why is your dev kit conntected to the internet? Why are your admin privileges SO limited that you can't stop them flying the ship at a distance? How come a huge nerd didn't built in ANY system for not being trapped in VR himself, which is pretty much the main Sci-Fi fear of VR. Why for the love of god do you need to have the game running while you're offline? Just pause the simulation, you know like in White Christmas, a good Black Mirror episode.All in all, makes you question even watching the show anymore.

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