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Bruised from a night of rough sex, a young woman is shocked to find that her body, rather than healing itself, has inexplicably begun to rot. Swept up in the strange sensual experiences brought on by her slowly decaying form, she tries desperately to cling to her new existence — even as the putrid meat sack that was once her young body begins to literally fall off her bones...

Pat Lemaire as  
Kayden Rose as  



If this director NEVER makes another film in his life, we will ALL be blessed.Thsi movie was lame excuse to show feces, vomit, blood and urine on screen. Pure and simple.There is zero plot, zero character development, zero story. Absolutely zero story! And don't give me that s*** about the entire thing being a metaphor. Please...don't...The first 30 minutes of the film are the most boring you will EVER witness in the history of the cinema. The whole ordeal is UNBEREABLE. This movie is so bad it is VULGAR and an insult to anyone who is unfortunate enough to see it. It made me and my girlfriend feel violated.

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Tim McGahren

This movie was another waste of time, and I see the horror aficionados are here trying to make a silk purse out of a sh*t shingle. Circle the wagons boys! Horror is being threatened by reasonable reviews. Really, have you ever in your entire life met any girl who knew how to dress herself properly and brush her teeth not go to a damn doctor the second some tiny little thing was wrong with her? Ever? What BS. Plot; stupid girl does non-plausible stuff (like rotting and not doing anything about it). Whole story made me want to knock some sense into her. The only realistic thing is how all the guys she sleeps with are all total a**holes, just like the ladies do in real life. Totally stupid film, but here is how it should have been written; woman begins to rot to death. No one knows what to do, we see the interactions between her and her friends, and family. She is blamed for her own problem, people desert her for various reasons, causing her to die inside as well. We are surrounded by feelings of helplessness of the greatest doctors in the world, specifically one we get to know. We see the horror from her side of her impending death and from others for for the helpless victim, and the feelings of futility and lack of ability to stop the process from the attending doctor's side. Slow burn. The final image is the doctor leaving the rotting body of the dead young woman, and he looks into the mirror only to see the process beginning on himself. There I just wrote a more engaging movie in 2 minutes than this waste of time. Horror 'writers', try actually doing more than a drawn out gimmick, and write. A better horror film is Pieces of Talent.

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How I first heard about this movie was on Facebook, from one of the many horror movie pages I like since I'm a huge horror fan. They advertised it and what caught me first of all was the cover. It reminds me so much of Death Metal album cover (which I'm also a fan of). But at the same time it shocked me in a way and I felt I had to find out more about it. I then read the plot and I have to say it captivated me because I've never heard of something like this in a horror film before. So I then bought it on DVD from Amazon. I have just finished watching it and I have to say it was possibly one of the most effective films I have ever watched.The story really works and the character development was very simple but good. One thing I would like to know is the character's names. I'm not sure why they weren't namedThe acting was really good especially from Kayden Rose. The cinematography was great. Slightly out of focus at times but not enough to annoy. One of the best things I thought was the lighting.It really showed the bleakness of the scenes brilliantly and added a lot of subtly when showing Kaydon's character at her worst through her decay. It felt like the director was saying "you don't need to see the disgusting image all the time, but I would like you to imagine it" which made it just as effective.The makeup was absolutely outstanding. I cannot believe how realistic it looks. Devil horns go up to the makeup artists. So overall it was a good movie but I don't think I could watch it for a while. It was very uncomfortable to watch at times. The most disturbing scene was the end. I'm not going to spoil it anymore.So horror fans, if you want to see it please do. But I warn not to eat before and during the film. Also it doesn't show a spec of happiness throughout, which is why I thought it was very bleak.Mr Eric Falardeau, for your first major film, you did a great job. I hope to see you make more films in the future. You rock dude.

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It has been nearly a year since I have seen the 2012 horror film Thanatomorphose. This film has haunted me since. The word Thanatomorphose is French and it means to rot or visible signs of decay.The film follows a pretty young girl. She lives in her apartment alone. She has a boyfriend, but he only comes over for sex. He abuses her a lot. She is lonely. She is an inspiring artist, but her future in art looks bleak. She feels empty, and she believes that her life has no purpose. Sex her outlet to try and make herself feel SOMETHING. She feels empty. Be warned, there is plenty of nudity in the film and very light sex scenes. The main character is naked most of the time and the film has a lot of gore. The film wouldn't be as good without these. The pretty girl contracts some sort of disease that slowly eats her away. Where it is from I do not know. Maybe her abusive spouse is a carrier, or maybe it came from the rotting crack in the ceiling above her bed.It is a slow film, but I believe that the movie just wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for its slow pace. Its a low-budget film and a personal endeavor by its Director, Eric Falardeau and his first feature film. This film was not made to sell movie tickets or with money in mind. This film is not for everybody. The slow pace of the movie reflects the main characters slow decomposition, the claustrophobia of the films cinematography. This film accomplishes much on its low budget.Even the most mundane of scenes are important. Scenes show this girl brushing her teeth, putting on make-up and preparing breakfast. The mundane scenes show us that this girl is not Sandra Bullock or Angelina Jolie. She is an average ordinary person like us.The film takes place entirely in the girl's apartment. The disease slowly rots the girl to death. The disease itself is as much of a character as the girl is. I don't want to spoil anything, but it gets very gruesome and hard to watch at times. Whats even more bizarre is her reaction to her affliction. She does not panic or call 911.This is a reflection of how cut off from the world she is, how alone she is. Obviously a side effect of the disease is dementia. This represents the chaos in our lives and the delusions we force ourselves to believe so that we can just cope. Indeed, this film is the girl trying to cope with her new condition. The more the disease takes over her, the more lustful she gets. She covers all of the mirrors in her house so she can remain ignorant of her condition. Her skin is near-dead, so I'm assuming that she can't feel much pain or the dementia is causing her to dismiss it. When she finally sees herself in the mirror, she rips her eyeballs out. She prefers being ignorant then seeing the truth.Eventually she goes full-out insane and in her anger and desperation commits a fatal act of violence and despair against her abusive boyfriend and her neighbor. Now she truly has no one. By this point she is like a walking corpse. She crawls around until the disease finally takes her in one haunting scene that has stuck with me long past the film was over. I don't want to spoil much, but in the end she lets out an ear-piercing shriek in anger, pain and sadness as her body rots. No one can hear her. No one cares. The last frame is as haunting as her final breaths of life, with her just laying in the hallway, a bloody mess.I realize now WHY I love this movie so much. I realize now WHY this movie has stuck with me for so long. That is ME on the screen rotting to death as my flesh falls off. That is ME screaming in anger and desperation, for someone to help me. That is ME dying alone and no one can hear me and no one cares. That is MY dreams coming to an erupt and ugly end.This is just my little rant on this movie. Keep in mind, IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you don't like slow films, then you probably won't like this. I however, LOVE IT. It embodies perfectly how I feel in this modern, industrial and cold detached society. This movie is about death. This movie is about an ordinary girl and how her dreams never came to pass. This movie is about a lot of things. I could go on and on about it, but I'll stop here. I'm just going to end this saying that I will remember this movie for the rest of my life. Is the movie good? I think so, but not everyone will. I, however, love it.

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