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A mind-bending thriller set in Portland, Oregon about an unspoken tragedy and its effects on a house, its temporary caretakers and the owners, a classical music critic and his wife on a recuperative trip to Italy.

Lindsey Haun as  Kelly
Blake Berris as  Jesse
RJ Mitte as  Tim
Randy Schulman as  Alan
Micah Nelson as  Adam
Michele Mariana as  Rose



Awful. Long needlessly drawn-out, aimless and utterly boring. Lead actress kept me watching (not for her acting in this 'thing'). There is simply nothing to like about this film and I really really tried. What a mess. This maybe the first time I ever saw an opening and recoiled at how bad the attempt was. I will be much more careful when using 'reviews' from IMDb in the future. It's a shame. Let people's films stand on their own. By doing this I find the false reviews hurt the ones involved more than help. I would not normally say this but IMHO avoid at all costs.

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This movie is a test of your ability to withstand the absolute boring, knowing you will receive no payout. Early in the film, you know what the supposed "mystery" is. Your first thought is, once you realize it, "I hope that's not the only surprise." Guess what? It is! That's it. There is nothing more to it. If there was an award for being the slowest to get to the point, this film would win. Oh, but chuck full of double en'tendre and simile. If that's your thing, and prefer to not get it in a book, watch away. In my opinion, every single person who rated this movie above 3 stars should be glad the Jone's massacre is over with, because they are the sort who would be susceptible to jumping on his bandwagon. Don't go near cults. You're mind lacks individual thinking.

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Clearly most of the people who wrote reviews are friends or family of the director. The flowery language alone is an obvious tell. A few people reviewed it very harshly as a response to the over the top praise. I'll do neither.This movie has several interesting ideas, some lovely visuals, uneven acting, a mildly incoherent plot and low to middling production values. The best shots are in the first 2 minutes and the last several minutes. The use of classical music makes sense for the plot but at times the stature of the music just underscores the generic quality of most of the filming. It doesn't have the lush beauty required to sell this story. It wants to be the Shining, the Omen, Blue Velvet or Don't Look Now. It's not. At minimum it would need 10 times the budget to look that good. I believe the director could do more if he had more to work with but the reviews comparing the movie to those things as if they are on the same footing are deeply dishonest. It aspires to those heights and can't begin to reach them. That said, for an unknown horror flick it's pretty good. You get the feeling the director could remake it with real money and a tighter script and knock it out of the park.

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First, I can't believe all of the fake, inflated reviews for this movie. Just take a second and check out some of the profiles that are giving it very high ratings and reviews. It's no coincidence that this is the only movie they have ever reviewed. Pretty shady.I knew it would be bad from the first scenes. They, and so many to follow, were unintentionally funny. The kind of desperate, please take me seriously type of funny you'd expect from a student film. The acting is terrible, it felt stiff and forced. I didn't waste too much time and started fast forwarding after only about 15 minutes. So if there was some sort of cohesive story to be found it certainly did nothing to make me want to find out what it was. Don't waste your time, there are too many other better movies out there.

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