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Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

A high school outcast who lives in a trailer with his mother finally meets a friend. He wants to ask her if they can go the next step, but then sees her kissing another boy at a party. He runs home only to find his mother having sex with a drunk. He starts yelling, but is countered by the drunk when he suffocates him and makes him look like he hung himself. The scarecrow comes in when the boy's soul is pushed into it. He goes out for revenge.

Todd Rex as  The Scarecrow
Tiffany Shepis as  Judy Patterson
John Moore as  Chad
Mark Irvingsen as  Farmer Hailey / Burt
Belinda Gavin as  Rhonda
Anthony C. Ferrante as  Jake
Guilford Adams as  Brian
Brad Jurjens as  Marty



Yeah, just that little oddity alone was worth writing the review... What the HELL was THAT about...!??? Anyway, you can tell by the 'Thanks' at the end to just about EVERY Horror Icon / Director in existence, that this guy's heart is in the right place. Man, this guy has more enthusiasm than, I don't know, just about ANYONE else! I can't really add much that others here haven't said (55 reviews?!! GEEZ!) BUT, I will say that in my very lowly and wretched opinion I personally think that if they had just kept the Scarecrow bloody SILENT and menacing and dropped the truly HIDEOUS dialog when he killed people, I REALLY, REALLY think that would have gone a long way to making him way more menacing and scary. The acrobatics didn't really bother me too much; and, if they had kept that along with just having him be silently vicious, that I think would have been an interesting combination. But, those UTTERLY INSIPID and STUPID lines were just so bloody awful that as far as I'm concerned it really hurt the film and lowered my already generous rating to 5 from what could have been a strong 7. We're talking SO seriously bad that it makes Freddy Kruger sound like Shakespeare!I think this director, especially how he goes on and on and on about how his idols are all the great Horror directors, particularly Argento, he REALLY needs to know when to get a bit more serious, mainly in how he directs the killings and DEFINITELY drop the stupid dialog which GREATLY dilutes whatever horror he has worked so hard to build...Otherwise, yeah, lots of fun, amateurish to be sure, but there are a LOT worse films out there...

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Holy @#%& this movie was still warm and juicy from the pile it was made with. I tried to watch this pile of festering waste but found it easier to slash my wrists and slug back a shooter of Lysol floor cleaner than endure more than half of the crap that was on my screen. I rank this well below anything I have ever watched on film or TV, and thats saying something. I once witnessed a cow crap in a field. I watched the steaming pile for a hour and a half, who knows... it might have moved or something. Well that was time better spent than watching this tripe. The acting was non-existent, the plot was somewhere other than on this film. I think I saw a cut seen early on where the plot managed to escape and was riding off in the background on the back of a old pickup truck heading to Portland in hopes of becoming a Steven King shi77er. Please tell me director is getting medication he so desperately needs. It's pretty clear he needs heavy medication and I'd willing to front the money needed for his lobotomy reversal. Bah... I can't give this review the full punch it needs because nothing this painful can ever be done justice in typed word alone. Let me just say that if your looking for a flick to pass some time and you see this Chilton on the rack, walk to your car, start the engine, then shove both of your fists straight into the fan until it you can't feel your bones vibrate anymore. Be sure to have your wallet in hand also because you were going to waste the cash anyway. You might as well have the privilege of wasting it yourself.By the way, I watched this after a "buddy" of mine sent his girlfriend over so I could see it. HE dint come over, SHE had too. Whats worse is that she had to watch this $%&@ thing TWICE! I heard their married now and he gets to visit his balls once a month. I hope it was because of this film.

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Perhaps one of the worst teenage slasher films I ever did see. I'll start with the bad points of t he movie, which pretty much covers the entire film. First of all, something no one can avoid: TERRIBLE ACTING. I swear they picked up some random kids off the street based on how they looked. Secondly, BAD/UNCONVINCING CHARACTER WORK/DEVELOPMENT. You hardly even know half the kids who are killed in here. All you figure is that they deserved it one way or another. The scarecrow's character was overdone, and a cheap rip-off of the other great fantasy killers such as Freddy or Pinhead. Next: BAD DIALOG: The Scarecrow was full of horrid one-liners that would make you laugh, only because it was so terrible. Lines like "Let's go find some small animals to torture!" really just leaves you with an eyebrow raised. Last but not least: Next off: BAD CASTING. How old was the guy who played Lester? Like 30? The back of his head was balding for God's sake. There is much more I could say about this film, like it's cheap special effects, it's "high school film class" effort, but the point is understood. It's just bad film making at it's worst. As for what I found to be "good" in the movie: -Entertaining for those with low, low, LOW standards -Would help put insomniacs to sleep. -A very cheap laugh, or even a giggle.

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I've gotta say, I usually like horror movies that i've never seen... however, this one was just to pathetic for my gory taste. I'm used to the gory, gut wrenching types... but this particular movie was lame. The acting was horrible (yet the corny (no pun intended) one-liners were cute). And the sequel to it, Scarecrow Slayer was even worse! Yes, probably, when it first came out, there was a huge rave about it and people liked it. But when movies like The Ring and The Exorcist of Emily Rose come out, movies like these make movies like Scarecrow seem childish. If you want a movie to just pass the time, pick this one! The special effects are cheesy as heck. But seeing that it was a low budget movie, I can kind of see where that would come in. This will kind of remind you of the movie "Children Of The Corn." Independent movies rock.... most of the time. So if you want to see a scarecrow killing people with corncobs, or in the sequel, 2 scarecrows going at it, then these movies would be for you.

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