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Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

A supernatural thriller, laced by flashbacks, and set in Canada’s North-West, “The Stranger” turns on the mysterious titular figure of Martin, who comes to a small quiet town seeking to kill his wife Ana who suffers from a very dangerous decease that makes her addicted to human blood - just like himself-. However, when he arrives to the town, he discovers that Ana has been dead for a couple of years and decides to commit suicide to definitely eradicate this dangerous decease, but, before he can do it, Martin's brutally attacked by three local thugs led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police lieutenant, and the incident suddenly starts a snowball that will plunge the community into a bloodbath.

Lorenza Izzo as  Ana
Ariel Levy as  Caleb
Aaron Burns as  Officer Harris
Cristobal Tapia Montt as  Martin
Luis Gnecco as  Lieutenant De Luca
Alessandra Guerzoni as  Monica
Nicolás Durán as  Peter



As a previous reviewer pointed out, this is a vampire movie that doesn't seem like a vampire movie at first. It becomes obvious pretty early on but it doesn't feel like even good vampire movies that are out there. The problem comes from the characters. The writing is a god-awful vomit of words that just seems so fake as to be a parody of itself. The goofy thugs on "the stranger"'s first night were so brazen as to be impossible to believe. The corrupt cop dad showing up... OK, I can buy that. But then he starts acting as if absolutely nobody will do anything to him for not only dragging the body of a murder victim off to hide it for his idiotic son but then he picks up the kid, sets him on fire, pulls him off of a bus in front of dozens of passengers and... How do you write this and not see how insanely goofy this is?The main characters aren't QUITE as unbelievable but the outright stupidity of some of them can't be believed either. Conceptually it had potential. The execution was a miserable failure

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This movie had potential. Conceptually it is a solid take on the Vampire genre and it was shot well, but.... But. It is like the movie was directed and written by a 10 year old. The dialog was just way too simple and I felt like I was watching some dubbed Italian horror flick from the 70's. Not that there is anything wrong with dubbed Italian horror flicks from the 70's. I actually find them to be charming. But, it's 2016 and the fact that I was constantly distracted by these attributes was fairly annoying. Worth watching on a rainy day, but I wouldn't put it on the must watch bucket list.

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'THE STRANGER': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)Horror flick from writer/director Guillermo Amoedo, and producers Eli Roth and Nicolas Lopez (the three also worked together on 'AFTERSHOCK', 'THE GREEN INFERNO' and 'KNOCK KNOCK'). This film tells the story of a mysterious stranger, with a deadly disease, who comes to town looking for his wife; but death and chaos follows him. The movie stars Cristobal Tapia Montt, Nicolás Durán, Luis Gnecco, Ariel Levy, Alessandra Guerzoni, Lorenza Izzo and Aaron Burns. It's an interesting and well made vampire drama flick.Martin (Tapia Montt) comes back home, to a small town, looking for his wife, Ana (Izzo). Instead he finds trouble, in the form of a gang of violent hooligans. Martin is attacked, and left for dead, by the criminals; but a young man, named Peter (Durán), comes to his rescue. A police officer, named Lieutenant De Luca (Gnecco), is the father of one of the gang members; and he's used to covering up his son's crimes. The Lieutenant is extremely troubled by the presence of this mysterious stranger. When the townsfolk learn what Martin's blood can do, things become even more crazy; and violent.The movie takes it's time getting going, but it's worth the wait. It's not full of excessive gore, like a lot of vampire flicks, but it's got enough action and thrills, to keep most viewers entertained. All of the performances are decent enough, and Amoedo does a more than adequate job directing. I look forward to seeing more from him, and the Roth/Lopez/Amoedo team, in the future!Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:

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Must admit the trailer looked promising for The Stranger and the movie certainly had some interesting elements. I'll avoid spoilers however from the cover alone you can gleam a hint. It was really strange for me however as it almost seemed like some of the cast had their voices dubbed over, this was very strange as others sounded fine and I don't know why that happened but it was off putting as some of the cast subsequently (whether related or not) just seemed not to be doing a great job acting. So we ended up with a strange movie with a mixed cast of almost amateurs and some pros, very strange. I would have liked to know more of the how and why and less of the rather forced plot devices and characters. A shame as there really were some good elements to this horror movie however it all ended up a bit all over the show despite good efforts.

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