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Roger Mason is a prisoner locked away in a futuristic fortress of a jail. Desperate to escape and see his daughter, he keeps making attempt after attempt to break free, but each one is foiled just as he's about to gain his freedom. As his punishments include being frozen in suspended animation for years at a time, he stays the same age while his daughter grows older. As more time keeps being added to his sentence, he despairs of ever getting out.

Gary Daniels as  Roger Mason
Meg Foster as  Woman #1
Bryan Genesse as  Bounty #1
Jeffrey Combs as  Captain
Nicholas Sadler as  Renny
Steven Schub as  Phil
Joe Unger as  Clements
Bruce Glover as  Priest
Willard E. Pugh as  Bounty #2
Duane Whitaker as  Sergeant



I want you to imagine for a moment. Imagine you are coming home from an evening out on the town with a friend, after having a few drinks together. As you're coming around the corner, You see a person carrying a child and walking a dog. You hit the brakes and try to swerve the car, but you end up hitting him/her anyway, then going off the road and ramming a telephone pole. You wake up hours later where you learn that the person was your spouse and the child was your child, and the dog was your dog. Then you learn that not only did your best friend go through the windshield and die, but he had advanced AIDS and since he bled all over you, now you do too. And to top it all off, they've had to amputate both your arms. Then a Man walks up to you and says "I can make it all better, I'll let you have another chance. I'll give you back your family, your dog, your friend, your car. I'll take away the memory of this evening, and the disease as well. I'll even cure your friend. And All you have to do for me is watch Spoiler." It's not worth it. Say no and walk away. Spoiler is hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. I've sat through Manos, The hands of Fate, I've sat through Monster a Go Go, I've watched Red zone Cuba twice, I've seen every move Steven Seagal has ever made. I saw street fighter, Armageddon, Clockstoppers, the Core and the Day after Tomorrow in theaters and spoiler is still the only movie I've actually almost passed out from watching. It's also a landmark movie in it's use of time compression technology, as it makes each minute feel like you've just watched between 6 minutes and 4 months of nothing happening. My Friend and I Actually looked at each other after it was over and said that it was the longest 7 hours of our lives. Then we looked at a clock and realized it had only been 90 minutes. (Then we promptly pulled the tape out of the cassette, snipped it in a few places and threw it into a dumpster off a fifth story balcony). Spoiler___________________________________________In the end, your expecting them to build up something climactic, and the surprise is that nothing happens and the movie ends, and no one cares. The best part of this movie is when they drag the main character in and beat him with clubs. If only they would do that to the director too.

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The special effects when they come are handled well enough when they finaly come.The acting is very poor and in places makes you cringe.The idea is kinda like Demolition Man crossed with Blade Runner.Its not the worst sci-fi low budget movie out there,could have been much better if handled with a bit of care.Id give it 5/10.

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It's a pretty sad to see a man wasting all those years and almost never able to see his daughter. But at least he gets to see her, even if she was old enough to be his mother. In a way the tagline of Mason trying to see his daughter before it was to late was good.

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Although made on a low budget, this movie manages to have some good effects and suspenseful escape scenes. Daniels gets few chances to show off his awesome fighting skills, instead focusing on his performance. He gives a excellent performance, proving he can do more than fight. You actually feel sorry for Roger Mason and understand why he makes the choices he does. 6 out of 10.

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