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Four young men have won a trip with their favorite social network. On board the private plane that took him to New York, they are invited to participate in an in-flight entertainment: a new online gaming experience. But this is no ordinary Thurs Trapped at 30,000 feet, they will play for their lives and those of their families. They will discover the hard way that put his life online can have dire consequences ...

Jack Gordon as  Max
Michael Jibson as  Dave
Elen Rhys as  Gwen
Joshua Richards as  Alligator
Sule Rimi as  Militia Executioner



With the benefit of hindsight, I have to chuckle a bit as I remember the tagline that started this film off: "based on actual events reported on social media sites," or some such nonsense. Right. I don't think anything even remotely comparable to what happened in the plot of this movie has ever happened in real life or been reported, making me wonder what the point of starting it that way was. I guess that will have to remain a mystery.And, in fairness, it doesn't detract from the movie's enjoyability. I thought this was a pretty good film to be honest - appropriately creepy to start out with, getting more and more frightening as it went on, and with a decent enough twist at the end. It looks pretty low budget, with a largely unknown (to me at least) cast and a set which would have to be described as minimalistic. Pretty much the whole story takes place on a private jet, so there was no great expense involved in making the sets. The story has four people, who are users of a social media site called "all2together" being rewarded with a trip to New York City on board this jet - the prize apparently having been offered by the site. But the winners are to play a social media game on the way, and they have to agree to play the game to the end. Here's where we see some connections with real life. There's an old saying (or at least a new old saying, since social media, I suppose, is still a fairly recent phenomenon) that whatever goes online stays online - so don't post anything you might regret later. That's a lesson pretty much all of us should learn. Really - how many of us would want everything we've ever posted or watched or visited on the internet to become public knowledge? In truth, I've received angry emails from total strangers who've disagreed with movie reviews I've posted here! I was threatened once (online) by a person who didn't like me commenting on a post he had put on a public discussion board. True enough. The internet can be a strange place! Well, the four winners of our contest learn that lesson very quickly. It seems that everything they've ever posted - and more than that, every website they've ever visited and every video they've ever watched online - is known to, well, whoever it is who's got them on the plane. This is the creepy part. Whoever it is (he's represented on computer monitors as a talking snake, reminiscent of the serpent of the Garden of Eden) knows intimate details about them and uses them to create distrust and even enmity between the players. With the beginning, the story continues to progress to the point at which the consequences involved with not playing the game properly (and, eventually, we discover that there are consequences to playing the game at all) become quite terrifying.There are some credibility issues involved with this. The tormenter of the group knows TOO much about them - things that, to me, wouldn't become known just from a person's online profile or a person's websurfing or webposting history. But that's part of the creepiness. Credible? Perhaps not - but movies like this don't necessarily need credibility. It worked to create an atmosphere, and in the end it does make a point. Back to that new old saying - be careful what you put online, because what goes online stays online. Its pretty good advice. Point taken. (8/10)

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First of all the film is clearly a failed attempt at a Big brother/Saw hybrid, removing all originality from the foundation of the movie, they might have got away with it if was all executed well but it wasn't.Then obviously you have the bad script coupled with bad acting and poor delivery of the already poor script. The interaction between characters and the 'main bad guy' is both awkward, frustrating and irritating. The core of the film follows the same generic formula of all weak psychological 'thrillers/horrors': A group of people take it in turns to reveal their personality traits and flaws in a crisis situation. The same generic formula applies to the rules and boundaries of the circumstances and the main bad guy: A highly unlikely and at times impossible scenario combined with over-the top powers afforded to the bad guy in order emphasise the feeling of fear, control and helplessness. The result merely portrays a story that is too unbelievable to have any real impact on you as a viewer and therefore reveals a lack of effort from the writer to think of a more intricate and realistic plot. An example of this is the fact that it takes place on a private jet (requiring a huge level of funds or authority/power to utilise - which your typical deluded killer doesn't have). Oh and this jet happens to get some form of North Sea WIFI where it picks up perfect internet connection ANYWHERE. Another is the ability of the bad guy to acquire access to ANY information on ANYBODY at ANY given time in order to gain control over the characters within the crisis. If it were possible to have this level of intelligence then there would be basically no cyber crime ANYWHERE in the world as the police would have caught everybody by now. Bare in mind that it turns out that this guy is an average sociopath - how he acquired super hacker/CIA capabilities in his spare time is omitted.After thirty minutes I was just wishing something would happen, anything to make the film have any real point to it. After forty I was wishing it would end. In the end there lacks any real point to have watching the film, there is a slight twist,but even that doesn't result in any sense of achievement. The characters were so weak that I really didn't care what they did or said or if they all died, in fact I hoped they would to stop being so irritating. The thing I hoped for the most was the irritating, cowardly and Ponce bad guy to reveal himself from the safety of his ivory tower and get brutally done over just to teach him a lesson, however if you are hoping for this slight balance of justice then you may as well use the 'OFF BUTTON' since this never happens either.

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Andy Steel

With most of the action taking place on the plane I did find this one a little claustrophobic, but then again I guess that might have been intentional. A small budget can't have helped too much either. Decent performances all round, although nobody really stood out, so honourable mentions go to; Scarlett Alice Johnson as Jo, Jack Gordon as Max, Michael Jibson as Dave, Elen Rhys as Gwen and Joshua Richards as Alligator.Although I did find it quite compelling I felt quite detached from the characters. I guess I didn't care about them enough for the film to have any great impact. It's quite well made, given the constraints of the budget; I just felt it didn't quite have enough to make me rave about it. It does flag a little about half way through and I found the ending slightly predictable. Still, it's worth a look if you have a spare 90 minutes or so.SteelMonster's verdict: RECOMMENDED.My Score 6.3/10IMDb Score: 5.1/10 (based on 2,504 votes at the time of going to press).MetaScore: No Data: (Based on 0 critic reviews provided by at the time of going to press).Rotten Tomatoes 'Tomatometer' Score: No Score Yet… (based on 1 reviews counted at the time of going to press).Rotten Tomatoes 'Audience' Score: 28/100 'Liked It' (based on 219 user ratings counted at the time of going to press).You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.

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This is a film that tries so hard to be 'SAW'. A group of people who've done bad things in the past are ordered about by a hidden psycho who wants to punish the people by performing tasks like kill another member of the group or else something nasty is going to happen to one of their friends or family. Watching this film gave you a sort of deja vu feeling of seen it before and unoriginal. The acting in the film was surprisingly good. There was the usual joker in the group, a strong lady, a weak hysterical lady and a strong male. It was quite cliché ridden and I for one foresaw what was going to happen apart from the twist at the end. Which is really good.I wouldn't call this film horror its more a suspense/mystery. There's no scares or blood just psychological torture. I don't know why it is called panic button either but it is not a bad film. Just distinctly average and nothing special but watchable.

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