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Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

September. 22,2009
Trailer Synopsis Cast Keywords

With the departure of the Bush Administration and the arrival of an “era of transparency,” opportunities are arising for the disclosure of new information that may shed more light on the events that took place before and after 9/11/2001. Loaded with powerful, new footage and in-depth interviews this documentary presents a wide array of evidence both known and unknown…until now.

Daniel Sunjata as  Narrator

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This "documentary" is a turd. Plain and simple. Much like the Kennedy assassination people will believe whatever it is they want to believe. Case in point. Our Government can't even build a functioning website with an army of people and $600 million dollars to do it with. In an age of all out social media, the internet, and 24 hour news cycles this garbage just proves that the human race, especially people who believe this "inside Job" crap, are getting dumber by the day.Let's look at another conspiracy and how dumb people are. When crop circles first started popping up in England everyone thought they were made by UFO's. Idiots everywhere came out in their tin foil hats marveling at how no human could have done something like this over night with out anyone seeing or hearing anything. Whole crazy people industries started popping up around this. Suddenly, 2 old British dudes came out and said they had been the ones making them. They showed how they did it, and how they did it so fast, and their demonstrations came out as perfect replicas of the "UFO" ones. Not being able to do something that big and that fast turned out to be entirely possible and only needed 2 old pranksters, 2 wooden planks, and two pieces of rope. Still their are idiots running around refusing to believe that, still say it is ufo's and using all sorts of technology to claim radiation is being emitted from them and every thing else. Grow up and put on your big girl panties believers, truthers, or what ever you call yourselves. At least the Kennedy conspiracy was a small bit believable since most theories talked about a few guys on the grassy knoll. For 9/11 to be an inside job would have taken hundreds of people to be perfectly organized which if you have ever human beings at work, you know that is just impossible.

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Well we obviously have a graduate from the Micheal Moore School of Documentaries here. This is the biggest piece of crap I have watched that wasn't his. I would say this is full of lie after lie but that wouldn't be true...they sprinkle in some half truths and a lot of "Huh? what's that got to do with anything?" You can't really blame them though, as when your premise is so absurd it doesn't leave you a lot to work with. They even go to the steel doesn't melt absurdity(how is it made then you genius). Two pictures of "the same area", but having completely different landmarks. Lies of when Bush was told about the towers falling, omissions of important facts like the short times the flights were in the air(by design), explosions from the "bottom of the buildings" while they show video of the buildings falling from the top(take a physics class moron), an "interview" with someone from the Department of Agriculture that supposedly had an odd conversation with one of the hijackers that was never reported(and no video of her saying any of it), and a general naiveté of life in general. They quote few to none of their "sources", except the left wing nut jobs that have the same no proof that they have. This is a slap in the face to anyone with common sense, the people that died on that horrible day, their families, and to be honest the United States of America. They should be ashamed of themselves, and should not claim to be Americans. This work of fiction could be considered a comedy, as most of it is so laughable, if it weren't for the screaming you will do at the TV for being insulted, and the huge crap they take on America and the families affected. A don't mind a dissenting view in a documentary or otherwise, but it should be at least close to fact based. This lacks anything that could be considered fact, and leaves you scratching your head wondering if anyone is dumb enough to believe any of this to the point of putting this mindless drivel on film and releasing it. Please, if you watch this, use your brain on the pathetic obvious things, and do research on the rest before you look as dumb as these film makers in public.

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Another film put out by the tinfoil hat brigade. I can't believe the way some people nod and say how well this film was done, when it's obvious that the people who say it was all a giant conspiracy are just liars. THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH! They are the same folks who claim we didn't go to the moon, loonies that just HAVE to pretend they know something big and important, and can't stop talking about it. I can't believe either the way IMDb lets people who obviously haven't seen the film spew nonsense about everyone in the political spectrum that they disagree with, even though it has nothing to do with the film being reviewed. Well, I guess some people couldn't fill ten lines, otherwise. It's fashionable to knock whoever the current administration is, and no, Dubya might not have been a very good President, but he wouldn't attack his own country

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Simply put, this is the best of the Loose Change permutations so far. All the facts are laid out in clear fashion, and the music soundtrack is thankfully more subdued and muted this time around. The narration by actor Daniel Sunjata is an improvement over director Dylan Avery's sober but somewhat weak turn as narrator of the last Loose Change entry.All in all an impressive, polished presentation in terms of the look and sound, but, more importantly, it gets most of the important facts out into the forefront.Foremost amongst these facts are the findings of physicist Steven Jones - PhD, who discovered, along with his team of scientists, explosive/incendiary material in all of the samples of 9/11 dust they have acquired (over 20, from different sources, independent from one another) and how they have proved that this material is a form of highly powerful Nano Thermite which ignites at temperatures high enough to cut through steel. This material is not Sulfur as one commentator erroneously stated. It exists in the form of small chips - gray on one side, red on the other - that ignite at around 430 degrees centigrade, and produce tiny spheres of molten iron of the exact same chemical composition as molten iron produced as a by-product of ignited Thermite. Through a process termed "X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy" it has been proved by Jones and his colleagues that the microscopic particles comprising the bulk of the red part of the chips are nano particles (1/1 thousandth the diameter of a human hair) of iron oxide and elemental aluminum - the exact key ingredients of Super Thermite, or Nano Thermite. This is incendiary material that can be made to be explosive when other elements such as Silicon and Carbon are added, and both of those elements were also identified by Jones, et al as being intimately mixed in with the Iron Oxide and Aluminum. Their findings have yet to be adequately refuted by any official investigative body. In fact, none of the four official investigations, including the last and "exhaustively carried out" investigation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology even bothered to look at the dust, nor did they even consider any hypothesis other than collapse due to damage and fire, even though it is required by law to test for explosives in any fire investigation. Some investigation.So we have a material found in all the dust samples that consists of the exact ingredients of a known material that can cut through steel, that ignites at 430 degrees centigrade, and that produces molten iron spheres as a by-product just like Thermite, but it is not Thermite? If this were not enough, we have pools of molten metal at the bases of all three buildings six weeks after their collapse, and video showing molten metal literally pouring out of the south tower beginning five minutes before it's collapse, and the molten metal looks absolutely and positively like the molten iron produced by Thermite (go to YouTube and type in "Thermite 9/11" to see for yourself). A fact totally ignored by defenders of the official story is that the heat produced by the fires did not exceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature far too low to even weaken steel let alone melt it. It seems that they never let the facts get in the way of their faith in the official dogma.Then there is the testimony of Housing Authority official Barry Jennings, who along with another man by the name of Michael Hess were witnesses to massive explosions inside WTC Seven before either tower had collapsed. As if things were not suspicious enough, Jennings died suddenly last August, two days before the final NIST report on the collapse of WTC Seven was released (NIST said it was due solely to fire - yeah, sure) - it goes on and on and on and on.Attacks on this documentary, and the whole 9/11 "truth movement" in general, are becoming increasingly ineffectual, indeed embarrassing in light of what we now know.Dylan Avery and everyone involved in this production are on the right side of history and will be vindicated, in due time, along with all other unbelievers of the official story. Good for them.

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