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Nationally acclaimed evangelist John Luther is the last obstacle in the way of sweeping religious reform in the States. When a U.S. Senator and Luther's own supporters abduct and frame him in the murder of an innocent teenage girl, an unprecedented era of persecution is unleashed. Out on personal recognizance, Luther escapes police surveillance in search of the truth. And suddenly, a once-normal life is targeted by a team of ex-military operatives who wage a relentless campaign to eliminate the incriminating evidence. As evangelist turned fugitive, Luther vows to expose anyone involved with or profiting from the girl's murder; a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that will threaten the entire Christian community in America.

James Remar as  John Luther
Bruce Davison as  Senator Donald Harrison
Dean Stockwell as  Dave Wilson
Fred Thompson as  Dr. Charles Luther
Brad Stine as  Pastor Ryan Morris
Natalie Grant as  Monica
Ashley LaRae as  Aaliyah
Gretchen Carlson as  Diana Lucas
Raoul Max Trujillo as  Mr. Gray
Debrianna Mansini as  Agent Rivera



A movie where the big bad government tries to promote religious tolerance and the loving Christians are forced to put up with it.Can you say delusional?The so-called Christians who make films like this insist on being attacked by the big bad government even though they got their so- called savior Trump in the White House. They insist on refusing change and yet wonder why more liberal Christians or others dislike them. Why they can't make films where the Christians are more like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Niemoller or Martin Luther King Jr is a mystery to me.

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I've read many of the reviews and after watching it, it's obvious that the well informed really like it and the low information folks don't get it. If you are poorly informed but want to prepare to watch this movie google the following:Recent Administration Actions 1.Falsely portrayed the Benghazi terrorist attack as a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim YouTube video, and then lied about the White House's involvement. 2.Issued signing statements, refusing to enforce parts of congressional- enacted statutes. 3.Killed four Americans overseas in counter terrorism operations without judicial process. 4.Had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India's environmental laws—but no charges were filed. 5.Government agencies are engaging in "Operation Choke Point," where the government asks banks to "choke off" access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct the Administration does not like—such as "ammunition sales." 6. Made illegal "recess" appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the National Labor Relations Board when Congress wasn't in recess. Ignored the rulings of three federal courts of appeals that held those nominations unconstitutional. For further information read The "Cloward and Piven Strategy" and google whatisagenda21 then ask yourself about the TPP and the Iran Nuclear deal. If you don't understand what's wrong with the Iran Nuke deal look up 12ers. This is just the off the top of my head stuff but there's much more. In the light of recent events and the structural changes taking place around us this movie is actually reality light, and still it is terrifying.

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This movie began with a great premise. The USA has a rich Christian heritage. Religious freedom in the formation of our Republic has created a nation that is greater than 75% Christian in a pluralistic society. A Senator proposes a vague Religion Bill that will place all religions under the Federal Government, and a popular evangelist opposes the bill, and he is set up.However, that is it! The lighting is poor, the story line is disconnected, and the evangelist is a terrible role model.If you want to see a movie that shows Christian persecution on the university campus, go see God's Not Dead."Persecuted" just doesn't cut it!

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This one's gonna compete with "God's Not Dead" and "America: Imagine the World Without Her" for a Razzie in the God 'n Country Division.I'm amused how the lead character is described as "The last obstacle to sweeping religious reform in America...". In other words, a theocracy in which everybody's a Christian. How could there be anything else in This Great Christian Nation?All you really need to know about this film is (1) Glenn Beck was a silent financial backer, according to Christy Lemire of; and (2) respected character actors like Bruce Davison and James Remar must have been hungry and broke with winter coming on to take these roles.This storyline, in capable hands, could have made for a really good movie. This ain't it, not by a long shot, though the "Duck Dynasty" crowd will love it.At least I'll give it this: "Persecuted" had more laughs than "Sex Tape": One.

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