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Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

After wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way into one of the last remaining buildings. Inside, they find a man who will make them a dangerous offer to survive the outside world.

María Evoli as  Fauna
Noé Hernández as  Mariano
María Cid as  María
Gabino Rodríguez as  Mexican Soldier

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or Gateway Porn.I attended a horror movie marathon ("Shock Around the Clock!") in Columbus, Ohio in October 2016 and We Are the Flesh was scheduled to premiere there. After some positive things I heard of it, I was admittedly intrigued. Granted, and in my defense of the review I'm about to write, I was told extremely little of this except for the very basic plot. Sadly, for me at the time, the film's sound was off. After a few attempts to fix this and moving other shorts/films around to do so, it never worked, so they scrapped it.The Shock Around the Clock! host should be absolutely thanking his lucky stars it never played. Number one, and the least minor thing wrong, was that this was a horror movie marathon and if this is 10% horror, that's being generous. Sure, there are horror elements, but the real "theme" if there is one, is that it's more Sci-Fi than horror. And you wouldn't even know it was somewhat Sci-Fi if you didn't know the synopsis going in as they never once explain what the hell's going on in this movie's universe. Number two: this is pretentious, artsy-fartsy crap. Yes, some would look at this as art, depth and a statement against (insert current social injustice here.) I don't blame people for wanting to go outside the box and experience the exact opposite of mainstream films. In the Shock Around the Clock! host's defense, the majority of his picks are just as pompous, so this would've fit right in. Only……Number three wrong and the most damaging: this is straight up pornography. I asked my friend who I attended the marathon with if there were any children in attendance since I couldn't recall. He said his son was there. There might have been other kids, as well. NO KID or TEEN should ever see this movie. Even with parental permission.Not to spoil any plot points – though that would be hard because there's about an ounce of actual plot here – but, what I am referring to when I call this porn: constant full frontal nudity of both sexes (and both adults and under-aged teens – though, it might have been just be the character's ages; more on this later) even with lingering shots on both genitalia, penetration, sexual acts, masturbation all around, orgies and incest…if I recalled it all.I am not prude. But, it is shocking to me that the Shock Around the Clock! marathon was going to show this to families with kids. I have heard that the host may/may not see all the movies prior to save for the experience of seeing some of the films for the first time on the big screen and with the (usually) "appropriate" audience, but word of warning: screen your movies first next time. This would've been wildly inappropriate to show to any underage person.Aside from all that, the movie wasn't any good. It's a tale of some crazed, horny and pretty ingenious survivor held up in what looks like a school and two young siblings break in and offer themselves (in many ways) to stay with him since "the city had no place for them." While under his, um, care?, he forces them to be the opposite of their nature, or morals, and the movie is just porn from there on. Oh, fine, while there are some bloody scenes (remember? 10% horror/sci-fi,) there's more singing and random screaming to fill in the gaps of the 79 minute runtime that felt like three hours.As stated in many examples, this isn't recommended for the underage crowd. But, for adults, instead, just watch porn. At least most of those adult films have plots 10x more coherent than this one did.***Final thoughts: Apparently, according to an unreliable source/website, the actors, namely the brother and sister, are of-age in real life, but they do look like they're young teens. So, if anyone wanted to see this just to get their rocks off, just know that in real life or in the fictional setting of this movie, you might just be watching nude kids walk around, have sex and everything in-between. Good luck explaining this to the feds if it's on your hard drive.

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This is a strange movie to say the least. I read some choice words from the director after I watched the movie and I'd still say that there is more to it than just the flesh you'll get to see. And you are going to see a lot of flesh and skin. This is very explicit to say the least. The three main characters have a strange relationship to each other and our main older guy is coming off as a creep.But as I stated before, this was done to shock and also to appall, but also to really mess people up. You probably will have mixed feelings about the movie or just downright hate it. A movie that can create such passion in the viewer might be onto something. It's not about enjoying what you watch (especially the scenes of sexual nature are not really there to arouse, but rather to make one uncomfortable), but being taken someplace you don't want to be. It feels like this tries to convey a state of society that has gone way too far ... or maybe I'm reading too much into it ...

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Mark Turner

There is a select genre of film in the world that doesn't fall into one specific category. It can be science fiction, western, mystery, drama or more. It is a wide ranging genre that you won't find listed among categories on Netflix of Amazon Prime or Hulu. I call the genre "What the hell did I just watch?" This category often rambles from one scene to the next, sometimes never connecting those scenes or plunging us into what feels like a drug fueled exploration of themes with no sense of direction or even providing little to no story as it moves forward. Many times that isn't so much a question of no story so much as it is the writer/director putting his own vision on the screen even if the rest of us can't make head or tail of that vision. WE ARE THE FLESH falls into this genre.Let me start by trying to explain what we seem to be watching. A man is confined to his home in what must be a post-apocalyptic world. He mixes various items into a vat and extracts from that some form of drug that he both uses a stopperful at a time and trades for eggs with some unseen benefactor. Into his world arrive a brother and sister hungry and looking for a place to crash. With a maniacal glee and a look reminiscent of Charles Manson, he takes them in, feeds them and eventually breaks them down to the point they have sex with one another. More happens but I'll leave it at that for those inclined to take the journey being told here.But I should also let you know that the journey is strange and by the end leaves you wondering what it was you just watched. It makes you question what the point of the movie was or if there even was one. Maybe there isn't one. Or maybe this is an art film where only the director can interpret the film, translating what the images he placed on screen meant or represented. In other words it's more art film than your average movie. If you like that you'll enjoy this. If you like more straightforward fare then this is one you'll hate.There aren't many straight out disturbing images here as many films in this genre are prone to offer (consider the odd "baby" in David Lynch's ERASERHEAD) but it will offer something that people will talk about and discuss or be offended by. Short of watching a porn flick the film offers plenty of sexual situations and close ups of genitalia. It also offers what appears to be various forms of on film sex starting with oral sex. If you're easily offended that should be your clue not to seek this film out. If it doesn't offend you don't think that this film will stimulate you. It's sort of like porn on acid with bright colored lights shining on the action and shot in a weird world of curved walls and slanted flats.When all was said and done the ending twisted the entire story I'd just watched. Yes, it has a twist ending. It doesn't make the movie good or bad but makes it even stranger still. Once more, whether you view that as a good thing or a bad thing depends on how you view the movie. For me it's not something I will revisit and was more bad than good. It left me feeling nothing except wondering how funding for films like this seems to come easily for some while other projects I would find more interest in are left in the dust. But that's just my perspective. Some will come away loving this.As far as the disc being offered here once more Arrow Video outdoes themselves. Would anyone expect less? The quality of the print is sharp, crisp and clean. Love or hate the images they are there to see in perfect clarity. The extras are for fans of the film and the director offering two shorts by director Emiliano Rocha Minter (Dentro and Videohome), interviews with director Emiliano Rocha Minter and cast members Noé Hernández, María Evoli and Diego Gamaliel, a video essay by critic Virginie Sélavy, the trailer and a still gallery. The film is in Spanish but English subtitles are available.

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Was there even a script for this film? It feels like a three-year-old's version of "shocking," when it's boring, pretentious, and so on. We're treated to a crazy homeless guy who lets a brother and sister squat with him, but in exchange, they must do whatever he wants. He wants incest, torture, and murder. In the hands of a better filmmaker, this might be something, but it's one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I rather enjoy bad movies --- the so bad they're good kind. It takes a hell of a lot to make me actively hate a film. The most astonishing thing about this movie is why so many film festivals saw it as "art" and choose to screen it.

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