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A pair of evil kung-fu artists, Heaven and Earth, are slaughtering the entire Yin-Yang brotherhood.

Jackie Chan as  Ching Lung (Stone)
Austin Wai Tin-Chi as  Ah Tung, Lazy Young Man
Yen Shi-Kwan as  Heaven Devil
James Tien Chuen as  Ching Tsun-nam
Chen Hui-Lou as  Ching Tsun-pei
Hon Kwok-Choi as  Frog
Dean Shek as  Shek Earth
Wang Chi-Sheng as  Ching Ysun-tung
Im Eun-Joo as  Ha Ling
Mai Kei as  Man Who Has a Bird in Restaurant


Shawn McKenna

In cinema, regardless of country, there is a tendency to try to capitalize on the success of a film by remaking it Ad Nauseam. The most common approach is the sequel. Generally sequels will never perform as well as the original (there are exceptions such as Godfather and Drunken Master). When the star of the original film will not appear in the sequel this is normally a recipe for disaster. However, this does not compare to when the lead actor leaves during production (either through death or other problems) yet they continue on with the project trying to complete it. This happened with atrocities such as Trail of Pink Panther and Game of Death when they employed such fraudulent techniques as splicing in old footage, using body doubles while mixing with the original material to create an Ed Woodian style of film. This would also happen with Fearless Hyena II.With the success of Fearless Hyena there was obviously going to be a sequel. Jackie Chan decided to leave for the greener pastures of Golden Harvest during the early filming of movie. Now instead of quitting production, Lo Wei obtained the rights to produce this film, part of the infamous bargaining agreement between the Triads, Jackie, Lo and Wang Yu and employed the use of old footage, body doubles and mixed this with the already completed footage.This "sequel" borrows the same premise as the original and tries to follow the same format. Heaven and Earth (Yam Sai-kwoon aka Yen Shi-Kwan who was also the original nemesis in the first film and Kwan Yung Moon), wearing capes to appear villainous and silly, are tracking down all members of the Yin-Yang clan to exterminate them to prove that they have the greatest Kung Fu. Notice that they fight a young James Tien though later in the film he will age considerably. If you take note of every continuity error, or where the Jackie Chan footage comes from, you will probably have more fun watching this film.We are then introduced to a nude Jackie Chan getting fish, putting snakes down his pants and killing chickens. These introductory scenes of Lung are courtesy of the previous Lo Wei film Spiritual Kung Fu. Like in the first film Lung's guardian (the ubiquitous James Tien) wants him to get a job. This leads to one of the best scenes in the film that is actually left over from the first Fearless Hyena (I am not sure how much extra scenes were originally cut from the first film, but I've read at least an hour or more though I do not know how much still exists). Lung asks to get a job from Jaws Four (a great part from Dean Shek) in a restaurant and results are similar from his previous job with the other brother (a quadruplet) the coffin salesman. This scene is also infamous because of the post dubbing insults that were added against Jackie like – "Look at your ugly face. Small eyes and a big nose. You(r) hair is even longer than a goddamn monkey" and "That goddam long-haired hippie".Then we are introduced to the lazy son of Chan Chi Pei (Chan Wai-Lau as the Unicorn in the first film) Ah Tung who does have an interesting Rube Goldberg device that was done before Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Brazil (could they have copied this film? :-) Probably not). He is a disappointment to his father (though he has good inventor skills) and has a weak knowledge of Kung Fu. He is also friends with a local malcontent named Frog (Hon Gwok-Choi). Frog is the comic relief in the film (and we all know what happens to the comic relief in a Hong Kong film).The plot is vary familiar once you have the introductions of the characters and especially if you have seen Fearless Hyena. Jackie is going to take revenge along with his new found friend (who are they going to take revenge for, well I will not spoil that if it is not obvious). This leads to a shoddy finale that has new scenes filmed mixed with the climax of Fearless Hyena. There is no comparison to the awesome finale of the first film.After watching this movie for the first time I felt it was OK. After subsequent views I disliked it more and more. The biggest problem is the piecemeal approach to this movie. The doubles they used did not look like Jackie and did not move like Jackie (though the one in the beard was a decent fighter). Obviously Lo and Chan Chuen (the director) did not care about continuity and made lots and lots of mistakes in editing. For (another) example there is a good fire stunt in the film until they cut away and show the stunt man in complete protective garb ruining the decent scene. Oh and when they were not taking music from Raiders of the Lost Ark they were using a horrid electronic soundtrack.The pluses of this film are the contraptions that Lazy Tung creates and several scenes with the real Jackie, especially the scene with Dean Shek and the out-of-place betting scene involving turning a shirt inside out. Though even the new scenes Jackie does not appear to "giving it all" and sometimes appears to be out-of-place. Though some of that is because those scenes are from different films.I have a couple of R1 versions of this film. I have one of the full-screen prints (there are many of these out there) and the Columbia version. The full-screen print should definitely be avoided in favor of the Columbia version. This has a great transfer, Cantonese dialog option and looks quite good for this mediocre film. The worst attribute is the ever present malady that afflicts most Hong Kong R1 films – dubtitles.

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This was a terrible injustice on the director, Lo Wei's part. Jackie quit working for Lo Wei early on in this film. So, what does Lo Wei do? He edited clips and out takes with Jackie in them from the first movie and put an actor with no face, "meaning you never see his face," to complete the ending fight sequence and he then spliced a new movie together. There are only a few early scenes in which Jackie appears that are not cut from the first movie. Jackie tried to sue Lo Wei for releasing such a horrible piece trash with his name on it. However,to my understanding there was a deal cut that would release Jackie from Lo Wei, unfortunately part of the deal was that he would receive all rights to the movies that Jackie made for him. On the up side, there is a great shot of Jackie's butt as he jumps out of the pond while trying to catch a fish!

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The fact that legendary Hong Kong hack Lo Wei directs this film should be enough warning to anyone thinking of viewing it. This is supposedly a sequel to The Fearless Hyena, 1979. What we get is Jackie Chan in a few new scenes combined with scenes of a Chan look-alike. At least two-thirds of the film is with the look-alike. The plot is pretty lame; two brothers try to battle those responsible for their father's death. Nothing new there. Jackie Chan plays one of the brothers. In true Lo Wei style, he uses much of the final fight sequence from The Fearless Hyena and other outtakes to make this film. As a result, the film has a choppy quality that is hard to follow. Scenes follow scenes with no logical progression or connection at times. The dialog and dubbing are laughable, and the music is terrible. Chan lost a law suit trying to prevent Lo Wei from releasing this film. Too bad Jackie Chan wasn't directed by a Lo Wei look-alike with a head for better direction. 1/2 star of 4.

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Compared to Fearless Hyena this movie lacks almost everything that made its predecessor so good. Granted it has a few pleasing fight scenes, but after that it's complicated plot lines and characters, makes the movie hard to watch. I can understand why Jackie left the movie halfway through. The obvious double for Jackie and the footage from the original Fearless Hyena make the final fight scene laughable. Watch Fearless Hyena before watching Fearless Hyena 2. The movie isn't a complete waste, there are several amusing sequences, but overall the movie is a flop.

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